If I love/care about my girlfriend but want to fuck other girls that's a pretty bad sign, right?

If I love/care about my girlfriend but want to fuck other girls that's a pretty bad sign, right?

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To elaborate a little, it could be because I stopped jacking off to porn that's made me crave other bitches but it's kind of a shit feeling nonetheless.

No, ita a normal feeling that everyone, including your girlfriend, feels.

What does define it as good or bad is how you act upon these thoughts. Will you try to talk to other girls or will you find a way to reignite the spark with your girlfriend?

Nah, I'm not a cheater.

She told me she does sometimes too; We've talked it out before but I can't help but feel guilty when it happens.

Then again, I'm sure this is also rooted in my porn addiction somehow. Thanks mate.

I would agree with you that porn is likely a big part of this. It's normal to think about sexual things in general, but you're gonna kind of experience a psychological withdrawal from porn that will make it much worse. Acknowledging how the porn industry is propped up with human trafficking really helped me break the habit. My sex life with my girlfriend has greatly improved, and my overall outlook on other people has changed. Porn, especially violent and degrading porn, influences how you think and feel more than you might believe.

No, it means you're monogamish flavored poly.

That's really crazy to hear. I wish I would've known porn fucks you over this much. I should've stopped when I was younger fuck.


pic related

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Alright so normal/basic pretty much. Cool info, thanks.

has anyone been able to quit porn and then get thru the wanting to fuvk other girls stage before finally getting to feel totally satisfied by fucking only yr gf and not looking at porn and not rlly wanting to fuvk other girls
i want to reach that point but its hard after 10 years of porn addiction

I got hooked on it very young (11-12, I'm 26 now) and it really damaged my views on relationships, my partnerships with others, and my views on my own sexual behavior. I think it shouldn't be as normalized as it is now, especially considering how much the content of porn has escalated into brutality over time. It barely represents the sex most people have or even want to have. It's really hard to humanize the people involved, and even your own partner, through this kind of lens. Try not to judge yourself, and maybe even discuss how you feel getting past that addiction is impacting you if your gf knows that you've ceased use.

How does one date oneself?

Thanks man, means a lot. I'll keep pushing through it. Glad you got through your addiction as well.

I'm not sure why it's so normalized now either. I don't think these people(mostly teens) know what they're getting themselves into and I honestly think it's weird that the major websites don't try to tell their viewers "Hey, it's fine that you're doing this but too much of it could be bad in the long run."

So simple but it would go a long way. I know it would've helped my process.

im the same i started when i was 11-12 and im just now really quitting at 22 and ive had girlfriends and a decent aml7nt of sex but porn has destroyed my brain and its so hard to fuck as good as i used to when i was like 16 and it was smy first few times and it breaks my heart and makes me wanna cut off my dick and kms

Don't reply to tripfags

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My wife and I occasionally have threesomes to keep it interesting. We are both bi, so it makes it easier. Sometimes it's MFF sometimes its MMF. We don't ever play with other people alone. We basically use the third person as a living sex toy.
>She told me she does sometimes too; We've talked it out before but I can't help but feel guilty when it happens
It seems you have talked about it. If it feels right, talk about the next step.
I doubt my approach will work for you, it sounds like you two are straight. But It's something to think about and research and talk about.

really though can someone help me please im begging u. does it get better after you quit porn, does the wandering eye that feels me with guilt ever finally close its eyelids, can i ever feel completely and fullly satisfied by my gf even if i have a higher sex drive than her, can i really quit porn for good and not fantasize abt fucking hot girls who give me attention irl, why am i a disgusting weak slut who is sex addicted, i blame getting sexually abused as a child and being addicted to porn for 10 years

The picture implies you know my intent. You do not. If your assumptions lead to anger then they were bad assumptions.

nope, cannot help. Non fucked up people generally don't have the life experience to help someone who is an addict, lacks self control, or who cannot interact with someone they presumably "care for". And the ones who are fucked up generally are still fucked up and can't deal with their own garbage, let alone yours. See a therapist a few times a week and tell them exactly the crap you've been writing here don't leave out ANYTHING. or they won't be able to help you cope with your problems. Good Luck.

This is a good example of where you test your self control

Fug, that's not solo poly.
Real solo poly is you never want to cohabitate or share resources with people you love.
Solo monogamy exists as well, same thing, two different houses, one relationship, no marriage, possible kids.

or marriage and a prenup

this thread deserves a bump this is a rampant issue

As long as you do not intend to act on those feelings it is perfectly normal. Making those judgement calls is a big part of what makes us who we are. It is your actions, not your thoughts, that define you.

>assuming assumptions

Acted on my desire.
Accept consequences if you do.
Not worth it but the thrill is there. Jerk off before and then jerk off again. Don't hurt your love if you've agreed to monogamy/exclusivity

Not necessarily. Anger is an appropriate response to being wronged. It depends on whether you use your trip properly or not.

>degenerate's mental gymnastics Jpg