Why so many lesbians? I moved from small town to a big city to study, and in college every day I see a different lesbian, and I have not seen any gay men, so that's how the world is today? I am quite shocked, it seems that men are no longer enough men and women need to appeal to this
Why so many lesbians? I moved from small town to a big city to study...
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What country and what city and what university. In my college, I do see lesbians but in the same amount of gays.
Brazil, city and university is irrelevant because it seems to be an epidemic
I guess maybe because lesbians aren't seen in a negative light as gays are in brazil. I'm not sure tho. It's your country, not mine.
Men lost the day we invented the hitachi wand. Now its just a matter of time
It's funny, lesbians need a toy which is sad, gay men fuck each other's anus at least.
Seems kinda weird. In most countries, gays outnumber lesbians by quite a large margin. But it's college, it's when girls are doing retarded shit to "explore themselves." Almost all of them will go back and forth for a while before settling on men. Don't treat any of those lesbians as firm lesbians. Give them the lip service respect to their "sexuality" but you can hit on them like any other girl at your school.
It is difficult to think that they will return to men, because they all have short hair or shaved, dress like a man and act as one.
You don't have to believe me, but it will be your loss.
>What is oral sex
Because woman are the better men today. Let that sink in you pussies.
That‘s not true. Only girls who fuck men need toys because the men suck so bad at sex.
Lesbians can give you an orgasm without having to rely on gadgets. Generally speaking. There‘s obvisouly men who ate decent in bed and lesiband who suck at it, too.
Perhaps I should move to BE huehue
I'm bi and I've met plenty of straight women who sleep with bi / gay women just because they're tired of sleeping with men and getting nothing out of it. Maybe your university has a lot of poorly skilled straight guys.
How do you know they're lesbian?
Disgusting individuals
South America is generally more tollerant towards gays/lesbians. I'm not talking about laws, but about the general response of the people: during a trip there i saw lot of lesbians and gays holding hands in the street, while it's something that doesn't happen so much where I'm from, and I'm from Europe
How do you spot a lesbian?
She'll tell you.
Women are pathetic indeed, rather than tell the man what displeases them
All women to a degree have sexual relations with each other because they are debased whores, it doesn't mean they are lesbians.
Frotting will always be superior to anal meme
Who says they don't?
but why