Gf just told me she doesn't feel like we should be together anymore and dumped me...

gf just told me she doesn't feel like we should be together anymore and dumped me, my parents are divorcing and it's gonna be a hard one and my college exams are coming up. I feel like shit and like life has no fucking meaning anymore since my gf was everything I had. I'm thinking of ending everything since I can't go on like this and I feel like I can't win her back since it's a long distance relationship and I treated her like shit for the past 7 days. Give me some advice on what should I do and please be constructive.

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Move on, get a new gf who is better looking. Ignore your parents divorce, fuck everyone. Concentrate on your life. Do your exams, learn about how to start a business. You could potentially have an amazing life with hot model like women and lot of money. Why waste that opportunity for a disgusting fat whore and retarded parents?

problem is that she is smokin hot and an awesome person. I don't want dumb hot models and I am studying and I'm going to develop a business soon but I see no reason to anymore.

Bro girls during Uni are just a past time snacks
The real love of your life comes later

Post pics so we can judge how hot she is?

I respect her privacy too much sorry. I can't be that kind of a dickhead.

your parents won't divorce twice
the next girl won't leave oyu for this

I can garantuee there's much better looking and more awesome women out there who don't dump you just like that. Move on from that whore, and fuck your parents. One girl or your parents don't define who you are.
What's your business idea?

got an app idea and I got a lot of support from my college professor and we will start building it soon. But as I said, nothing makes sense anymore if it's not done with her and she is no whore, she just feels like this isn't what it used to be and I don't know what to do with that. Should I beg, cry, fuck off from her or what since she means the world to me

>this isn't what it used to be and I don't know what to do with that.
She means by that it's not as exciting for her anymore as it was in the beginning of your relationship or she just said this as excuse to not hurt your feelings too much. Point is, she moved on already, so should you. Chances are she already getting dicked by someone else.
You don't beg, no, neither do you fuck off
You just live on with your life.
From my own experience, when my exes left me they cut off the contact completely, years later we chatted briefly again. It didn't feel as amazing as I thought it would. They had become boring to me, I had moved on to more exciting things and girls. Same will happen to you.

do you share the royalties with your professor? Be careful with that.

yeah I'm certain in this professor as he leads a group of students with ideas and he really liked mine and the college will probably help me fund the startup

she's not, I would know if she is getting dicked down. And I think she moved on already but that hurts me the most and I feel like absolute shit because of that and I can't imagine life without her anymore. Everything I did had more meaing since I was with her. I woke up thinking about her, did my homework, studies, exams, certificates, everything was motivated by her and my idea of living with her one day. And now I feel betrayed and unfair and like I mean nothing. Like I lost a part of me.

if youve tried to get her back already dont keep trying, make her wait and if she misses you she will come back, if theres still a chance take it but only if you truly think its right. if she seems to be ignoring you then remmeber, its all temporary, in a few months you wont feel this bad, you will find things you enjoy and find happiness. the thoughts youre having about nothing being worth doing are irrational, even though right now they seem logical and true they arent. imagine urself in a few years, making money off of your new app with new people in your life, you will not be thinking about her!!

you might be right and thank you a lot for this motivation

Geniunely curious. How would you know if she was? You live together?
What you feel is normal, every man needs a woman as a motivation to keep on succeeding with things. Good news is you can replace her as motivation to reach your goals.

Imagine your situation except if your dad was dying, you had no money, worked full time as well as school to support yourself, have no friends because you moved, and your girlfriend becomes an alcoholic who tries to budge you into letting her cuck you despite being the only living person of value to you in 350 miles.

It gets better. Take it from me.

Our relationship is based on trust and seemed to be one that would last a long time. I mean we were only together for 7 months, but did soooo much in that time. I never experienced a relationship like that and we both kinda promised a lot to each other and one thing was trust and respect. She is a very sensitive person and she respects me enough to first dump me and then find someone else. I know how to recognise a slut, and trust me she isn't like that.

Which country are you both from


God fucking damn it OP; I seriously hope you read your fucking post again. I'm going to greentext your post so you realize your big fuck up
>I feel like shit and like life has no fucking meaning anymore since my gf was everything I had.
>I'm thinking of ending everything since I can't go on like this and I feel like I can't win her back since it's a long distance relationship
>it's a long distance relationship
>LONG DISTANCE relationship
You should never kys for a woman; nobody except your parents will have pity for you when you kill yourself; not fucking worth it.
Second, the divorce is a matter of your parents', this is something that you cannot take control of and I know it feels like shit but what can you do at this point? Ohwait here's the third:
Focus on your college exams that you've paid your fucking tuition's worth, if you fail these you're throwing your career into the trash since GPAs are the #1 measurement for jobs related to your major if you don't have any experience, so you HAVE to focus on the exams right now because this is something that will HELP YOU and only YOU.

Just don't fucking end it for something so fucking stupid such a woman, and a long distance for that matter.
I hate to say it but this should be a lesson for you.

I'll be here if you want more advice in terms of college.

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Not him,

But dont worry young one. You will be alright. Focus on your university and your app work. Dont be saddened by the bad memories, celebrate that you had them.

And Croatia is a fucking beatiful country, been there 4 times, actually visiting there next week for the 5th.

You have your enitre life ahead of you. Just distract yourself these days. Make the app better, study harder. Build yourself..

Thanks a lot! And enjoy your stay here!

No problem young one. Are you in zagreb? Is there even any other unis in hirvatland?

It seems like you are a kind dude. Hope life works out for you.

Never give up on yourself, whatever you do, you have yourself.

There are people who love you and you are worth so much to some important people.

Also remember to relax and smile..

Yeah I'm in Zagreb! There are many good unis here actually and a lot of people from Croatia go out to study and work, that's my plan aswell. Anyways, enjoy your trip! Are you coming alone or with somebody? Where are you from?

Good luck i decided to check Jow Forums one last time before going to bed.

Sounds neat, hope you find somewhere nice in future.

I am coming alone but meeting with some hirvat friends for a few things. And am from Turkey, about that it is 4 am here o so i am going to bed. If this thread is up in the morning we can talk more or i will leave contact info if you want then, or if u wwnt you drop sth.

Good night young one, hope life works out for you. I have my fingers crossed for you now..

Don't end it all op, nothing can prepare you for what you'll do to people. it isn't worth it to kill yourself

Sure thing! I'll messagw you in the morning here!

I am sure hw wont. he is just going through a rough patch

Morning young one..

my mail is [email protected], email me there