4 or 5 of them have had their windows smashed in. Either muzzies destroying their own buildings for sympathy, or the fire rises and the Anglo is starting to hate
Unless there is vid of whitey doing it I'm going with self inflicted injury for sympathy.
Cooper Ross
The sky news article references cctv footage of someone in dark clothing using a hammer. If they are smart they will have kept their face covered.
Logan Richardson
no evidence = most likely self inflicted
UK people are so cucked, they literally vote for a government that mandates them to buy porn licenses. they would never attack a mosque.
Hunter Martinez
>someone in dark clothing using a hammer Sure hope they had a license for that hammer.
Ayden Wilson
I'd put money on them destroying their own shit the ride on the sympathy wave.
Colton Brooks
>with anti-terror police now investigating the overnight attacks Pfffff.
I mean at this point why fuck around with hammers at all is there nothing flammable in these places?
Sebastian Carter
not necessarily. There was a attack on a mosque with a molotow cocktail in dresden after that gayass boomer pegida shit and i was very sure it was self inflicted but then they actualy caught the pegida guy who did it.
Gavin Reyes
Is everything a false flag with you beta cucks? Ever stop to think that maybe people have beliefs that don't involve sitting around jerking off to tranny pr0n all day long
Austin Gomez
Omg not the glaSS WINDOWS. lucky it isn't holy fire
Alexander Wood
Looks like heavy glass, and double pained. Looks like they were expecting blowback from their trucks of peace? What were the politicians thinking when they imported millions of people that won't integrate? Fucking idiots.
>Tv crew turns up >M8 doesn't look that bad not even worth the film >w8 a min u cheeky wanka >Walks inside. Seconds later wife number two comes flying through the window >Walks back outside and strikes pose
Lmao there's like no white people in Birmingham it's obvious Muslims did this
Samuel White
It's every possible angle of the fracture, which is giant (almost two feet in diameter). A handheld hammer wouldn't do that damage and a sledgehammer wouldn't get stuck after exploding that much glass surface in a single strike. Whoever did this did it from inside the mosque.
Robert Howard
They could get a crisis actor to do it, like the Christchurch hoax. You can't trust a thing the lying media shows you.
Bentley Williams
lmao who the fuck thought it was a good idea to release this picture
Mason Mitchell
Lol Sky News apparently. Doesn't Murdoch own them? This might be a subtle red suppository for bongs.
Samuel Roberts
How could anyone smash anything in bongistan without it being caught on cctv?
Grayson Gray
Not only is it bending out, but the hole on the inside is smaller than the outside suggesting that the most forceful impact came from the inside first... What a dumb fuck lmao!
Luis Hall
Doesn't this type of shit happen all the time? This is hardly new. Post when someone dies. Until than.. No one cares, bong.
Samuel Davis
Looks like there are two panes of glass. One outer one and an inner decorative one. In other pictures the outer glass was all over the sidewalk. In this closeup picture it looks like the glass is all facing outwards. It's hard to say without more pictures but this definitely seems odd to me.
>t. hooligan who broke glass when he was younger
Gavin Carter
Your autism, your attention to detail is excellent, i didn't see that. u too
Zachary Miller
Theirs a 14 year old in jail for shit talking in Australia
Jordan Foster
>Birmingham mosque attack
>4 or 5 of them have had their windows smashed in.
Yeah he's looking at seven years or something fucking insane. If they pin this on a chav he'll do 14 months or so like the "bacon bomber."
Landon Bell
I guarantee it's mosque owners doing it for insurance money. 100%.
Nicholas Rivera
Some user said the other day that we're living in a post Christchurch shooting world now. This timeline has shifted. I can smell it in the air, it's on the tip of everyone's tongue. Revolution.
The great European Awakening, the Second Renaissance. All historical blood feuds will be reignited and the third world war will not be fought between nations, but peoples and races.
This whole time I thought accelirationism was a bad idea, now I think its inevitable. Honestly i wish it didnt have to come to this. I don't want to see violence, God forbid I ever have to take part in any.
Britfags don't hammer mosques. Hammer the mudslimes
Jose Bailey
The dude's got a Hitler mustache. Totally /ourgoy/ and we can easily guess who attacked the mosque.
Jordan Cooper
my guess is this is a gang thing or a feud between rival families maybe a spat over who has the biggest grooming gang also calling these places "mosques" is a bit of a stretch. they look like old shops that have been converted
>Javid Iqbal, a spokesman for Witton Islamic Centre said: 'We've had a white intruder strike in the middle of the night. He has arrived with a sledgehammer and smashed one window. The force of the swing has actually meant he had lost his grip and the sledgehammer ended up in the middle of the mosque.
A white intruder!
Matthew Wright
you're on drugs.
Aiden Peterson
BESLAN SCHOOL SIEGE LOOK IT UP NEVER FORGIVE, NEVER FORGET The Bataclan was the same fucking thing on a smaller scale. Spread the information 24/7. Make it common knowledge so that people quit making stupid mistakes like allowing these animals into our countries.
Eli Martinez
Quick! Plz send donations for racism!
Tyler Richardson
Yeah that’s a whatcha doin
Joseph Murphy
>Javid Iqbal twitter.com/javed2275/ Let's see the surveillance images with the 2 Nigerians
I'm not saying it wasn't done from the inside, but you fuckers are way too confident with this arm chair analysis. The only way to be sure is for someone to go smash a mosque window from the outside so we can compare the images and confirm.
Levi Sanders
The response of Muslims make me even more angry >hurr why dis happen to us >look how sad and victim we are >we just dont get it >police please jail more ppl for mean tweets >us muslims have literally never hurt a fly hurrr
I literally don't even care anymore. My feelings are besides what happens in these events. I believe in accelerationism and that this is all supposed to happen until the collapse.
When you anticipate favorably the destruction of rights and the victimization of muslims you'll be just fine.
Lucas Sullivan
This was done by Muslims. Either the mosque figures themselves to gain sympathy, or by radicals not associated with the mosque to radicalize more moderates.
The good thing is so fucking what. This will not turn white people against anti-Islamic sentiment. This is what will happen >they arrest a white guy >white people get bolder and the idea of physical violence gains traction because the more people do it, the more dare it
>they arrest a Muslims (keep his name/face blurred) >people get even more angry at Muslims
Thanks, here's a (you)
Jonathan Ross
Anons suspect it was the faggots because based Muslim kicked out the LGBTQP preachers from their children's schools.
Austin Green
Fake news. Vandalism and hate crimes are illegal.
Cooper Bennett
no one cares about the struggle of the common kebab merchant
Caleb Smith
Some nigger just tried to burn 51 CHILDREN alive in Italy for more gibs and open borders.
In France like 10 churches have been vandalized in the last month.
In Sweden niggers keep desecrating the grave of our Ebba
Wait for them to make a few broken windows big news.
>going outside >doing something >not sitting around doing nothing oy vey you must be some kind of mossad agent, trying to get people to stand up and act in the real world every single time something happens in real life, instantly people try to disassociate them from Jow Forums, saying "oh i bet they did it themselves", "hey rabbi watcha doing?" etc. this ends up as a sort of "eat your cake and have it too" scenario where leftists believe it was real and thus get to benefit from it, while right-wingers believe it was fake and don't benefit from it via feeling solidarity or being motivated to act as well. i really have to wonder how things ended up that way, it is very suspicious - shouldn't we be glad that others like us are acting in the real world? isn't it better than sitting here shitposting with spooks all day?