Where are all the feminine feeling? Where are the nail-painting, makeup obsessed, purse wearing females at...

Where are all the feminine feeling? Where are the nail-painting, makeup obsessed, purse wearing females at? Kinda hard to find feminine women in the country. They all try to act like "one of the guys." I want a real woman not a fuckin sorority beer guzzler or a fuckin mud diving hillbilly.

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There are plenty of them everywhere, really.
Most of girls in most of my classes in university are like that.

> I want a real woman

Are you even a real man?

They're all at my place, suckan on my big smelly dick. They paint my nails sometimes too.

The mall
>If you don't have one, they're at home.

I literally never find them. Even on tinder its just trashy booty shorts or overweight fatties. Yes I work a great job so im a real man. But im honestly having a hard time getting back into dating. Im 28 and havent dated since highschool because i wanted to have a house, nice car, and money in the bank before i started dating again.


>I work a great job so im a real man

You're retarded.

>Yes I work a great job so im a real man.

What do you do?

UPS Driver, made 104k last year after taxes.

>UPS Driver

How's that helping you date?

>implying that income matters more than social status
Most girl would rather date a guy who works in an office and makes 60k than a truck driver who makes 100k.

I do have social status, my house is 3 stories and I own a 2016 Aston Martin Vantage. I have my buddies from work come over to watch football or drink and party. I still even have high school friends from time to time come by

How do you know you can't adapt, though?

>I still even have high school friends from time to time come by

No female ones, though, right?

You don't have social status, you're a blue collar worker.
No matter how much money you have, you're still a blue collar worker.

You definitely can, all I'm saying is that it's not how much money you make but how prestigious your job is.

No, sadly i still miss my high school sweetheart. Shes in hair school.

What? They're everywhere. I'm not the most feminine girl but even I wear makeup and paint my nails

So... do you see what I'm trying to say? What good is this money, this job, this house, etc. if you can't hang out with women?

Money doesn't make youn a man, dude. You are proof of that.

You seem pretty girly t b h

UPS is literally a fortune 500 company with the best benefits you can have without a highschool degree.
They get
>discounts at restaurants and stores
>discounts on cars
>discounts at gyms
>up to 40$-55$ top out pay
>free healthcare
So much fucking shit

That's all awesome stuff, really happy for OP and whoever works for UPS.
You're still a bluecollar worker, which means your social status is lower than the one of people who make less than you but go to work in a suit every day.

I went on dates they just bore the fuck out of me. Usually i just fuck them and leave but lately i notice that they are becoming less lady like and more into competing with me on drinking or being a dude.

>lately i notice that they are becoming less lady like and more into competing with me on drinking or being a dude.

Well, you are the one attracting dudes, so ask yourself why is that.

He said feminine women not "le real woman"

I'm medium-high fem on dates and social outtings. Low maitenence and sans makeup otherwise.

>I want a real woman not a fuckin sorority beer guzzler or a fuckin mud diving hillbilly.
>I want a real woman
From the OP.

Read the OP again. The quote is from there.

I want a high maintenance feminine woman who i can take out to expensive places and buy her things

They want a husband who has a prestigious job who makes a ton of money.

I literally just said i made 104k last year and i work at a fortune 500 company. You fucking retard. I make double the average salary.

Yes, and you work as a driver. It's not a prestigious job.
I hang out with a lot of the kind of women you like (my husband works in finance) and they'd never date a man who drives a truck for a living.
They'd rather date a man who makes less but has a better social standing so they can say "This is my boyfriend, he's a lawyer" than a man who makes as much as you make but drives a truck.

That's what my 8th ex did.
>corporate parties
>high class dinners
>exploring touristy things
>The one time we went to a mall he basically stared at me the whole time I was browsing costume jewlery

Well my fucking bad i dont wear a suit.
Its really hard, when you have a big house, a lot of money but you still feel lonely.

>Well my fucking bad i dont wear a suit.
Yeah, your bad.
I hope you can find another girl. The only girls I know who don't care about social status that much but care about money are a bit trashy, but you'd probably be fine.

Such is the dilemma of middle-high class dating.
Most tend to adopt sugar babies.

I just want to start having a family. I partied hard when i was younger im burnt out. I just want some kids now. Give them the things i never had since i grew up broke :(

I want kids too, but I have like really specific tastes in relationships/family structure, men, and women that most people don't like or fit into.

Me too, i particularly like skinny, short, petite blondes

Lol, I'm one of those things.

Now fuck.



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I kid. You're posting on Jow Forums, you're not even a woman.

>Its really hard, when you have a big house, a lot of money but you still feel lonely.

Oh woe is you. The struggle is real.

Hey bro I'm currently on route to become a driver, just waiting for my Integrad date, but I got a question, I just got a speeding ticket that I'm going to contest but would this be enough for me to be disqualified down the road when they find out? (If I get convicted of course).

Also any tips for new drivers? Ive been reading the browncafe forums and the experiences seem to range from ok to horrible for the first 30 days. I don't know of I could handle learning and constantly having areas added and being expected to decrease my time every day. Two of those sure but not all at once.

Thanks and I'd recommend just to find a pretty girl who likes nice shit but is down to earth and that you click with. I click with my gf so not much else matters. Also, most girls like noce shit, you could also spoil a 'normal' girl into feeling like a princess. Make your own high class woman out of a lower class one, if you really want one.

>nail-painting, makeup obsessed, purse wearing

You mean materialist women? Why would you want them, say goodbye to your bank account

This. If you want to date the absolute most petty women with surface level depth, you need a white collar job they can brag about to others. Or, you could find a nice girl who isn't in that kind of clique and join the rest of the blue collar working class.

Thanks bruh, OP here. If youre going to drive a semi just dont have a bad CDL record. If youre going to be a Package Driver dont worry about it. If they bitch about the speeding ticket then go to court do some community service to get it taken off. Make sure you carry pepper spray on the job and ALWAYS get a driver helper during peak season.

I used to be poor. Made myself self made. Money doesn't make you happy and fix all your problems. I used to believe it would. But money will fix all your money problems.

They generally avoid or drift by people like this who expect women to congregate in hives, who wax philosophy on Jow Forums, and who unironically frogpost.

You gotta understand there's two facets to that social encounter: whether or not THEY care to be around YOU.

Maybe this is why women's eggs dry up. Nails? Makeup? How about a woman that cooks and knows how to clean a fucking bathroom properly. Those are feminine qualities.