Why I am ugly ?

Im ugly , fat, useless and not motivated

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You feel ugly, because you are fat. And you are fat because you are unmotivated to change. And you're unmotivated, because you are useless. Solution: Go and do something useful with your life.

the ghost of Elliot Rodger just called and he wants his dubs back

Eat more meat and do basic exercizes push-ups sit-ups running etc

Idk man, I think you look fine. I don’t like to point out I’m a femanon most of the time because I think that’s just asking for attention, but I only say this in hopes that you know that to a female you’re relatively decent looking. I know plenty of girls that would date a guy like you. Hope this helps boost your confidence a little bit.

you look like a fuckin faggot bro read tiqqun prelim materials

You posted this last night too. You probably feel useless and unmotivated because you're spending all of your time on this shitty Chinese speedknitting forum. Stop posting pics for asspats.

Lie. I've got a face a bit like his, and the first thing any bitch thinks when they see it is "rapist". Fuck yourself.

You're not ugly. Not a chad by any means, but I don't think anyone would find you offensive or displeasing to look at.

If you're insecure about your body, hit the gym and work on it.

Might just be the front on angle but I don't think your haircut is doing you many favors.

Prey eyes.

You look like the emo 90s child version of the clown from IT lol


Try fucking smiling you goddamn idiot.

You know what, you are also a piece of shit.

Keep being and not improve yourself, retarded kissless virgin with a rapist face.

that nose lol, you look average, user.

That actually hurt my feelings. :(

Made me grin. Hope you stub your toe extra hard today, fucker.

>Average guy posts picture
>WhY m I oGly?
>Garners sympathy to boost his shitty self esteem
>Leaves thread feeling better about himself without actually approaching women
>A week later
>"I am depressed because I can't get women"
All of you faggots are the fucking same .

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not to be weird but you're pretty cute

Fuck you, you're not ugly and you even have clean skin

>Average guy

You mean an average mutt? Just look at him. Looks like a mix of every ethnic minority living in the US.

M8 if this is average I'm a goddamn model

You look angry homie

shut up dude, you're not ugly, you just need more self-esteem.

wow this is actually tru

I don't think you're ugly, OP. I think you lack personal style, but you're far from what I'd consider ugly.

You just need a big boy haircut and glow-up. You remind me of a young Rami Malek.

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You're not ugly you need more confidence and do some work out that can help you not only in the physical sense but also because making a physical activity is related to hormones and a goo function of your brain. Your mind is trying to have a reaction from you, to get out of the pessimistic state. If you're not comfortable going to the gym start with some youtube video try to listen some podcast maybe a few magazines try to put some effort and make an investment in yourself.

u look better than me, ur problem is that u think ur shit. stop spending ur life online and do stuff. also maybe try to love urself, stop looking at the flaws

You look a lot like Datsik

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