Is an hour 20 too long a commute?

choosing colleges right now and my mom is pushing me towards Steven's Institute of technology. However, she wants me to live at home and take the subway to class every day for an hour 20. I feel like I'll have zero social life and will probably be burned out if I tried to do this. Is commuting worth saving the 14k or will I jump a building from the stress?

Also worried about workload and social life at an IT school. I want a girlfriend but the school only being 29% female doesn't help.

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>I want a girlfriend
first, you need friends and jerk off if you are so horny, girls want love not sex

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You know yourself and your life better than us. Ask yourself, would you be okay with the commute and saving money? It is kind of nice to have as little of a loan as possible when you get out of college. Or do you want the college experience and more debt?

Most guys at IT schools are very beta user. If you have even the basics of interacting with a woman, you will be miles above them all. Sit next to a cute girl before class starts and small talk her. Ask her out if she seems to like your conversation.

Holy fuck an hour 20 commte for college will make you want to kill yourself after a month. Literally do anything to not do this. This is unreasonable, tell your mom you need time to study and make connections with professors and such

Honestly just wanted to go to movies or a cafe or something with a girl. You're right on the jerking it off part though

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Errr... is student housing really that expensive there?

Pretty sure you can convince some random on campus to split a room and let you throw an extra matress on the floor for like $300-$500 a month.

On its smack dab in Hoboken. You may be fucked.

Still worth a look though if the alternative is a 1h20m drive.

It’s doable, i basically do it to work every day. But I don’t know if I woulda liked that in college.

Id move at this point, literally why not. All the money transport costs youd probably end up cheaper

It's honestly not so bad. You get to sit and relax and have "you" time during your commute.
I drove that hour and 20 minutes and it's really relaxing after a long day at the school.

I'm more worried about a social life. I currently stay home during the weekends and it's kinda miserable so I don't know if I can hang out with friends/do my homework and still live a life

I'm not a social person, so I can't say for sure, but I interacted a lot with people in my classes. You could still go to school events and stuff if you aren't restricted on a subway schedule or something. It'd be a pain to go back and forth between campus/staying on campus all day for evening events.

Allow me to save you 4-5 of BS and a 100k bill at the end of it. Just get tech certs, that's what I did and went from making 28k to 60 in 2-years. FYI, I have a Network+ and A+, that's it.

Don't do it OP.
That's a lot of money and time wasted.
Ur social life goes to shit
Unless ur mom is ill or something, there's no reason you have to live with her when you can be an hour 20 away.

Also congrats on getting into stevens

Lmao girls want sex.
If you think they don't guess what?
You are actually just not one of the guy they want to fuck.
Cause they ARE gonna fuck.

user. Heed my advice. Live in campus or VERY close to. This is the k my chance you will ever have in your entire life to experience the college atmosphere/lifestyle. It’s time to move out of your house and learn who you are. You will regret it 10 years from now if you trap yourself in your parents house and commute 3 hours everyday just to save money.

The experiences and friendships that you make at college are absolutely priceless. Take a leap of faith and stop playing the safe route.

*this is the only chance*

Emancipate yourself from your mother.
If need be, find a job and get your own place.
Go to the school you want to go to.
No girl wants a man who still hangs on his mothers tits.

Eh, different strokes for different folks. I found college life kinda draining. I was happier visiting friends on campus for weekends after college, than I was actually living out and about in all the insanity.

But hey, I’m an introvert so that’s kinda my MO. Just saying, not everyone’s the same.

If you're the type of person that does their homework at 2am DO NOT COMMUTE. You will fail.

I did a commute like this and it destroyed me but I was also driving so it’s different from the subway

I would compare the costs of subway fees to the cost of living and see which is cheaper. You could always do homework on the subway

Except your destiny as a lonely hikkimori.