Okay how old is this woman in pic????

Okay how old is this woman in pic????

She says she is 47

Attached: 14819E3B-EB35-4183-A2AF-E0192AF2A8EF.jpg (687x525, 76K)

At first I thought no way, but what do you guys think

Late 30s?? Maybe 40

2nd thread about the same thing.

Dude so she isn’t 47???

Maybe she just looks REALLY YOUNG FOR HER AGEEE


Plus she was being disparaging to her own age she said she was 47 and then someone started flirting with her and she said basically that she was ‘throwing her 47 year old eggs’ at him. I mean wtf seriously? I think she is trying to shake me off and she likes it when I do things like this

Yeah she's definitely looks older.


Okay okay okay okay fine. She’s 47 tho??? I guess it’s possible. Fine, I don’t think I’m into it if she’s 47. FUCK. That’s up there

I had sex with a 50 year old and im 20. It’s well worth it I must say.

Ok but this is more than sex. Does she really look 47? She already lied about not being interested in me, I have a few screencaps and she said she does indeed have an interest. I think she is just trying to give me the shake

You never know. She might be everything you're looking for. She will probably care for you, and understand you. Know when you're upset and the things you say don't really matter, she's still there. She might be a diamond in the rough. I didn't say she is ugly, cuz she's not. She has aged quite well and probably worth dating.

1. Looks like guy.
2. Doubt they are almost 50
3. Oldest I'd beleive is 40.

She’s worth dating??? Wtf man. At 47??

That’s more rational.

You guys don’t know the situation. She’s into it, but she’s trying to piss me off or just likes it when I get like this

Ever think it's an old pic?

Man that’s what she says constantly. I think her personality is fucking cute as shit, and I think I got through to her but mannn is she really that fucking old?

I mean what do you think? She took pic in OP for the first time tonight? Is that a 47 year old?

Dude, just no.

Yeah the woman in the picture could be 47. This sounds like some MMO drama. Those people don't get a whole lot of direct sunlight so they're not gonna look all leathery and wrinkly or whatever the fuck you expect people older than 30 to look like.

That she's flirting with randoms should tell you that it's not worth getting involved.

She’s not flirting with anyone else, and she’s barreeely flirting with me.

47 is too old man. I’m NOT doing anything with a 47 year old. I’m about to drop it. I’m just trying to make sure.

That pic does NOT look like a 47 year old. How the fu k

Butterfag is my mommy faggot

Bump. Wondering if people think this is a 47 year old

Need to see backs of hands, feet, and/or stomach and tits like a bikini or bra pic or something to tell for sure. Old people never have good hands and feet and can't hide the cellulite

Yeah actually might be. A bit lucky genes+low quality pic+makeup can do wonders

That's a dude

I’m thinking she is 47 actually look at these breasts.

If she were VERY interested in me I would pursue, but otherwise after hearing this information I would rather not

Attached: 4550C94D-3DB9-427C-A7D5-31696144AE33.jpg (641x482, 36K)

Is she 47 here adv?

Bump lol

who cares she's mommy tier. Go get that milk, user

this is 100% a guy and everyone in this thread is a faggot