How do I ignite manly dominance in men?

I'm into SLIGHTLY dominant/aggressive men who make the first move - like an unexpected embrace, gently grabbing your chin and pulling you in for a kiss, or insinuating but decent touching like grabbing and holding your arm and looking into your eyes intensely,etc.

If I so much as like the guy just a bit, if he did things like this I'd go nuts and wouldn't stop thinking about it.

How do I ignite this type of behaviour in someone without telling them or hinting?
Is any man capable of such impulsive passion under the right feelings and with the right person?
Should I exhibit some sort of vulnerability and naivity?
How many men are willing to proceed like this in this current year?

>inb4 go get raped

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I am like that. I steal kisses from girls when I want it. I can't say I'd do such a thing just because you give me a hint. It's my nature, and I don't think there is a way to know beforehand. You'll have to get yourself out there until you find what you want.

So you want a male to "assualt" you (publicly, since thats the only explanation for meeting a new guy) on the off-chance that you find him attractive and let you keep going? In this hypersensitive culture??

Jesus christ women are fucking retarded

You will find what you want in a jail cell (assrape), after youre arrested for sexual assault
You sound worse than these celebs who were outed for the "me too" thing

lol STFU retard, if you live in a western world you would be sued soon or later. This is not 1950 anymore you basement dweller

Don't be idiots, learn to discriminate. I am not saying I do this out of nowhere. It's in the context of a date, when we haven't kissed yet but everything points towards the girl being interested. It's not about going by the street doing such a thing.

Also, go fuck yourself transvestite Ted Cruz.

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>when I want it
>only when she's interested bro

Pick one

Pussy culture of dont-touch-a-single-hair-on-her-or-him, not saying it's either gender's fault. It's the whole society at fault

I mean I appreaciate the whole nice guy but there is no passion and no soul. I like , too, but of course it's more appropiate when it's with those you already know/have met and can sense some attraction between the two

I can steal a kiss from a girl when I want it, after I sense she also wants it. Like OP said, I pull her for a kiss.
Difficulty with reading comprehension much?

dude you fat incel liar read your first post

>I can't say I'd do such a thing just because you give me a hint. It's my nature, and I don't think there is a way to know beforehand.

Do you also have faulty reading comprehension? I said it's not about hints, it's about what I want. If I don't feel like, it won't happen.
How can you have a 159 IQ (lol) when you are so dumb to understand what people writes?

the fuck, are you retarded? I was just cosplaying. Stop posting that you autistic fuck. I just did it because I was bored as a joke. This is harassment you will definitely stay a virgin if you keep posting my pictures, tip cringe

>I was just cosplaying

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Hard to say. I'm a guy who makes the first move, but it's really based on the vibe you get from someone. You have to be reasonably sure that she's into you and that it's the right moment. I guess it starts with little things such as staring at each other, being open to little touches, a playfully romantic demeanor, little comments, etc. It's pretty complicated to put into words and it's always a gamble for the man.

>How do I ignite this type of behaviour in someone without telling them or hinting?
Be slutty.
It helps us.
>Is any man capable of such impulsive passion under the right feelings and with the right person?
>Should I exhibit some sort of vulnerability and naivity?
No, just be slutty, and make him realize that you want that dick.
>How many men are willing to proceed like this in this current year?
For casual sex?
A lot.
For a serious relationship?
Dunno. The laws are bad..

Agree with this, being kind of slutty (kind of, don't overdo it) could help initiate this behaviour in a man.

>Do you also have faulty reading comprehension?
no, but i see you are very aggressive
>I said it's not about hints
you never said this
> If I don't feel like, it won't happen
now you are just trying to save yourself, kek
>How can you have a 159 IQ (lol) when you are so dumb to understand what people writes?
Why are you so jealous of my IQ?
> (lol)
no real man would drop so low, stop larping is cringe

>but i see you are very aggressive
Your words:
>the fuck
>are you retarded
>you autistic fuck
>you will definitely stay a virgin
>tip cringe
>fat incel
>you basement dweller
Now, who's the aggresive one again?

>you never said this
I literally wrote in my fp.
>I can't say I'd do such a thing just because you give me a hint.

Just drop it, kid. Don't embarrass yourself no more
>inb4 a complete nonseless reply that will ignore what I said completely just for the thirst of having the last word because there is nothing more in life

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Femanon. Please dont change and let there be more men out there like you

There's nothing more attractive than a man manly enough to conquer you but gentleman enough to not rape you. I would do anything as a woman for him so it wouldnt be one sided

I never said I wasn't aggressive, I guess you have no idea why I told you that do you?

You have already proved that you are incel so I am done talking to you.

this, pook himself

>I never said I wasn't aggressive, I guess you have no idea why I told you that do you?
Little kid, you are adorable. You don't know ad hominem fallacy?
>You have already proved that you are incel so I am done talking to you.
Whatever suits your insecurities, buddy

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Tits or gtfo.

I would expect this type of behavior to be common, but I'm not american, and everybody else is saying that will get you in jail. Not sure if that's just Jow Forums being virgin as fuck, or Americans being huge pussies.

I always had the impression that, after the first kiss, about half the confident men would act like that. That's what I do at least, and I'm not that much of a chad. Just be with normal, traditionally attractive and masculine dudes, and I think you'll be fine. No nu-males, no gamers, no college kids and your chances are probably good. You can also just communicate that you like this type of stuff if he's not retarded and you guys are talking rather than just fucking.

>there's allways that one /b/ troll on a blue board


Romance is timeless fun, I'm not really worried about the political climate today because my actions have never been creepy or overbearing, so I don't really need to change how I approach women. I've read comments by Golden Age movie stars who knew Clark Gable well and many of the women said that he was able to instantly tell if a woman was into him or not. I think that's probably the most important trait you can have in romance, and maybe even life in general, the ability to recognize someone else's feelings non-verbally.

>that one

Look at those other two arguing absolute nonsense but at least bumping the thread

Maybe more anons, more or less dominant/passive, will join in and share their love/romance style

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You do know that women are capable of thinking for themselves, right?

Yes, they're not very good it though.

This is normal behavior. Dudes who get a lot of experience hanging out with women pick this up. Fratboys and chad will do this no problem.

Get off Jow Forums you weird chick, it's warping your perception of men in general

is right, OP is looking for advice in the "I'm 20-30 yo and virgin what do?" board about traditional masculinity. You're asking the autistic dudes you should avoid.

Well, pretty much. Most people here haven't had any healthy relationships, especially ones where they made the first move.

As a guy who dispite having alot of classicly manly treats, but is knowing i have to take it easy in this day an age. Just act girly and submissive. Get his attention but play your half of the game

I don't see what acting girly has to do with it. I just look for signs of attraction before I make my move. Do you even score?

It‘s easy.
Do the damsel in distress. Obviosuly you also have to look weak and beautiful enough to be worth saving.

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Its If she is trying to get a particular attitude out of a guy....

>being open to little touches
Never understood this

What don't you get?

how to initiate these touches, say in a bar setting, without coming off as a robotic C3PO?

The problem is OP, our current generation of men are very whimpy and beta. My brother teaches a high school class, and says almost EVERY boy in class is very shy/quiet spoken, with maybe 1 boisterous Chad per class. When my brother an I were in high school in early 2000s, at least 50% of boys were all manly and boisterous.

You just gotta date until you find someone who still has this manly flare. Good luck, since they are in limited supply due to pornography and other things lowering the manliness in men.

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>There's nothing more attractive than a man manly enough to conquer you but gentleman enough to not rape you.
"There's nothing more attractive than a man who intuitively knows just how far I want him to push it without me telling him and goes exactly that far and no further."
Women are nightmarish.

Wounder why men are afraid to act manly right.

You both sound like virgins. On the first 2-3 dates, yeah you don't want to be too pushy. But once you fuck a girl, you should be acting like OP described all the time unless you're a little beta ass bitch. Once you fuck a girl, then you can grab her tits, slap her ass, pull her hair, kiss her whenever you want. Fucking IS consent to do whatever you want to a girl once you've made it to that point.

Yeah it's the rape charges getting passed out like candy that we are thinking about.

You aren't different from many women... I'll do the arm touch and read what's coming back. If she's showing interest I'll do something like you're listing. It's just how it works.

If guys arent doing this anymore it's because #metoo scared them shitless.

I guess you could tell them casually in conversation you think it's hot when guys do this. I'd take it as an invitation.

That's called implied consent. My own wife got pissy i even suggested that's a thing even though it fully applies to our relationship...

#metoo did stuff.

That's a myth that doesn't happen as much as Jow Forums/poll would like you to believe. Just don't fuck a girl who has had even as little as 1 drink of alcohol and you'll be fine. Also avoid any girls with dyed hair.


Just because it's being thrown in your face by the internet doesn't mean the false rape Boogeyman is real.

Like an estimated 8% of rape accusations are false, and dude you don't understand how good lawyers are. They'll get the fakers.

On top of that women who make rape accusations, true or not, end up getting loads of death threats and violence threats ans it scares them to back down.
And thanks to the internet other women are very aware this happens so they tend not to accuse.

>That's a myth that doesn't happen as much as Jow Forums would like you to believe.
Maybe not but nobody can reasonably be surprised that men are increasingly reticent to toe the line of consent when so much of contemporary culture and media is telling them that there's zero tolerance for going to far.

I don't care what I sound like. I'm just pointing out the incongruity. Women want to have their cake and eat it. Consent is imperative, but if you ask for it then you're a loser. Some men fall off one side of the tightrope and become beta ass bitches and some fall off the other side and become rapists, and that's an entirely predictable outcome.

You disgrace the character of L by using his name. Just thought you should know.

is that a fucking blonde hair on his face lmao what a player

Subscribing to this. I'm a 30 yr old boomer and I saw the last remnants of traditional masculinity in my generation, during high school.

It doesn't help that girls have learnt that they're stronk and it's empowering to be loud and pushy so most of the men unless they're Chad will be quieted down. They think they're gravely violating human rights if they even so much as stare intently in a girl's eyes or touch their arm in a way that sugests romantic or sexual interest. Of course there is a time, context and a certain stage in the relationship when it's appropiate to do this.

from what I've seen, even the loud independent girls like it when a Chad does this, it boosts their respect for him. They may bitch and act stronk as a must for show, but they'd let themselves be taken straight to bedroom

This is a very simple question that has a perfect answer to it.

You just go and tell the guy you're into: "hey, btw, I'd find it super hot if you'd sometimes just grabbed my face and kissed me etc."
This is why humans started using verbal comunication. I promise this is the most effective strategy there is.

>Tripfag is a Trapfag
Go figure.

ok, thanks for letting me know that.
it was a joke lol, this is harassment

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I can't take anyone who uses the terms "chad" and "beta" seriously. I think you have to be a supremely insecure and, well, not so intelligent person to have a thought process based on those concepts. To me, it's a red flag that identifies people who are socially maladjusted.

lol beta