ITT: Ask the opposite sex anything

Before you post, check the FAQ.
Keep questions concise. Use paragraph breaks.
If you can't handle upsetting replies (or the FAQ) don't ask. You will be bullied out of this thread if you act salty.

>What do girls/guys think about ?
>Do like ?
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of .
Get over it by practicing and exposing yourself to it, bit by bit, step by step. There is no "magic moment" (or activity) that will instantly change you.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out. "Signs" of attraction are meaningless.

>Where do I meet people for ?
Anywhere outside. Or online. Above all, leave your comfort zone.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me.
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Coffee is the preferred first date, but any of the following may work: lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, froyo, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, gallery, park, .

>I'm insecure because of my penis
>Do women prefer penises of certain qualities?
>How do I my penis?
Fuck off

>Why can't just give a straightforward rejection?!
>Why are terrible? . .
Fuck off

> is only for hookups, don't go there for real people!
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Make one yourself! Try these macros:

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is it rape if in the middle of sex you withdraw consent
if you're in a relationship with the person how are you supposed to know how to continue if you feel absolutely violated but they don't care or understand they hurt you
who can understand and why do the police and judges even females do nothing about this sort of thing, whether you're a sobbing mess (keisha) or angry or completely emotionless about it

I'm pretty thirsty Tbh. Really could use some casual shit. Tinder doesn't work for shit though. Any tips? Easiest way to get poon?

Yes, if you tell your SO to stop and they don't, it's rape.
You can break up with the person, you're not obligated to stay.

And police cares, a friend of mine sent her rapist in jail.
You have to have evidence, tho. Her evidence (vaginal trauma that landed her 3 surgeries) was strong enough. Obviously if you don't have any, they won't send a guy in jail because you told them to.

Lol, that's not rape though, you fucking dumb cunt. If that's rape then I've probably raped over 30 women. Bitches will constantly change their mind depending on their mood, they are like over-grown children.

since when does tinder now work? you must be ugly.

Just because you don't want it to be rape it doesn't make it not rape. I don't know what argument you're trying to make.

If one of the partners withdraws consent and the other doesn't stop, it's rape.

Idiot. Tinder is for orbiters and scum. It hardly works for anyone easily, and frankly I'm not up for swiping and courting thots.

I mean, thots are the only people who sleep with guys easily.

go to a rub and tug then.

> is only for hookups, don't go there for real people!
Fuck off

Girls, should I approach qt with whom I think I have absolutely no chances? What's the worst that could happen if I walked up to her & started just beeing myself?

27 and 32 actually.

why do many women seem to think it's okay to hit a man in the nuts?

Guys, when we you say to a girl "you make me feel young"?

Men are most of the time stronger than women. We don't know someone elses intentions and If we feel threatened we have to protect ourselves. Face and genitals are most vulnerable places.

I don't know many women who have actually done this though. There's only opportunity if you are being held in a place where there's no help and most harassment is in a public place with witnesses anyway.

Last time I said that it was because she gave me an erection that was so big, hard, and spontaneous I felt like I was back in high school.

Also, I said something like "You make me feel so energetic" to her for the same reason.

Different energy but I like the honesty.

I kicked a guy in the nuts when he was threatening to kill my best friend and none of his friends were trying to stop him. That's the only time I ever did it.
He's 6' and fit, we're both 5'4 and petite.

This chick was emotionally cheating with me for a bit. Then her child died and she disappeared for a few months. I figured when I saw her again I should cut the shit and just be there as a person. That's not what she had in mind. She was always so composed almost tsundere like. I would feel like I had to work to get some reaction showing that I was in her favor. Now, obviously, it looks like the ordeal took a hell of a toll on her and she seems very, I don't want to say it but, desperate for my attention. I would have no problem with this except I am an emotionally stunted immature fuckup and am slightly worried about handling this situation.

General advice or some kind words? I had a good day today. I made friends and had fun. I smiled so much that my face hurts. But now everything hurts and i want to die. Nothing bad happened to me today. I just am sick in the head somewhere and i want to die. Even if i got all my wishes granted right this second, i’d still want to die. Then tomorrow i will feel fine and the cycle repeats. The rest of my life will be like this. Yes i work out a lot and eat healthy.

shut down everything, your phone, your tv
sit in the dark, no alcohol, no cigarettes
try not to think at all

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Depends on who you are. Everyone wears at least a little bit of a mask when they first meet. For example, I'm super open to talking about sexually charged shit with my friends, but the first time I meet someone I'm not going to start chatting up about my fetishes. That shit takes trust and time. Learn small talk, read the person and survey whether they like the sort of shit you're discussing, and learn.

Isn't this what you wanted? It would be irresponsible to ditch her in a time of need. Think about something other than yourself here and try to at least be a friend.

She'd say no. Honestly it's really not that bad, and once you've been rejected by super hotties for being a tit, it's much easier to talk to people who are average.

Idk if it's cultural difference but here it's more dudes doing ball taps on one another than any woman hitting men there.

Tell her that last bit then. If she's coming to you for comfort she knows you well enough that she will be aware that you're awkward, just make sure she knows you're trying your hardest and if you fuck up it as an accident. Just be careful she's not using you, user.

Hey hey calm. There's obviously an underlying issue that being happy, whilst great, doesn't counteract. You need to find out what issue is actually causing this and deal with it. Happiness doesn't fix anything, it makes it easier to fix and clearer what you have to fix, but the hard work still needs doing.

Need advice from both genders.
I have a serious problem with rejection. I just get mad even though I understand the girl. How do I just chill and dgaf?

have you ever rejected someone?
try doing that and you won't give a single fuck when girls ignore you

Guys, how would you feel if the woman you used to (very loosely) seeing, who is angry at you for what she feels is leading her on, became best mates with your new girlfriend? How would you feel if whilst they socialised your girlfriend didn't text you?

i know this girl likes me or at least thinks i'm hot
we started flirting and exchanged numbers a few weeks ago
i'm 30 and she's 25
we've been texting intermittently
she hid the fact she has a kid and a bf from me for as long as she could. i had to look her up on fb to find out. if i hadn't looked her up i still wouldn't know, and who knows how far we'd have gone by now
so currently we're just "friends" but there's a strong mutual attraction between us. we want to fuck
she doesn't want to cheat, probably because she knows i'm looking for a serious relationship. she knows i want to get married and have a few kids. she also knows i'm not scared off by her kid like most guys would be. i'm not bothered by her boyfriend either. from what she's told me he works a lot and they don't spend a lot of time together, but she probably lives with him and depends on him. they're not married and she doesn't want to marry him. she also knows i almost got married last year and i'm still healing from that.
we're both going to college and have a class together. we sit together and walk to our next class together but that's the extent of the actual time we've spent together, which is frustrating. she's with her kid 100% of the time when she's not in class. i don't mind "dating" women with kids. i'm perfectly fine with not being her priority. i don't need to be nurtured and babied like a lot of guys, but i still want to spend time with her. we're trying to figure something out over spring break but she has to go "out of state" (whatever that means) that thursday and she won't come back for 10 days. she's missing an entire week of classes and she's already failing two of her courses; not good. she's probably going to fail out of college. her financial aid runs out this year anyway.
to be honest i don't want to waste my time with a "loser."
anyway, she says we're just "friends" but i know she wants more, and i know she knows i want more. she joked around about hooking me with one of her

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I have, it doesnt happen often though.
Also I dont understand how it will help me, these are two completelu reversed situations

Thank you, i will be ok i’m not going to kill myself. I just feel terrible. You are right, i cant give up. i have to find out why its like this. I’m pretty sure my brain is just wired differently, but I know that once i can move out of my parents house , i will feel way better about myself. I’m 25 and a loser. but honestly I am trying and i will make myself be better

with one of her friends but i know she doesn't want that. i can tell she wants me for herself. she's a very soft spoken, shy and subtle girl, which i like. it's in the way she talks to me.
my parents and friends all tell me to find someone else but i don't want. i'm starting to like her. she had a rough childhood and her life is a stressful mess (but who's isn't). i want to help her. i'm seriously attracted to people i think i can rescue. my dad says i can't save her but i want to try. i can tell she's not happy at all with her current bf.

i guess my question is: how do her and i make this work? i don't want her to cheat, because then we would have trust issues in our relationship. i'm thinking long term here. i don't have a place she can stay at currently, and i won't until i graduate, which could be another 3-4 years. i want to get my Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering. she's very enticed by my earning potential. she wants more kids but can't afford them with her current bf. i would take care of her and her kid and our kids. i'm ready to dedicate my life to my family. i just don't know what to do. i'm holding the mortgage on a crappy trailer which is currently vacant... maybe i could work something out with the tenants where her and i could stay there on a verbal agreement for the time being, i don't know. i know kristin doesn't want to live in a fucking trailer. i don't either.

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wouldn't care because i have nothing to hide

why is it frowned upon, when wanting to see an ex (with whom you ended things on good terms)?
this human had some influence on your life for some time and now you have to cut them out like that?

she's having hot passionate sex with someone else
he's better than you
move on and start improving yourself

how do I talk to a girl that I'm really into?
>I tried to picture her as a dude and treat her like one but it failed. multiple times.
I can talk to random girls casually and I know how to flirt (kind of). Just don't know with this one.

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nevermind, FAQ answered. Now I just look like a retard.

Try imagining that shes a trashy whore and done fucking a stranger in the bathroom just before meeting you

she's not as i'm certain she had way more passionate sex with me
he is not better than me, he's just a crush i'd reckon
i am and i am but i'd still like to be in touch with her
nothing wrong with that eh?

typically you don't re-renter your ex's lives out of respect for them
don't cause problems
i've caused problems - i'm causing problems currently, chasing after a girl with a kid and a bf - and it never went well

>after 2 months of dating, feelings faded away for both of us
>didn't talk for 3 weeks, somehow I prepared a birthday gift for her before we stopped talking
>gave it to her in the best situation I can imagine
>best gift she could ever ask for, she said, and cried herself to sleep

now I'm catching feelings again, would I dare for a second chance or just leave it be and be friends....
(we will never be together, this is as far as we go but I want it to last and maybe until this summer)

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I’m 26 and just started dating an 18 year old. I don’t really care what people think, but we’re gonna run into issues aren’t we?

good luck keeping her around
she'll get bored of you within a month

Yup. People in different stages of life tend to.

Enjoy the ride

I meant more from other people. Hopefully I make a good impression with her parents
That’s fine

guys: opinions on lads who chase after girls who're in a relationship? imagine you have a gf and you love her and then a rich hot guy starts flirting with her / asking her out / texting her every day and she starts falling for him. how would you feel? would you be mad at her or him? pls respond

I'd been seeing this girl the past few weeks and everything seemed to be going well. Then she told me she was relocating to another state very soon. We did message and snap every day up until two days ago, but now she seems to be ghosting me.

Is she ghosting me just because she doesn't want to get too attached because she's leaving soon? If so, that's fair enough, but why wouldn't she just tell me? Also, why did she even go out with me multiple times over the past few weeks?

i don't want to cause problems
but i'm not over her enough to say i'd want to meet her, not as friends, just as people who dated
but staying in contact, maybe texting a little bit, that should be alright i'd believe

Id be more mad at her but I'd understand. Hypergamy over "love"

Its still a dick move

>why wouldn't she just tell me?
she already told you

>why did she even go out with me multiple times over the past few weeks?
why wouldn't she? you were going out and having good times, now she's just bored I guess

I will
I’ve only dated mid-twenties girls so I’m gonna find out what this is all about

Fuck women. Disgusting whore wanted to slut around before she leaves town.

If she even gave her number I'd drop and move on

dude honestly just forget about her
start flirting with other girls
as soon as you find someone else you will forget she exists

i'm just starting to get over a real bad break up. i was engaged to this girl and our marriage was dated for november 13th last year, and then she fell pregnant by her ex. turns out she was fucking him the whole time we were together (two years). she gave me my wedding band and said goodbye. i still wear it around my neck, but i'm continuously trying to find someone else. there's gotta be a girl out there who isn't evil.

i might
but the whole process of forgetting someone like that
just urks me
>i was engaged to this girl and our marriage was dated for november 13th last year
well damn user
here i am bragging about some girl i didn't even propose to
i feel hard for you user

fucking evil that shit

all my ex did was kinda lead me on after we're seeing each other again
and fucked one of her guy friends during

I'm I going to get friend zoned or do I have a chance?
So, she is this Girl in my college class (I'm in a video course and she is in photography, but our class overlap) from Vietnam. She Is pretty shy and socially awkward. and she is not the best at speaking English (and also Vietnamese apparently) speaking in general isn't the greatest at communicating what she wants verbally. But writes English really well. After working with her on different projects. She became most comfortable with talking to me because I'm very patient with her and talk to her the most because I care about her. Anytime she needs help with something I'm always the first person she goes to. She will even text me out of the blue to talk about stuff unrelated to school. When she got excepted honour roll, I was one of the first people she told. When we’re watching a short film for video class and it was a horror short film. She looked away from the screen and grabbed my sleeve and kept asking me what was happening. When I suggested I might visit Vietnam someday she said she would "love" to show me around. She has had a boyfriend in Vietnam, but that relationship looks like it’s going out the window because she wants to stay and work in Canada for a long while. while he is willing to wait for her to come back. but she does not want to wait. he also seems like an idiot. She confides in me quite a bit with her personal problems. in October she asked me for advice for maintaining a long-distance relationship. and she confided in me her frustration with her boyfriend. And she isn't using me or anything. She genuinely tries to help me when she can. I know she cares about me but is it just as a friend and is there any hope after she dumps her current boyfriend?

Girls, at what point is it autistic to continue assuming that there's a possibility that a girl is just being nice? I've gotten her number, and then I went to lunch with her, and then I took her bowling a couple weeks later. I know that sounds like a sure thing but I still get few signals from her when we're out together, only her doing her best to keep a conversation going and sometimes maybe getting kinda close but maybe it's just a coincidence. Am I dense to keep wondering if she's into me?

They don't make the moves tard, that's your job

Would you tell your SO about your kinks, even if they are really gross/ illegal/ socially unacceptable etc.?

yeah I know and I'm going to. I have been making moves until now, hence the two pseudo-dates, and regardless of if I think there's a chance she's just being nice I'm going to go for it. I'm asking more so I can put my mind at ease about what my chances are so I can stop wondering and just do it.

not outright but you can test the waters and move up slowly.

i think someone here a few weeks back said there was an app that let you create a lit of kinks and when you paired it up with theirs it would reveal things you have in common.

I want to ask this guy out in my class I only spoke to him twice and he wasn't mean about it. i was thinking of saying

>hey how was your spring break
spark some small talk maybe
>I wanted to know if you're busy( in general?)
>I know you're taking a lot of classes this semester so I was wondering if you had any free time?
>okay, uhhhh would like to hang out with me sometime, this friday maybe?

I don't really want to say "hang out". I don't want to ask him to study either bc I don't want him to be under the impression that I want to use him bc he's smart. I want him to know I genuinely want to hang out and get to know him. But I don't want to say "hang out" or "go out" bc it sounds silly to me and really forward but I can't think of any other way to put it.

I mean I could ask him to go somewhere with me to get lunch or coffee but I don't like the idea of that either.

How can I ask him to hang out in the less serious way as possible that could be considered not thirsty or too forward.
Also im like 4.5/10 maybe 5 now that I don't have glasses. I think he's like a 7/10 desu but I'm also bias bc I really like him. I think most people would see him as a 5/10 or 6.5/10 (if they're the same race as him)

I know some shy guys say they like when girls approach them but that only seems to apply to attractive girls....So he might just think I'm weird if I do it.

He hasn't tried to initiate any conversations with me since we talked a couple of weeks ago but theres not many chances and I'm not the most approachable person. Also we didn't match on tinder. I remade my profile yesterday to see if he was still on it to make sure he's single and paid for gold and he prof keeps popping up in my stack but I change the miles so I don't have to swipe it to see if he will right swipe me first. but nope not yet. Is it possible he doesn't want to match because he will think it will make class awkward? We have a lot of classes together.

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Girls, would you consider this emotional cheating?

>New girl at work
>First time we meet she is stalking my Facebook with other female coworker
>Later that week invites me to go hiking with her
>Adds me on snapchat by sliding her QR code into my camera while i'm browsing near her desk
>Snap daily
>Forces me to come to work Christmas party in her car, does not leave my side all night
>Very physical at party. touching arm/leg, playing with hair etc
>Find out she has BF.
>I pull back
>Both want to catch up over break but we don't.
>Laughs off jokes/rumours at work about us being an item
>Snapchat becomes more personal and frequent up to like 2am
>Comes up with cute nicknames for me
>Says she wants to take me to a new restaurant, but when i ask her about it leaves me on read.
>Leave for a week holiday and she starts snapping me like crazy saying she wished she hugged me goodbye
>Starts confiding in me about issues with coworkers
>New girl in her dept. at work thinks we are together due to the constant comments from coworkers/interactions we have. she doesn't correct her. I eventually do.
>Has started calling me amazing on a daily basis.
>Recently said "love you lots! blush and heart emoji" when signing off a text
>Now sending more photo snaps than text snap with cute heart filters..
>Admitted she feels safe and comfortable around me and uses my presence to psych herself up at work if she needs to ask someone something important.

She is careful not to cross any boundaries (no nudes, rejecting after work meet ups etc) but is still flirty and playful and any teasing/revealing snaps she sends are always framed in such a way that she can say it was unintentional.

i'm a good looking guy (women say, not my mom either) and i get approached all the time. just be up front with him. men appreciate honesty. what we don't like is games. just don't play games and things will be fine. the worst is say is "sorry i'm busy" and then you'll have a crush on someone else a week later. life goes on

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>then you'll have a crush on someone else a week later. life goes on
i'd honestly be crush, I've dealt with a really bad rejection in the past (about 5 years ago) using a similar method (cold approach, asked for his number and to study) and was humiliated for it so I'm not sure if i'll handle it well this time.

Just ask him to a coffee and act natural lol.
Your first post reminded me of that Jow Forums screen cap where the guy made a script with if then statements to order a damn pizza

Yeah, best way to deal with rejection is to reject someone yourself. You do not need a good reason. Only then will you understand.

Get over it, us men usually have to make the first move so we have all experienced the same thing. And most men don't get rejected once like you, but many times in their lives.

I don't know how to ask this, but is it normal for you to be hairy?
I don't mean armpit hair or pubic hair or leg/arm hair, I mean hair on the belly or the back.

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It's not, at least for white women. I heard arab women tend to be hairy and I have seen a few with mustaches but I have never seen any of them naked so idk.

maybe because my gf has dark hair and pale skin.
She doesn't have facial hair, probably because she remove it, but the hair on her back and belly is really bothering me.
There's even the hair between her cleavage.

>arab women
You mean middle east, women from Tunisia technically still arab but reastically they're are Spanish/French women with good hygiene.

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That's not normal

>women from Tunisia technically still arab but reastically they're are Spanish/French women
Bahahaha wtf

>That's not normal
So you're perfectly hairless without grooming?
I pretty hairy myself, but my impression of women body hair comes from my mother and sisters which didn't have much body hair.
I don't want her to do something she doesn't want, but I feel like I'm hugging a dude when we cuddle.

okay and yea i sound pretty pathetic
i guess but i don't want to deal with anymore blows to my self esteem.

I'm not a girl but even my back is completely hairless. And I have never seen anything like that with any girl that I have been with.

>Make plans with girl
>Originally says yes, then later says no she can't make it
>Ok no worries, shit happens
>Next day messages me if we're still going, she's going to try to make it

I've never had a girl get back to me like that before, I do hope I get to see her

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You just have to realize that you have nothing to lose. If the worst case happens and he says no you are in the same position that you would be in if you never asked him at all. And like the other user said, just invite him to a coffee or something.

I had crush on a co-worker and I thought she might had a crush on me, she transfered a year ago, and never stayed in contact, but she sent me a message a few days ago after long time.
I'm afraid to open the message because I'm not sure how would I reply to her.
Is she interested in me?

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Wasn't thinking pathetic, more like you remind me of younger me. It's easy to spot anxious behavior (information seeking / overthinking) when you've been there yourself.
Try to worry less and think less/ be more in the moment.
For that I really recommend mindfulness meditation, even just ten minutes every day.
Good luck

that's a good way to look at it
yeah i take life way too seriously, i'm a massive weenie. thanks for the recs

How do I deal with my gfs weight issues?

She was anorexic as a teen, became anemic because of it and ended up in a hospital. Now she is back to a healthy weight but became a bit chubby. And her fat distribution is not great so most of it is on her belly. She feels really bad about the way she looks but she is afraid of dieting because she might relapse and become anorexic again.

I am really into skinny girls so my sexual attraction to her is fading and I find myself checking out other girls when I am walking around outside. I know this is superficial but I can't change it.

She keeps asking me if I am ok with the way she looks and I always say yes because I don't want to hurt her.

I don't know what to do and I am afraid to talk to her about it, because I know it will hurt her.

fuck her

>I'm afraid to open the message
you're done, mate

I'm afraid because she might see the message as seen.
And I don't know what to reply, she kinda sent a flirty message.

Maybe I will suggest that she should seek psychological treatment. If she can overcome her underlying issues, maybe she can approach her weight in a healthy way.

Kind of a long story but I'll try to give you a tl;dr

So my friend and his gf broke up recently, while they were together I was hanging out and I became really good friends with the girl.

Once they broke up, her and I still hung out but I noticed she started to develop feelings for me and made it clear without saying anything directly. At one point I thought it's just a momentary thing that will go away so I stayed friends with her but eventually it got to the point where its either "get with her or keep your distance" and since getting with her would mean losing my other friend, and not getting with her would make her feelings get more and more intense so the friendship wouldn't work, it makes it very hard for me to stay friends with both of them.

I already had the talk with my friend and he said that if we got together he'll be fine with it, he just wouldn't be able to be friends with me because of her being around. I won't do it because of that + the fact they have history and I don't want to be reminded of that, even if she's a great girl and I think we would both work out.

But with her I decided to distance myself and I told her its for the best for both of us. But I do want to stay friends with her, just not now.

I guess my question is, to girls: Have you ever been friends with a guy who you were falling in love with but knew couldn't have him and the feelings went away? how long did it take?
I wish we could be just friends one day because she's a good friend, a relationship with her just wouldn't work, but I don't know if she'll ever want to be friends without getting her feelings involved, unless she's already with some other guy, then I guess she'll be fine but idk, she said that I was pretty much perfect for her so I don't know if that thought will ever go away and I'm worried we'll have to cut contact completely. Thanks in advance!

Cook her meals and show her the bmi table whenever she isn't eating because she feels too fat. If she becomes a handful, tell her about body integrity identity disorder to get across just how INSANE crazy people can be. Then tell her that when a person's judgement is so impeded in regards to it's situation and wellbeing, that person should trust the judgement of the people who love it instead.

I know I'm looking way too much into it but in case I'm not...
So this girl from my class and I would hang out more than usual this week and with each time we hang out I feel like we're more closely connected, once I even felt some attraction but I could be wrong. Anyway, the day we hit it off, she'd message to hang out the next day so neither of us has to walk around college alone. On the same day she changed her picture on social media from her with her boyfriend, to just her. Then recently we met again but I was busy doing my work and hanging out with other friends so I didn't hang out as much and conversations were mostly casual this time around. Then she changed her picture back to what it was before.
Anything implying anything here? I know its vague as fuck and possibly just the timing of it made me assume something, but anyway

I never said it was for hookups you incompetent ass. I'm saying it is non-functional and pointless.
I suppose

I think you didn't read my post completely, she is no longer underweight but now she is chubby. She feels bad about it and I always try to make her feel better but she could really lose a few pounds, objectively speaking. It affects my attraction to her and I am afraid that she might gain more weight as she gets older.

But most importantly it affects her psychological well-being, because she is stuck in a situation where she feels really bad about her weight but is scared of dieting because she might relapse.

What I said is that you should take over her intake and she should eat no more or less than you give her so that she will slim down without relapsing into anorexia. Btw you should read up on nutrition if you decide to do it.

What can I do if I still love my ex but I can't forgive him? I really want to but what he did hurt me to the core of my being. He knows that too. And the only way for us to start over is if he could prove he is sorry and he loves me and takes care of me and I have to accept his love and trust him enough to give my love again. I don't hate him but I really hate what he did, even if it was because of a complete emotionally mental breakdown, he said things that cut worse than a literal knife to my heart.

>I should mention I do have depression and anxiety issues and went through psychosis due to this. And without revealing too much, basically he said things to my face that were things I told him that scare me, my deepest fears of abandonment and being used and discarded, but he also said the exact opposite of these things, and said he was mentally broken and needed to see if I still had feelings for him and of he could ask for my help and ultimately ended up pushing me away.

Geez nobody is reading this and I should just put it in the rant thread instead of here but still...

>had a first date with a girl from hinge
>went well
>she only messages me once every other day
>get her number
>set up a second date which she seems into
>she only texts me once a day usually around 9pm
>have second date tonight
how badly will this end?

Well I haven't but don't you think you must be similar to her ex because of the friendship and she is rebounding with you? But because she already knows and trusts you and she's fresh out of dating your friend and your his friend that she is confusing it for love?

Time apart is for the best but you may never see this girl again because she will have found a new love and has no connection to you anymore through your friend.

There's a girl I like a lot and I'm a the stage of asking her out soon, but I'm starting to have doubts. I know that I'm not at my best right now and I have more potential in me and I could score a better girl if I worked on myself for a while, but at the same time I like her and she's the only girl I'm close to and I don't want to miss my chance

Is that normal or I am an asshole ? Should I go for it and dump her at some point in the future or wait for someone better ?

Could end really fucking good if you aren't a little bitch. So I guess it's going to end pretty badly for you.