Should I verbally abuse my kids so that they'll listen and not become spineless wimps?

Should I verbally abuse my kids so that they'll listen and not become spineless wimps?

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My dad always called my brother a faggot and I don't think it helped him much

No, that could make them spineless wimps too if you lead with fear and not an actually intelligent/informative stance.


Try teaching them actual morale through well explained discussions and hard work instead. Team-working skills, mutual respect, patience and well-earned praise and reward after a job well done work much better.

Perhaps start a hobby or project like fishing or a treehouse together and patiently, methodically work through the process together. Or start volunteering together to teach them community values too.

But what if they only respond to verbal abuse?

This is just weakass bait anyway so who cares? Pretend I wrote (You) a wall of text

Then you are doing it wrong, wimp.

I work with nonverbal autistics, psychotic people, arsonists... absolutely no abusive speech is needed to control the situation. When you resort to that, you have already lost that round.

Grow a pair.

You can't lose if it works

Anyone who says no is a pussy. If you're a father your job is to prepare your kids for the world, not be their friend.

I don't think "abuse" (whatever that actually means) should be your goal, but making your kids confident and courageous should be. Part of that is disciplining them.

Dicipline is not abuse, (non-violent) dicipline is the key to learning self-regulation and having a happy, succesfull life.

Violence (be that physical, emotional or otherwise) is not dicipline, violence is weakness.

Yeah but laying a hand on your kid lands you on Dr Phil these days

They'll hate you

This is what happened to me and my siblings lmao

Better not, just beat the living devil out of them.

dumbass. You think that if you abuse them, they'll fight back, right? Wrong.
If you only teach them that they're worthless, they will never fight back and always be submissive to everyone
That's what my dad did to me, and that's how I am

Be verbally abusive
>Child is afraid to do anything because they know if they fail, he would get shitted on by his father, so he won't start any project/hobby
>Child prefer doing nothing to stay safe instead of confronting his bullies because if he gets beaten, his father will hit and scream on him
>Child get a big problem he can't solve, he prefers hiding it instead of asking for help or advice to not get verbally abused even when the problem worsen
>Being constantly reminded by his bullies, his teachers and his family that he's a loser, your child will believe it and act like it and become the punching ball of other men and the beta provider cuck of women

Here's your offspring, user

Children are all different. Some of them will develop better if they get verbally put in their place, be it insulting, public shaming, etc.

>they'll listen and not become spineless wimps

the whole point of parenting is to prepare them for when they're on their own, so no. you need to teach them how to do things because it'll make their life better. doing the dishes isn't fun but I do them because I like not eating out of dirty dishes. that's intrinsic motivation.

they also will absolutely lie to you when they're teens and older if they are afraid of you. then it'll really be out of your hands when there is real danger involved, because they won't trust you because they can't be vulnerable with you.

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Or maybe some will develop better if you don't act like an asshole. How about we don't act like assholes?

No. Please don't do it, you will ruin their lives and will have low self confidence for ever.
t. Have this problem currently and I'm 25

>Being constantly reminded by his bullies, his teachers and his family that he's a loser, your child will believe it and act like it and become the punching ball of other men and the beta provider cuck of women
Or he could an hero
Does OP even care if their kid commits not alive?

>You can't lose if it works temporarily

Yeah, i was verbally abused as a kid, and i have no confidence to this day and am terrified of people in general.

Also, I cut contact entirely.

>verbally abuse

Define abuse OP. I think if you really understood what that meant you would know not to.

Your post makes it sounds like you've never understood the difference between being emotionally damaged and emotionally prepared.

Of course, hell why not even rape them while you're at it.

Verbally abusing a child is what a coward does so you'll just make socially anxious cowards and doormats
fucking Kys or hopefully they'll slit your throat in your sleep like i almost did to my dad
t. emotionally and verbally abused

If someone starts out with saying "anyone who disagrees with me is a pussy", you probably shouldn't listen to them

Use positive reinforcement

>not doing it already
You deserve it if your kids end up as trannies OP.
The grown up that scolded me when I was little were actually right, kids these days have it way too easy.

Yeah sure OP, fuck them up for life. Go ahead.

>thinking that getting your kids to do whatever you tell them because they are afraid of you will prevent them from becomig spineless whimps

You are aware that always doing as you‘re told without questioning it because you are afraid IS the exact definition of a spineless whimp, right?

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Being firm and not budge doesn't require abuse.
Nothing requires abuse.

Took me years to undo my father's abuse. He would scream at us and literally corner us in the house and stick his fingers in our faces, poke us in our chest and get so close when yelling that we could feel his breath and spit on our face. If we even dared to cry or be angry or show any kind of emotion showing displeasure to what he was doing he'd slap us or get even angrier. The result was that I grew up literally unable to convey emotion. Girlfriends would get upset with me or people in my life would engage me in confrontation and no matter how small the issue was I would completely shut down. I couldn't cry, I couldn't scream, I couldn't get angry. All I could do was blankly stare ahead and wait for the yelling to stop. I didn't have an outlet as a kid for any of my feelings so it festered and manifested itself in the form of self-harm, depression and alcoholism pretty early into my teen years. Of course, my dad viewed this as a sign of weakness so he would just scream at me if he found my cutting scars or caught me drinking. My problems nearly killed me before the age of 21. Eventually I moved out and after years of therapy and distance from that period of my life I've slowly managed to grapple with these issues but, make no mistake, my father fucked me and my sister up. My sister is fairly well-adjusted socially but the rest of her life is an anxious mess.

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I wish I had a mother but the complete opposite of you to raise me into a submissive neurotic bottombitch faggot, who yearns to feminise himself to please any and all men who are even slightly assertive, intimidating or domineering towards him

Well I became a fairly tough person, yet my parents rarely raised their voice to me. It was pretty effective, because in the rare occasion where I acted like a little shit, their anger had a big impact on me.


Don't just verbally abuse them, physically abuse them too. Just like the Spartans.

It worked for my dad and he beat me and it worked, a little bit of discipline isn't going to destroy the kid.

I bet you also like pumpkin spice too you basic bitch

Lol fuck no, my sister was raised like that and she had a long story with hard drugs (LSD, Cocaine and some shit that I don't know how to spell it).
I was(still) captain autismo so my family took the friendly approach and managed to avoid all that drug gay shit and become a somehow normal person.

Be the bottombitch you want to be, user. Don't let your not-emotionally-scarring past hold you back.

The exact opposite will help them. The reason people in the past were tougher in hard times is not because hard times make strong men it is because hard times kills weak men. That's just downright inhumane to promote that world. What really breeds strong men is love and respect for them as human beings. Camaraderie is the real source of strength in humans.