Should I just give up?

Should I just give up?

>1/10 Face
>Model tier body according to others
>Disfigured breasts and vagina (I'm bio)
>Wants to save sex until marriage

Guys irl just want sex and guys on here just want 5ft dark haired qt.314 or chubby mommy doms.

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Better work on your fucking personality then.

I know a girl like this. I'd date her, but she has a potential-low-iq-or-aspie spitting problem that's just ... ugh.
Her roastie flaps and pepperoni nips were cute though.

It's hard to tell how bad it is based on the descriptions.

Women get a hard time as far as appearances goes, it's harder to find men that won't care, but they exist.

You said guys irl just want sex, that makes me think you're not that ugly.

Whats a bio? How did that disfigure your vagina/breasts?

What the fuck? I guess male incels aren't a thing anymore.

They are a thing. What do you think their existence refutes exactly? That women have a harder time as far as appearances go? Most of those incels are that way because of social problems, not aesthetic ones.

Literally dont be fat and that's it. Even butter faces have an advantage over incels because they have the body

You might as well post a picture of your face if you’re truly a 1/10.

I think she's basically saying she's cis. People tend to presume when someone describes their secondary sexual characteristics as being "disfigured" that they must be trans.

That said I'm trans and I've managed to find some connections, being cis should put you ahead of me in terms of physical attractiveness. I think your biggest issue is going to be the whole abstinence until marriage thing. Most guys kinda want to know what they're getting before making that commitment.

kiss on forehead hnnnnnnnnnggh

You're going to have to be more specific about what "disfigured" means. I'm really only attracted to my own (quite thin) body-type or skinnier, I like tall women, and I actually prefer people who could be described as, shall we say, "not mainstream attractive." I do care about boobs, unfortunately, but the devil's in the details and some people's mirrors lie to them.

>wants to save sex until marriage
Yeah, that's going to be a dealbreaker for an awful lot of people who don't "just want sex," too. Personally, I'm more into cuddling than sex, but even so I probably wouldn't be willing to put up with sex being absolutely not an option.

It'd be helpful if you provided more detail, but nonetheless, good luck.

>Literally dont be fat and that's it
Even that isn't necessarily a requirement, A lot of guys are into "thicc" women, and in fact quite a few actually like women even fatter. I would disagree that it's strictly impossible for women to be incels unless they have a colossal resting-bitchface problem and an attitude to match, but it's astronomically more likely to be the exact opposite problem of drowning in a sea of gangrenous sausage no matter what they look like.

Is this bait? Cause feels like it.

user, your insecurities can be fixed by operations. But that wont help you, you need to get over them yourself in your head.

There will always be a man for you, I'm probably better looking than you but as a man by the rules of nature, my dating prospects are next to nothing

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post pics and I tell you to give up or not

Pretty sure OP was either bait or a drive-by, but I have to say I'm quite curious.

Easier said then done. I've been trying to for 8 years now and all its done is make me more depressed.

They only want to fuck because I'm a hole most likely.

It's just roast. What more can be said? Also it's not that I absolutely won't have sex until marriage, it's more about waiting for some kind of commitment. I don't want to just be someone's "practice" gf.

I don't like photos of me floating around on the internet.

Find me one place that offers an operation to make me shorter.

I don't believe there's a scenario where someone will use me as anything more than a whole at this point.

If you want to save sex until marriage, then your "deformities" shouldn't even matter, since your bf wouldn't see them until you were married.
Also, what does "bio" mean?

Easier said than done. All its done for the past 9 years is make me more sad.

They just see a hole. That's all they want.

Firstly, it's just roast. I'm skinny fat, if that's a necessary detail. Thin arms and torso but it piles on my lower back and thighs.

Fine me one operation to decrease my height.

>probably more attractive than you
>dating prospects are next to nothing
If you say so

I don't like photos of me circulating on the internet. I don't like leaving that big of a footprint and let's be real, future employers wouldnt be endeared by my use of this website.

Shit thought the last one didn't post. I'm a sperg. Ignore me.

>operation to decrease height

I was more thinking on the grounds of fixing other superficial stuff.

But my main point is simply this, if you make a deal of you being tall. I am a 5'3" dude but being short was never a problem with me dating. I wouldnt care if i dated a girl who was 6' or whatever. I have other insecurities though and when i fix them i am more relaxed and attractive.

Thats what i mean, some surface stuff can be repaired but unless you get over them in your head it wont matter.

Nobody does that though. That's only what teenager virgins think.

Tell me about your passion and interests besides your looks.

I like tall girls.

I do as well

Tall girls hotter for sure

>it's not that I absolutely won't have sex until marriage, it's more about waiting for some kind of commitment. I don't want to just be someone's "practice" gf.
You're just making excuses. Divorce is a thing you know? Find someone to have a good time with and 1) you'll have a good time, 2) you might become more comfortable with your body, and 3) it might actually turn out to be with that special someone.

I like the mandatory Jow Forums animu and Vidya, but I'm also studying biology and enjoy hiking.

I'm not sure if you know the cost of plastic surgery either. And I'm glad you can go on dates I guess? Good luck.

W h y

No I just don't want to fuck around. Theres a large part of me that wishes to still have dignity. One night stands are disgusting, and frankly I think people who engage in them are disgusting and narcissistic.
The only "good time" during them is for males, or females that have daddy issues and only do it for the attention. The female genitalia is not designed to produce an orgasm during sex. Nerves are placed in the wrong places. So why would I waste my chastity on some random?

A-are you ok with guys shorter than you?

>The female genitalia is not designed to produce an orgasm during sex.
You're joking right? If not you need to dispel your crazy misconceptions by getting laid and actually getting a clue about what you're dismissing.

I fucking love tall women. Would you date shorter men?

Not asking to seek you out or date you, just wondering what your own standards are.

There's a guy out there who'd love to pump your strong amazonian womb full of future tall, manly Chads.

As long as he won't call me mommy.

Ah I see. A narcissist. The clitoris is the only thing that can make a woman climax, sorry to offend your chaddom but it's just basic biology. All any orgasms you think you have caused through just vaginal or anal sex are statistically and scientifically certain to be fake.

But whennnn

Me and me little sister in that image

Your face can't be THAT bad, can it?
also how old are you?

>As long as he won't call me mommy.
Only actual fucking weirdos share that with the GF. Its an internet meme. Look homegirl, the most attractive and sought after girls I know are 5'11 and 6'3 both have had to swat off dudes like flies because of their height alone. It can be a great thing, but you're self concious about it. Dude look I understand problems with height I'm a 5'5 dude and have had people tell me to my face that they've "Fucked bitches taller than me." If you arent affected or dont show that you're affected by shit like that then you are invincible. I just replied "so have I" and it was a moot point and a funny interaction between the dude and I.

also even if you truly are a 1/10 you can do little things to make yourself a 6 easy. Fassion, Hairstyle, Attitude, and Hygiene kinda stuff. I highly doubt you're a 1/10 tho. Thats hunchback of notre dame tier.

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Some guys like roast beef meat. I do. Also, both men and women need practice so there's really no reason not to. Once I had a girl who I was just friends with benefits with and ended up falling in love with her.

Some guys are into tall chicks. My neighbor is a beautiful 10/10 man-chad and loves tall chicks. How tall are you?

>They just see a hole. That's all they want.
You keep saying this but that's not always true. Go fucking meet a guy at church then.

>or females that have daddy issues and only do it for the attention
And what exactly are you doing here?

>So why would I waste my chastity on some random?
If you're truly a 1/10 then is it really a waste, OP?

OP it honestly sounds like you need to live a little. You're sweating the small stuff.

Oh, yes it can. 20.

I highly doubt that. Even if they do have alot of men after them, they're probably extremely attractive. But not the cute marry and take home kind of attractive, the meaningless sex kind of attractive.

I have never met any guy or girl that likes roast beef.

They like tall women if they have certain features like long, thin legs.

I am not religious nor do I wish to become religious.

I'm not giving out my discord and messaging orbiters. I literally just wanted advice and to see if there was any hope. Obviously there isn't since everyone is telling me to fuck around with random normies.

It would be a waste. There could be another 1/10 virgin male who I connect with out there. A relationship built on realizing inner beauty but I guess that's a fucking fairy tale. I should obviously
Obviously the only answer that you all find reasonable is to fuck around, get either pregnant or with an std, and still manage to die alone, because no one gives an absolute fuck about ugly faced girls.

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Sure plastic surgery is expensive, but not that much.

I dont go on that many dates granted, i dont care about my height but had more than a few girls reject me solely on that. It felt like i was living through an incel meme, lol.

But like i said before, i think your problems are more about personal insecurities rather than objective obstacles. Are you sure about the 1/10? Did you actually get rated anywhere?

>But not the cute marry and take home kind of attractive, the meaningless sex kind of attractive.
Different strokes different folks home skillet. The "meaningless sex kind of attractive." kinda girl you had mentioned could be some guy's dream girl. Calm your tits and do what you can to make you the best you instead of moping about on a chinese cartoon webforum

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I'm not sure why you'd give up? Obviously you're desirable on some level to guys. It's just a numbers game to find the right one, surely?

I image you could find some guy that doesn't care so much about sex, you'd be surprised how many like cuddling and sappy shit like that more than sex.

>Oh, yes it can.
post it then fggt. We will see if you are or not you fucking pussy.

Attached: GOKU IS FUCKIGN PISSED.jpg (2000x1500, 220K)

Wait, you're saying that women can't have orgasms through vaginal penetration alone?

How bad is your face op?

I cant be bothered to read the thread. But honestly if you're afraid of not finding love, don't be.

Its a fact that over 90 percent of girls find love within the first 30 years of their life. Truth is, most guys love tall women. In fact most guys love women who are just interested in them.

Also it sounds like the root of your problem is that you have no self esteem.

Tall isn't a big deal and 1/10 face is probably closer to a 4/10 unless people vomit on eye contact.

Learn about sex ffs. I can't believe you're a person with an actual vagina.

>I have never met any guy or girl that likes roast beef.
Yet most women have meat curtains. It's never been a problem in human history until your insecure ass came along.

Sweetie, during penetration your clitoris should be rubbing against your guy's pelvic region, while internally his penis should (hopefully) stimulate your G-spot. Now none of this is gonna happen automatically, or at all, unless you're doing your part of positioning your pelvis the right way, moving the right way etc. Best of luck to you.

post face

Ooh, I like that,I'd love to go hiking with you;which vidyas are your go-tos ??

Yeah well I literally just said I like beef curtains. Some guys find it hot. I do. So now you know we exist. Go find one. Show a guy your roast beef. You don't have to have sex with him but he'll probably still want it. Stop being so insecure.

I didn't say be religious. I said go to church. To meet the kind of guy you want.

Numerous people on this thread are telling you to put yourself out there and you're taking it as "go be a dumb slut". You're not listening, you're just being dumb.

No girl is ever so ugly that they can't get a bf. Female incels donny exist because women are the gatekeepers of sex. Go on tinder, find someone just as sad and desperate looking as you, then show him your beef. Then develop a relationship with him and let him work for his beef then fucking marry him

Lol my gf only cums from penetration and she squirts so it's pretty fucking verifiable. We're not going to be taking sex advice from a virgin either. 0/10