Birmingham mosque attack

Omg not the glaSS WINDOWS. lucky it isn't holy fire

Looks like heavy glass, and double pained.
Looks like they were expecting blowback from their trucks of peace?
What were the politicians thinking when they imported millions of people that won't integrate?
Fucking idiots.

Attached: refugees.jpg (292x173, 14K)

funniest thing when a literal american calls a country cucked lmao

Well it can't be a white person they all had their hammars confiscated

Is it me or does that look like it was broken from the inside?
Shards held by decal are all bulging outwards.

What could this mean?

Womp womp.

>bin that hammer britbong

That window is fractured outwards. Whoever smashed it did so from inside.

mossad confirmed

>but then they actualy caught the pegida guy who did it.
Read: then they pinned it on some poor retard