Why is my handwriting so horrible? Any way to fix this?

Why is my handwriting so horrible? Any way to fix this?

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>Writes like a special needs

That's a big yikes for me.

Practice cursive or whatever your country has. That helped me. Also, try writing tiny whenever you can. It helps make things uniform and legible, since it has to be clear to read it

Why is it only weird if a European writes bad? Also... Does my hand writting look THAT bad? And does it make it socially worse that I'm female in my 20s and still write like I have downs?

I used to do that, 3 pages per day when I was a child. Never worked. Will try to write small though.

Based on how you write and what you wrote, it looks like you are 10.
Be patient when you write, it is fine that it takes a long time to write, consistency is important here.
I mean, look at your first two g's, the first is fine, you are capable of writing a decent g, but then the second one is just awful.
Stay in school, keep practicing it. Don't think that computers are good enough for all your writing.

Slow down when you're writing. That was/is my biggest issue.

Mines worse.
I was diagnosed with a fine motor skill disorder.
It's highly specific, brain switches gears (parts of brain) between broad and small movements. I just suck at small movements.
In other words I can't write well. Maybe you're the sAme.

Left that capital 'A' typo in for effect as it was relevant to what Im saying..

Grills always write prettier. You should work on that, not because you are a girl, but because that looks just terrible. Try machine letters, just like on the computer, and take your time. Stay in the lines, if you have to correct a word, try to do it seamlessly, or strike out the whole word with a single stripe, not multiple, and type it again.

You could have dyspraxia mate, I write like a retarded 9 year old and recently got diagnosed. I was very confused because I play guitar at a fairly high level but the doc said that does things rely more on broad precision than accurate precision.

I recommend going to an occupational therapist and having a chat.

My print handwriting is terrible. Cursive is only slightly more legible, but at least it LOOKS nicer, so I stick to it at work. Aesthetics.

Write in all caps
Don't strangle the pen

Practice having confidence with holding a writing utensil. You should be able to draw quick parallel lines and elegant curves in one stroke.

Keep in mind that someone will always have to read your handwriting, so as to avoid confusion make a conscious effort to make it as clear as possible.

When people read they don't interpret individual letters, rather they interpret the entire word's shape.

"You" has a distinct silhouette

The clearer your silhouettes, the clearer your legibility

>I used to do that
>when I was a child

And children always write like crap, try it again

Try holding your pen differently, with a more relaxed grip. People say I've got nice writing, but my nicest is when I relax my grip. Remember that the tip of the pen is what makes the mark, but you shouldn't always lead with that. Using a pencil helps, too, and, funnily enough, learning Japanese characters was a huge boon for me personally. My prof was a bit of a stickler for forming the characters properly, so I had to pick up precision for movementw that English characters don't require, and this translated very well to my regular writing

>Stay in school, keep practicing it
...I don't even go to school except one for integration since I'm an immigrant. Will try to be slower for now, thanks user. Even Muslims who learned the Latin alphabet only 5 months ago write better than me.

>it looks like you are 10.
Does pic related still look like a 10 yr old wrote it? Shitty song lyrics I wrote down a month ago.

Will do.

I considered it but the thing is, I'm an artist. I draw a lot of animals I see outdoors just fine, I paint too pretty ok. So this makes me consider that it may not be the case? Do people with your condition find becoming an artist impossible?

Random but.... Why do girls write so well? Any clue? Also I do notice I do better with non cursive, will try to imitate it better. Teachers often complained about my hand writting, saying it wasn't possible to read yet non teacher ladies read it with ease.

So even though I am an artist, I can draw ok everyday, not have my lines jitter, I still could be at risk of having that condition, right? Just asking so I know if it's worth getting checked or not.

Cursive is worse for me...

Attached: _20190327_214904.jpg (2160x1952, 673K)

>You should be able to draw quick parallel lines and elegant curves in one stroke.
Oh fuck.... Really?? Most people can do that? I genuinely can't believe that's a thing most can do then. Best writting I can do is when I write in pencil slowly first, then ink over the letters, even slower like in pic related. Sorry for edgy text.

Thanks, user.

I see, thank you greatly user.

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When I was in high school, there was a kid I knew with handwriting as bad as yours. He was writing with his left hand, so I asked him if he was actually left-handed or whether he was just trying out the opposite hand for some reason.

Turned out he was actually left-handed. His left-handed handwriting looked like my non-dominant hand handwriting. After seeing that, I practiced with my non-dominant hand until it was legible, because if I was starting off at the point of some people... Well. I'm ambidextrous now. And it's all because someone had handwriting as bad as you.

Anyway, you should take some time to practice shapes and letters. It's helped me (although my handwriting with both hands is still bad).

You also might consider using either a pencil or a fountain pen. Don't use a ballpoint. Ballpoint pens should never have been invented.

It honestly doesn't look that bad, the only thing is that some letters are hard to tell apart. But cursive is hardly better in that regard, and stuff like Blackletter/Gothic might as well have been designed to be impossible to read.

Nope. Not as far as I know. Mine's arguably worse (not sure because I struggle to read cursive in general) and I've just accepted it. Most stuff is digital nowadays anyway so it probably won't affect your life much anyway.

My boyfriend has issues with handwriting, and it turns out he never learned the normal directional flow of forming individual letters. Just a little bit of practice with it made his handwriting easier to read and made writing hurt his hand much less. Don't worry about making it pretty, just make it legible and comfortable to smoothly do. Your handwriting isn't as bad as you think it is.

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It's fine.

>Ballpoint pens should never have been invented.
N-no. I own literally 50 of them, I love them because they're very good drawing with, I have most control with them. Plus gel pens and such would smudge when I'd write. What's a fountain pen?

You're literally on every thread I make ever, do you genuinely just sit here all day? I wonder.

Thanks, user.


Denmark hasn't had cursive in schools for decades now
The price of "progress"

Could be dysgraphia.
Unless you are planning on working in a job that requires one, handwriting is almost obsolete for anything aside personal notes. Everybody uses computers nowadays, so there is no need to worry about it too much.

You look like you're a lefty that was taught righthanded.
Try angling your pencil to the right more. Your script especially is supposed to lean right, not shoot straight up and down like you're drawing the words.

If you're left-handed your hand writing usually isn't good