Will I ever be able to get a girlfriend or succeed In life If I have a dependent personality?

Will I ever be able to get a girlfriend or succeed In life If I have a dependent personality?

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I thought so, gotta kms now cuz I can't change this shit

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Why are so many people focused on getting a gf, why not get a friend?


can't get a friend either

You do not the willpower to even do that. Reconsider your options and evaluate the situation.

I can't change my personality, I've been dependent on people my whole life

Why cant you? Do you have any online friends, like on steam for example.

You say that as if you have the power to dictate whether or not you can change. You can change. You just dont want to and maybe that's the real problem.

It's irritating how people like you are always (and I mean always) on about this.
"You can change, but you don't want to"

What makes you so blind to the fact that not all people are alike?

Ironic, I always hear the same story, "I wanna change but I cant". People are not special. You are not special. There is no miracle advice. You are the one driving so crash and die or learn how to.

>People are not special.
What does that imply? Is this some kind of Rocky shit, like "If I can change, then everybody can change"?

Never seen Rocky.

>What makes you so blind to the fact that not all people are alike?

But that's the thing, all people can try to change. IWe can't promise it will work, but you haven't tried so giving up is dumb.



It means you don't get an out, because noone gets an out.
Either shut the fuck up, survive & adapt, or perish.

The point is that not everyone is equal in being able to change (or adapt, whichever you prefer).

How do you know you can't change, though?

>Will I ever be able to get a girlfriend
yes but you do not want the type of women that prey on weak men such as yourself trust me.
>succeed In life

No you gotta get a job and move out and man the fuck up. Like this user said

Coming from someone with avoidant personality disorder, I think you’re wrong about being unable to change. If you have a personality disorder, you’re always going to have certain mental quirks, but you can certainly learn how to be a functional person despite that.