
>bad enough growing up a social recluse and undesirable virgin but now people actively hate me, wanting to eradicate anyone like me

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Similar fag here
I have one question : During the process of growing up social reclusion were you neutral towards people or passive - aggressive? Despise towards you couldn't come out of the blue.

Same bro, i am going to kill myself, once i get a gun.

we know cuz you have been posting on this shitty board consistently for years

You didnt even post question

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This has nothing with Jow Forums, i am here only because i am bored. I made this decision very long time ago.

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Fuck off, you don't know that this person has been through, that pic it literal just bee yourself tier advice
L. shut up or I'll spank your ass

>reacts with anger to critique
Yes, another loser who will invent 999 excuses why he doesnt have to try.

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There Is 1 reason, and that is me being unable to connect with people that I meet everyday, this leads to depression which makes It impossible for me to study/retain information. You feel superior when you post pics like that on a chinese dog frying forum, speak for yourself loser

>unable connect

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I can't connect with people unless I have something in common with them, yeas, I can talk and laugh with them, but at the end of the day I still feel nothing

shh, let me kidnap you, boy

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Every single connection in life can't be an extremely deep and meaningful connection. Most people can count on one hand the number of friendships that are deep like that.

>wanting to eradicate anyone like me

What makes you say that? Maybe they just don't like you specifically. Are you an agry/bitter person that's unpleasant to be around?

That's what I'm partially depressed about, a lot of people are very distant towards each other

Why? People, yourself included, are all burdened in many ways by their lives. We only have so much compassion to give so we have to be selective. Imagine having to listen to the detailed problems of 30 people which takes up hours of your time per person for years on end. You will be emotionally and socially drained.

>so we have to be selective
by that you mean?

No one has unlimited compassion. Sooner or later your patience is tried too much and you lose grip on either the situation or your sanity.

Not every relationship can be deep. Some are shallow, and that's fine. You can have "work friends" and forget about them as soon as either of you changes jobs.

I can't even have ''shallow'' relationships

not your place to offer criticism on things you know nothing about...