How to build mental strength?

It's one thing to go to the gym and lift, but it won't help me much in building mental strength. I am aware that mental strengths comea as a byproduct when lifting, but it's not enough.

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Experience things and deal with them

Reading books is a good way. Also doing things like puzzles, chess and other "mind working" games are beneficial as well. Also make sure to get a decen night's sleep every night, if you can.

The only way to be mentally strong is to struggle. Going through a breakup and picking yourself up, living through your parents divorce, failing at important life events and trying again and succeeding, etc

Its why sheltered kids kill themselves so easily. No struggle

I use my hatred for things that discontent me to become stronger.

This. Have you been putting something off in your life that you REALLY don't want to do? Start tackling these shitty tasks right away. You'll be much tougher mentally after living like that for a few months.

It's the same logic as building muscles, you break them to build new stronger muscle fibers.
You have to live and experience a lot to have that kind of poise to things.

On that regard, Jow Forums helped me to learn how to give the right amount of importance to things. Otherwise I'd end up one of those Jow Forums incles long ago.

That strongly depends on your definition of mental strength. Care to elaborate OP?

Traumatize yourself repeatedly and study mental disorders.
You'll probably develop depression or anxiety if you don't already have them, but you'll know how to control yourself infinitely better than blindly navigating life.

I got 4 tips for you:

>Do shit, allow yourself to fail, learn from it, repeat and get better at it.

>When you find yourself in situations where the going gets tough, don't run away like a coward. Try to tackle the issue to the best of your ability even if you can't do it perfectly well. Learn how to deal with things that are difficult.

>Take responsibility in your life. When you're unhappy about something, don't immediately fall back on blaming your friends, family, background, the government etc. Think about what YOU could have done to improve the situation regardless of the actions of others.

>And last but not least, as you age, you should gradually become more and more aware of your strengths and weaknesses. Build on your strengths to make them as strong as possible. Also, pursue a life and a career that gets the most out of your natural talents and avoids most of your natural weaknesses. At the same time be mindful of your weaknesses so they won't fuck you up

OP here. Mental strength is a skill where your mind can push through even the toughest of situations without panicking.

Ok, so do you have a specofoc situation in mond where you feel you vould have been mentally tougher?
Can you compare how you acted versus how you think a mental hulk would have handled the situation?

Another attribute to mental strength is resistance to alluring temptations.

Train the body and the mind will follow

that's the worst advice ever heard

What did you expect of that trip fag?

That is usual from that retard

>Here, go suffer. A lot. I promise it's not at all pointless

Yes, you should suffer so that you learn how to deal with tough situations.

You can fast. Especially if you're overweight. You can get addicted to cigarettes and then quit them. You can meditate, do something where you have to completely control your thoughts. There's lots of options.

Experience, desperation and anger.

Suffering just makes you feel bad.

To build mental strength is like any other muscle; use resistance training. For instance, make a decision to do something. Next, explain to yourself why you can't do something. Then tell yourself to don't listen to yourself because your hating. Next tell yourself to stay the fuck outta this about 5 or 6 reps everytime someone asks you a question even simple as "Do you want something to drink?" You will be so mentally strong!

That's the whole point. It teaches the mind how to deal with pain and endure it.

Exactly. Do you think life will be nothing but flowers and rainbows ? You'll take punches, you'll fail over and over, you'll want to kill yourself at some points. What makes the difference between someone who pulls the trigger and someone who doesn't is whether they learned to deal with pain.

>Do you think life will be nothing but flowers and rainbows ?
No. I know life is horrible. I just don't see a justifiable reason to go looking for suffering and pain.

I didn't say you should go actively search for suffering, but you shouldn't hide from it either. You should have ambition and do big things, even if pain comes with it.

However, if you have been sheltered by your parents for example and you realize that you're weak, then yes maybe you should voluntarily throw yourself into painful situation so you can learn to deal with it.

To build up tolerance.

>I just don't see a justifiable reason to go looking for suffering and pain.
Woman detected.

There's no such thing as life without pain. As the saying goes, it's either the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The former is preferable, because from time to time it's balanced with the joy of achievement, while the latter just sits there by itself.

I like this thread.

Pain and suffering bring experience and experience brings wisdom if you learn from it. The goal itself is not to suffer for the sake of it. The goal is to acquire knowledge of yourself and the wisdom to act on that knowledge.

Pic related

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It really depends on many factors, it's not that easy. People who go through too much struggle or get thrown into it without a bit of backbone can snap in unpredictable ways and become that much more weak and troubled as a result.
It has to be built up gradually, and one can do it by themselves through controlled excersizes without pointless suffering.
Some good examples include forcing yourself to use your bad hand on common tasks, socializing when you don't feel comfortable, consciously changing the way you speak, etc.
Suffering may lead to mental strength, but it comes at a price and the results are too random to be worth the risk, just like hitting your kids might help educating them but more often than not produces violent adults.