Yo how the fuck do i talk to girls on tinder

yo how the fuck do i talk to girls on tinder.
I can talk to girls irl pretty well most of the time but as soon as its over messages i never know what to say or how to initiate a conversation, can anyone give me some advice?

Attached: tinder.png (1200x1200, 93K)

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Tinder is shit

Tinder is for the top 10% of men and women..If you need to "talk" then you aren't the 10%

"hey bitch want my cock in your *anything on their pic*"
Gets em every time

And gets me banned... 5th time now. Doesnt matter had sex.

You know something's true when even tripfags are down with it
Tinder is exactly, 100% for thots to thot. The one girl in one hundred who isn't a thot is inundated by a literal thousand other guys.

Either get a new hobby, get used to cheap lays or find a new place to hunt ladies. Don't use Tinder for anything but the most casual of sex. I'm talking this is a three-hour stand altogether, bitch ain't even gonna wait for sunrise to peace. You won't find people with strong values there.

>You won't find people with strong values there.

Firstly, be good looking.

When you have a bunch of matches blast them with a crap, low effort message.

The ones that bother to reply to your shit message will be the ones that are really into you based on your looks.

Make generic small talk and arrange to sleep together.

Been using tinder for close to a year with something like 500 matches a totaled 0 dates. Women on there are mostly complete shit and whores. I have severe social anxiety though so too hard in person.

I think you mean the top 10% of men and the top 90% of women lol. Yes it's really that bad. Even the burner account I made from my friend's pics who fucking slays IRL got an underwhelming amount of matches

either say something funny
or ask them interesting questions from here nytimes.com/2015/01/11/fashion/no-37-big-wedding-or-small.html
i fuckd 9 girls off it. 8 of them were whores with mental issues
only of one them im still friends with

I am trying to select photos for my tinder, but I don't know what looks good/what's needed.
Is photofeeler a good measuring tool?
I only got like 10 votes so far, but it seems to be going pretty good, if slow AF.

Attached: photofeeler.jpg (534x300, 15K)

Pretty much this, throw in a very small compliment and that will feed em enough. Call em cute and they'll try to prove to you they aren't by trying to act sexy (hoeish)

"Hey bitch, want my cock in your dog?"
Am I doing it right?

Free daily advice. If you see a chicks snap on her profile while swiping add it and shoot you're shot. Bout to fuck this girl with some Thicc thighs.

I don't even know what snapchat is or how it works.
I only got instagram since late last year and that's still confusing to me.

Well lad if you want pussy u better figure it out

Real life is the best dating app
Smile at a girl you like in a bus
If she smiles back, give her a note with your number
It really is easy as that as long as you're not 1% ugly

>takes the note
>never calls because women don't initiate
Just fucking talk to her

Lol I'm the same, could talk to girls fine Irl. Took me years to figure this out but I got it, or,.at least, a version of it that works for me and might for you.

I just read their profile or look at their pictures and throw out a relevant comment, and hope they reply conversationally.

I don't pursue or chase or try to squeeze orange juice out of a rock. If you click you click. It's kinda like irl actually.
Anyway sorry if it's stating the obvious.

>I just read their profile or look at their pictures and throw out a relevant comment, and hope they reply conversationally.
Figured this one out almost right away, and while they do usually reply, getting them to go on a date is the most difficult part

I've had everything from 3-4 messages to 50+ messages not being willing to go on a date
Being playful/flirty and funny does help, but only marginally

Yeah I mean that parts obvious, right?
What I had trouble with was the idea of "some girls will just reply better. Go with them" and felt I had to push everyone.

Same, though. Some don't become much more than a good conversation, but even that's better than trying too hard for nothing.

>the absolute state of modern men
What the fuck were our ancestors thinking when they gave women the right to vote?

I just feel like it's not worth trying at all and real life cold approach is the actual way to go.
What is actually sad is that as soon as I actually do get a date, everything just falls into place - having fun and leaving an impression while on a date is incredibly easy and from there on out everything only gets easier.

The first step is the individually hardest part of the whole journey and takes an unbelievable amount of time on dating apps.

3 out of 3 called
Giving the number is the initiative, faggot

Great sample size on your anecdote you fucking idiot
Try this another 300 times and report back

k incel

>give her a note
This is peak beta.
Any attraction she had for you will instantly fizzle away.

I never ever compliment my matches on tinder... you're just ruining her for you and everyone else by giving her an inflated sense of self worth. Just message very confidently and try to steer the conversation in an interesting direction.. It will be easier after a few successful conversations because you can reuse some of your material that you find works. The other thing is unless you were blessed with a very handsome face most women will never even see your card in their deck because Tinder stacks it so that women will only see the hottest guys. If you aren't handsome I would recommend POF instead. I use both, but tinder I only swipe eights and above to maintain my elo, and POF I'll use to fuck chubbies

I just googled banter cheatsheet pdf and borrowed 90% off there, worked really well

Having trouble while speaking English?
Try being lighthearted and flirty while speaking German lol

based post

I feel like Tinder and Bumble definitely show you more fat chicks if you’ve swiped right/matched on even a few. Swiping right on everyone seems like it’s also penalized (makes sense; you’re providing the algorithm crappy low-entropy information)

Wtf nigger it's obvious you barely ever talked to girls
Peak beta is if you look like a creep doing it
If you know body language you can learn to outright exude confidence