Who was in the wrong here?
How to text women?
This is also when I called her out for lying. How do you avoid and handle being ghosted?
It's always you bitchboy.
You're in the wrong, you're an autistic sperg
Nvm the 2nd picture loaded in, you're retarded
Never confront people you dont know like that. Just let them leave you fedora!!
you kinda sperged out,a lot of girls will try to bepolite but you misunderstood it for flirting
but yes op womer are retarded i hate them too but youre in the wrong here
You're in the wrong for being a spergy idiot.
You obviously knew that she wasn't into it by the time you fucking said "At least talk to me for a bit..."
I can't imagine ANY scenario where I would have that thought and not be aware that the other person does not want to talk to me.
It got worse when you freaked out and started forcing her to explain herself. And now you're posting on here to get validation? Dude just let it go, lol. You're a total fucking stranger, people are allowed to change their minds or have a change of heart - there's no contract that gets signed when someone gives a number, she talked to you for a bit/responded and said no she isn't obligated to anything more than that.
How would you have handled it? How do you text girls?
Bro, text them some conversation hooks. If they respond, they are interested. If they dont or they give half-assed responses, they aren't and you move on.
Its easy.
lol just drop her if she doesn't want to talk with you she wont give up the pussy
Shouldn't I call them out for lying? Maybe it will stop them from leading on other guys
Bro, respect her wanting to politely walk away. If I was her brother I’d be one step away from finding you and kicking your face in.
Take a hint and FUCK OFF.
You are. If someone is not engaging, move on, don't demand an explanation.
>Shouldn't I call them out for lying? Maybe it will stop them from leading on other guys
She wasn't leading you on, as soon as she didn't engage, you knew you were done.
"At least talk to me for a bit I have a lot to offer"
You knew she wasn't into it, and you demanded more attention. Learn to take a hint and move on.
When she gave me her number that was her leading me on. I just wanted her to be fucking honest and not waste my time and get me thinking I got a shot
You would beat me up after ur sister lead me on? Maybe she shouldn't be a pussy and just tell me no when I ask for her number
Why did you go full autismo?
Never go full autismo.
Just back off, she doesn't owe you shit. Is she a cunt? Yes. Most women are. So you're better off just moving on. If you gonna call out every person on lying you're going to have a bad time.
Why do you think she gave you her number?
You moron, girls will you their numbers and quite possibly change her mind later and not wanting you anymore. That's how their minds work (in most cases), and you have to be a man and deal with it. Why does she owe you an explanation? Did she make any promises or compromises? NO.
Next time, just accept things as they come and move along. Never, EVER, disrespect someone just because they lost interest in you.
girls will give you*
No one in this life owes you shit, and your reaction is a prime example of why women are pensive to say "No" to men's faces: Because men are insecure, entitled cunts.
I wouldn't have recommended saying what you did, but I think you were fine until the last message. Starting a message with "lol fuck your..." is not a good way to get an answer about anything from anyone.
In your ideal world where girls don't "lead you on" you wouldn't talk to any of them
You're gonna be 35 and talk to 0 girls because you keep expecting, hell, feeling entitled to them as sexual objects
You can bitch and piss and moan at us all you like; it will never ever change the fact that girls will never ever like you as long as you act like this, the perpetual victim of such a hard life
Calm down, white knight. He's not in the wrong for wanting an explanation. It's not like he harassed her or threatened her or anything. Stop forcing your insecurities on other people.
>Right and wrong
Who cares? He fucked up and should have dialled back
Like I said, if this guy wants it like that then he ain't gonna get ANY numbers. This nibba gotta lighten up or he's gonna be the next fucking headline.
The ONLY reason he had her number was because any form of convention of politeness existed, and she said so herself
You should have known at the first message the game was over, and gracefully leave it at that.
If she does not respond to you, you can try again a couple of times, once a day max and three times tops. Perhaps she's just busy with her life. But if she says this, or does not respond, just stop, man.
No, he didn't, he just told her to fuck her politeness. How rude is that?
I am actually teaching him some confidence. If a girl doesn't respond, it's her loss, you move on to the other girl you are flirting with. A real man doesn't complain, he accepts and deals with things as they come.
>It's not like he harassed her or threatened her or anything.
He did force a confrontation. The first message we see is an open declaration, she could have ignored it and maybe get harrased or reply and try to get him to understand that she wasn't into him.
Did you see how her rejection made him get mad? That's why people get ghosted. Those that ask for an explanation usually can't handle it.
>Stop forcing your insecurities on other people.
That's exactly what op did when he kept trying to talk to her after she said she wasn't interested.
>p-please talk to me aaaaaa
>who was in the wrong here?
Neither. It's not a comfortable exchange but life is not about being comfortable. Sometimes you need to be assertive and state your case and position even if it makes the other person unhappy. I'm glad you stood up for yourself and let her know why what she did irritated you. Women are so used to society kissing their ashes and putting them on a pedestal even when it's not deserved, and the excuse that they cannot be honest because they want to "act nice" or are afraid of men is such a lame copout.
You were. Yeah, it's shitty that girls give out their numbers and have no plans to take it any further than that, but it's how things nowadays.
In the future, try not to take it personally. Talk to more girls, it'll help you gain experience. And when they give you the hint that they're not interested, save your integrity and leave them on read. Who knows, they may come back because it shows you have the power to walk away.
Yo it's not always possible to tell what a person is like until you've spoken to them for a bit. The girl is telling you politely to fuck off. You're in the wrong here, so I'd advise you do just that
I am not in any way condoning what he said. In fact I'm completely against what he said. but maybe you should take your own advice and stop expecting men to do everything for you. Sure, I get it, being a woman you'll more than likely encounter guys like this at one point or another. But getting emotional and acting like a brat is not going to do anything about it, and if anything, it's only going to make it worse. If women are really as strong and independant as they want so hard for men and other women to believe they are, then they should be able to figure it out themselves, because you know damn well we men would if we were in that position. Be direct, be honest, be genuine, say something like" thank you, but I'm just not looking for something right now." and be on your way. If he keeps pushing, then he's in the wrong now, and being a woman, theres good 99.9% chance that you'll find somebody who's willing to back you up, walk you to your car, etc. Or you could carry pepper spray or a taser gun if that makes you feel safer. You could save yourself so many problems if you just used common sense instead of being a pushover, letting him into your life, then getting hurt like this, and afterward trying to come up with excuses about why you felt so powerless. No I'm NOT siding with the guy here. I think he's just as disrespectful as you say he is. But Do you honestly think you're going to change the minds people like this? If you want to scream and cry about how men are, and how you expect them to treat you better, take it to reddit or twitter where everyone will love and worship you for it, if you need it that badly. Otherwise, grow some lady balls and learn how to handle your own problems.
She didn't "lie." You had a chance, and you completely fucked it up. She wouldn't have talked to you if she wasn't interested at all, but your attitude made her lose interest quick
>Shouldn't I call them out for lying? Maybe it will stop them from leading on other guys
Uhhh no... all it will do is label you as a crazy person and make them glad they cut you off where they did, lest you get even *more* overly invest and act even *more* crazy
If anything, by doing that you’re actually validating and reinforcing the behavior. Stop being a part of the problem that makes this seem a legitimately acceptable form of self-protective behavior.
>wanting women
Major mistake
>say something like" thank you, but I'm just not looking for something right now."
Did you see how he took the rejection? Yes, now he says it's because he was being "led on", but we both know he is just nt equiped to deal with it.
When girls do that to me (which happens to every dude) I just stop replying. I take the hint, and leave them alone. It happens on dating apps too. You just need to deal with it.
What the fuck is wrong with bitches these days. WHY WOULD YOU LIKE MY FUCKING PICTURE THEN? WHY WOULD YOU MAKE ME THINK YOU LIKE ME? I'm so fed up with mediocre whores thinking thinking they could lead us on. You can't even begin to understand how badly you've fucked up right now. I would be very ashamed if I was you. Secondly don't try to be nice now. Don't send me fucking x's like you know me. It was you who liked my picture it was you who followed me back on twitter. Bitch.
lmao, how the fuck was she leading you on if she wasn't interested in talking to you? Are you retarded?
you seem butt hurt, not the best move when texting women
Also at some point they might end up regretting it and decide that they do want to meet up with you, in which case just tell them to send a message if she ever changes her mind, then leave it at that. If she does, great. If not, then at least you've had the last laugh and she now has to deal with the fact (even if it's not true) that you are happy without her. Women for some reason tend to have second thoughts when they discover that not all the attention is always directed towards then.
Dude, she literally said she wasn't interested in the first fucking text. He's the one acting emotional and bratty.
I know, and I agree with you. My point was that it's kind of pointless to just expect that someone is going to learn to change if they dont listen the first or second time.
>tfw a girl gave me her number and rejected me because I was autistic when I was just trying to be myself and to speak like I would speak with a male friend
It didn’t hurt so much tho, but I guess the only option left for me is a hooker.
How many times have you tried that? How many girls did you ask numbers from?
Bee-ing yourself isn't the most efficient way to picking up any girl, especially if you're a sperg. But it's the best way to get a girl that digs your personality and meshes well with you. Keep trying dude, this shit ain't easy.
2 times. Also, I don’t use social media and I don’t have any pictures of myself. Girls literally tell me that it’s weird af, but I mean I don’t have any irl friends and I used to spent 90% of my time alone at home, like what am I supposed to say to that?
text women with a purpose
:"wanna hangout"
her: *any response that isn't yes*
move on