Am I ugly? How can I improve my appearance?
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No, and your hair cut is wack, try fixing that. Also, show me what kind of underwear you are wearing.
Haircut, dress better and smile more
You're fine OP dont worry about it
You're not a model but you're ok. That said you need a new haircut asap. Also time to start eating healthy and you need to go to the gym desperately. Do this and you'll be fine.
You seem to be cute. The glasses ruin it a bit though. Maybe a better frame.
Look like you have low self-esteem (just like me) Swallow your pride and either go to a hair stylist and get it layered, get contacts and drink more water to help with your skin. Laying off soda and sweets will help with acne. Also ditch the glasses.
better frames,consider curling hair??
Girls would be all over you if you curled that hair like those kpop boys.
I can see you looking about 10 times better with a skin care routine. You're not ugly, it's mostly your skin
like this? Would I have to do it every morning? I know nothing about hair, so please help.
I'll try and get contacts, thanks for your advice
What do you mean by layered?
Maybe a better haircut. Find better frames for the glasses. Try to fix your skin. Smile, you look pissed, or sad.
Nah that's too much curl. Something simple, messy. Your hair would look better not straight.
Kinda like this
Take care of your skin use cortezone cream don't touch your face change your pillows/bedsheets daily. Be happier nobody wants to be with a depressed mopey looking ass eeore motherfucker and get a normal haircut instead of that anime looking shit then maybe you'll get some bitches on your dick nigga
I don't think you're ugly, but I'll be honest right now you're not doing yourself any favors.
You've got full lips, seemingly broad shoulders and a nice jawline. What I would do is get a different hairstyle. I'm not a stylist so I would have no idea what to recommend. The glasses don't look horrible on you but then again very rarely do glasses ever look "better" on someone than without. Can you afford to do contact lenses?
You remind me of myself. How is your beard game? Also fuck contacts.
You look like you need some sun, fresh air, exercise, vitamins, mental health and real problems in your life.
Grow the FUCK up.
No OP, if you don't know anything about hair considering a perm is just fucking stupid and expensive. Go to a hair stylist, like a nice one, not a great clips, ask for them to shorten it up and layer it -- they'l know. It'll set you back about 80 + tip but it will be worth it.
Eat better, wash your face at least once daily, change your pillow case/a towel over your pillow case changed daily for your skin.
Personally I think your glasses are cute, but why not get contacts to switch it up sometimes? Overall, contacts suck and you'll need glasses anyway, but don't feel obliged to always wear contacts.
Anyway, you're cute 7/10 (and that's a bad photo rating so keep that in mind)
t. an actually decent grill
you look pretty alright actually. you just need to take care of your skin and hair (it doesn't suit you), and maybe get glasses with bigger frames. you're not ugly.
r u half korean or smth. also ur hair could work in that long style but not like this, also no to those glasses. i know someone who looks like u hes got similar hair too but tho glasses gotta go
that haircut, it screams I am a virgin
visit fit and fa
Get a hair cut and lose the glasses, you fucking nerd.
Get a better haircut. Something more popular and trendy. Also your glasses are too old for your face.
Like this
or this, zoomer core
That haircut isn't doing you any favors.
Get a decent skin care routine.
Take care of your hair *looks greasy*
Either get thicker frames of the same size or thicker frames in a smaller size to add definition to your face.
Not bad. Average dude.
New haircut (nothing too short, medium long looks good on you) and new glasses. Round Oliver Peoples type would suit you well
For real, you look good
you look the white version of me
you are legit the kind of guy that could be helped by watching queer eye (the new one on netflix)
i am sorry user
You're unkempt, actually try to make yourself look attractive, cut your hair, clear your skin and work on your posture and you'll be above average. That being said, at the moment you aren't attractive, and no decent woman would be appeased.
Did you try exposing your forehead more? Some kind of a slickback type hairstyle?
No you're not ugly at all but I agree you need a different haircut and smile.
Show your soles
dude you look like the main charachter in a hentai game lmaooo
but i think u look good bro honestly. your hair is really cool
You have a nice jaw line and a youthful appearance, if anything just change up your hairdo a little bit (not saying it's bad). If you're concerned about slight acne or anything (i'm guessing you're around 18-20) use alcohol or toner on your face and show off a smile. Youve got nothing to worry about OP
Don't change yourself due to insecurity user, as you can see by most posters, you're just fine. Smile please, let your inner goof out
You look like my friends cousin who I always found to be hot
yes. but you're not a lost cause. Get a perscription for accutane, go workout, change from glasses to contacts, and get a haircut. Don't just cut your hair either, get the fuckboi haircut that the girls actually like. Get an undercut.
Dress better too. Get some advice from /fa/
dont listen to these k-pop weeb fags OP. Get a simple haircut like this. It's a crew cut. It's simple to maintain and is easy to look good. Ask any girl and they will tell you they like a guy that look clean. Make sure your hair doesn't have a 'wet' appearance all day and you'll be fine.
>yeah dude get this normie haircut xd, oh what my haircut? well is a totally different but that doesn't matter heheheh
You have nice thick hair, so I wouldn't recommend cutting all of it off, but instead pull the middle back into a ponytail or soft-mohawk and shave the sides. Like in my pic. I bet this style would look good on you. If you are capable, I'd encourage you to grow out your facial hair. Baby-face is cute and all, but we're going for a style that also doubles as acne-cover too.
Your glasses look very 2012 and it's time to upgrade them to a pair that flatter your face. Go to walmart, or target and walk through their eyeglass section and try on some different style frames. It's easy to stick to "the classic" black squares, but try looking at other shapes and colors and styles. Feel free to ask the employees for their opinion too, as this is what they get paid to do every damn day. Take a picture and then go to and find a cheaper replica that works for ya. (This is what I do, anyway.)
Your clothes need to get swapped out for some big-boy clothes. Plain A-line Tshirts and flappy cargo shorts are fine, but if you're looking to express a style, why not invest in a few basic colored solid pieces - like a thin black or navy blue sweater that you can throw over the top of everything. Some nice form fitting pants or blue jeans that make girls wanna check out your ass as you walk by. Nice shoes of your own choice. Sneakers work, as long as they aren't busted and dirty looking. I recommend going to a thrift store and finding some tank tops, form fitting tshirts or athletic wear, a swear or hoodie that fits well and a leather jacket of some sort. Black or brown - doesn't really matter. A denim jacket is always a winner too for quick warmth and style.
Stand up straight, pretend that your a puppet and somebody pulls a string at the top of your head that makes you straighten yourself. Pull that string through out the day to make sure you're standing properly. Body language is so much more important than we give it credit for. Slumped shoulders and lowered heads indicate insecurity, illness or depression. Straight posture imply that you're on your A-game and ready.
Finally, I would encourage you to go and get your eyebrows waxed once. Just once. Eyes are the window to the soul, and your eyebrows are the picture frame that can either add to the over all area or take away from. I've seen plenty of hot men who forget to man-scape their unibrow and it throws the whole vibe off. It hurts, yes, but it's a quick pain and it's over and done with in minutes and you'd be so surprised at how drastically groomed eyebrows can change your whole look. The hair usually takes about a month or two to grow fully back. Maintain it at home by shaving between your eyes. Google spas that offer eyebrow waxing in your area. They're a dime a dozen in Seattle, so depending on where you live, it should be an easy thing to set up.
Seems like you have a good jawline
Try another hairstyle and go to the gym
After that you will be 7.5/10 I guess
Now is 5 or 6
Pedo-glasses can look very good in some cases. Left is best.
don't listen to them
ur haircut is really cute
just get rid of the glasses
u look really nice no homo
and treat the acne
i see potential, see a dermatologist and fix the hair.
>tfw a girl rates this guy a 7/10
I look similar to him just more clean so this makes me feel good. Never in my life have I heard of a man paying more than 30 bucks for a haircut though.