Is there a chance for me to ever get a gf?

height 5'11"

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Yes... Why wouldn't you be able to?

i have low self esteem

it's over for you artour


Have some confidence and pull yourself together man. Yes you will have a chance however if you’re awkward and can’t do public speaking then there’s a chance you won’t.

Bullshit. People with low self esteem would never bother putting their face on the internet.

Well, if you are gay, no.

Nope, you are not 5 11.

I bestow you an inch, now you are 6'

Never admit to 5 11, always 6

Be careful, I hear if you give an inch, people take a mile.

OP's cute
but I hate his beard

How are we supposed to know when you tell us nothing about yourself?

This guy is right. You're probably six foot if you can figure how to stand straight enough and you must stretch your hight for the man collective. There are plenty of guys that are two inches shorter than you who honestly think that they are six feet. It wouldn't work for them if you claimed to be shorter. If you think that shit matters to any significance, it shows that you spend too much time dicking on a. Computer and that's why you ain't got a bitch.

>all these men insecure about height
lol, I'm comfortably 5'11" but I claim 5'10" when asked just to make you people sweat

>be 5'5"
>have had multiple gfs
I don't understand why you are such a pussy when there are manlet, like myself, out here getting slizz like nothing.

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I'm an 5'5" autistic LGBT+ sex worker and I have found a partner.

It's easier because we can close the tab and pretend (reasonably so) we'll never interact with you again. But it still makes me feel uncomfortable. Personally I don't even have any pictures of myself, I hate them all.

its over
women are afraid of anything below 6'

I am 5'5 and I look like a homeless drug addict and I have only had the best GF's a dude to ask for with me usually being the person that fucks it up.

Your fine.

Smile bro

Easily yes
If you tried and didn't work multiple times
Then try to find if there's something wrong with your personality and attitude around girls
Any way try to smile more and be more optimistic, alot of girls hate to be around a person that could make them depressed.

I believe you, but still pls send pic

You have decent enough aesthetics, but to improve you want to shave that shit off your face and get an adult's hair cut.
Talk to women senpai.

I'm 6' and claim 5'11
feels more average

You look pretty good, sonny. You just got some mental issues dont you? You look perfectly fine, even the goatee looks great. Youre being your worst enemy here and you know it.

I give you a straight 7, would get higher when you get a decent haircut.
You have depression though, dont you? I can see it in your eyes. How many hrs of sleep do you get per week? Or do you cry yourself to sleep?

How do you do it?? Are you extroverted? If so.. figures...

Fuck no. I kinda just keep to myself.
Also no one can say looks because I'm manlet. It's just odd. Current gf is taller than I am as well, so I just pull different women.

OP I think you're actually really cute, and you look like you have really good skin and hair. I don't think that your eyes reflect sadness you just look like you don't sleep enough but that look can actually work for people who are cute. Another example of that in pic. 8/10 cutie OP

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