I have a 4in/10cm penis, it's scientifically below average. Tell me a single reason why I shouldn't blow my brains out next week. Penis is a status symbol and women will reject all small cocks. It's just part of their biology. Woman are naturally attracted to guys with big penises because men with bigger penises tend to be more fertile. It's the same reason why men are attracted to women with curves. You're always going to be seen as inferior and the butt of the jokes. You'll never know what it feels like to make way in a room. No women will ever look at it in awe. And don't give me that "oh well it's just a minor part of the body" when it is. As a man, dick are literally always the thing that everyone brags about or insults.
I have a 4in/10cm penis, it's scientifically below average...
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You are way overthinking this. Most women do not like large penises.
Get good at using your hands and fuck her like a sewing machine.
Ps, girth is far more important.
No matter how good you are with your fingers it will never replace good dick game.
If a girl knows the size of your dick before you‘ve but a ring on it then that‘s your fault for being a cock-driven fuck slut instead of a respectable mate.
If you would manage to keep it in your pants, you might find a woman who cared about you enough because she had time to get to know you before getting thrown off by your inferior genitals to actually fall for you instead of your body.
If you stick it in her face before there‘s real emotional intimacy, yes she has nothing else to judge if you‘re a suitable partner to procreate with than your cock. If it‘s not impressive, you better work on having other qualities that make you a desireable husband and father.
Hey man, that really is too bad but you've got to ask yourself whether that's worth ending your life for. It does sound cheesy and all but in the grand scheme of things, does it matter so much that it is worth ending the only thing you've ever known? If you don't centre your life around that sort of action, then chances are you'll find someone who cares enough to not be as superficial. Stay strong, and you'll find your purpose.
I'm not even girthy. Im 4in long and 4in girth
what is that?
>women will reject all small cocks.
Then how did your small dick genes get passed down to you?
brainlet lol, my dad is 175 cm and I am 173 cm and my brother is 183 cm, it all depends how genes mix
the circumference of your cock.
A women let a beta fuck once, and left him because of how disappointing sex was
I was going to say because most women worth a shit don't care as long as it isn't micro, but since you've already got it in your head that you'll instantly be rejected the second a girl finds out your dick isn't huge, you're a lost cause. You still shouldn't KYS, but don't bother wasting anyone's time with your shit until you figure things out for yourself.
Post it on I wanna see
thanks user
Post Kik here, /soc/ is too disorganized.
Just link it back here, kik is for gays.
nah post it here
Is nudity even allowed on this board?
Yeah girth is more important to a woman for the most part.
Yeah there are size queens out there but most women dislike there cervix being slammed in real life.... Fantasy is very different to reality after all.
Some women have rape fantasies but very very few actually want to be raped.... that minute percentage that do.... Are usually mentally ill anyway.
Most girls orgasm from external stimulation anyway.... very few can climax from penetrative sex.
just post it, dont worry, i do it all the time here
I made an imgur account for this:
I'm not even girthy, I'm 4in long and 4in girth.
My dick looks like a kid's dick
It’s not that small
Plenty of men with smaller dicks have maintained relationships and had children before you.
Its a bit shit but you're using it as an excuse to avoid struggle instead of embracing it and overcoming.
Stop being such a fucking virgin about it.
But scientifically it is small. World average is 5.6 to 6in (14.32cm), there's no excuse that it isn't what it obviously is.
But user being a braindead degenerate virgin is all I know.
nice i am safe, feels good man
Even studies have shown that women don't like a small penis. I don't even want a big penis I just want to be average like everyone else. And with each time I read about this problem, it's with people with an average sizse complaining. I am medically small, I have no chances to ever feel like I could make way in a room, much less pleasuring a woman without heavily compensating for how small I am. I have finally made up my mind, by the end of next week I will kill myself. I'm not even trolling, much less joking. I guess you can't save everyone.
If it's gonna satisfy you, I have a dick only slightly bigger than that and I've had a several year relationship.
But then again, I'm also into certain sexual stuff where a big dick is more of a detriment, so that keeps my confidence a bit more up since I have a "plan B".
Dude I really feel for you. I'm below average myself and have felt the same way at times. But please, don't even consider ending your life over this. I believe that if you focus on improving yourself in other ways, you can find a girl who will love you and not find that an issue at all. It happened for me after years of considering myself an incel. Plus, they might even come up with a highly safe and effective PE procedure after you killed yourself and think how retarded you'd feel then.
>But scientifically it is small...
I didn't say it wasn't. I just suggested you stop being a little bitch about it and get on with your life.
>think how retarded you'd feel then.
How would he feel retarded if he'd be dead?
>killed himself because he had a small dick
Is that really how you want to be remembered?
OP I have a huge penis
yes I had lots of sex
No it didn't make me happy.
I actually am currently choosing to avoid sex, dating, porn, and masturbation.
I don't think I'll ever get married unless I meet a woman who doesn't want to ever have sex, which I haven't met yet.
Sex makes you LESS happy, not more happy. Nothing makes you feel better than retaining semen and never jacking off or ejaculating. It's what drives you to greatness.
>Sex makes you LESS happy, not more happy.
Because you were fucking awful women and not somebody you actually had a bond with.
I was engaged for almost five years, user.
Even with my fiance, sex wasn't worth it.
As soon as I bust a nut:
>damn, now I feel weak and empty. I wish I didn't do that.
Women are never satisfied, with sex in general, see and regarding penis sizes they're near clueless as to what size they're actually looking at or feeling.
Being above average you'll run into women who'll find sex with you too painful. "But at least I have muh manly status!" is a joke of a consolation prize. Stop watching porn and go out there and get some life experience.
Learn to orgasm without ejaculation and get power boosted by sex like women do.
I like that one, would suck.
And I really appreciate how clean OP's nails are. ÒwÓ sexy
Nah, I have a small one and never had problems in my long term relationships. You just have a mental block and/or poor social skills.
aww..hey man that's a nice looking little penis. it's not deformed, or ugly, so I don't think you should have too much of an issue.
I would personally just find a really petite girl. Uless she's a total gap monster she probably would not even notice as long as it feels nice.
I get that penis sizes are a meme but
>sign up to a sex hookup site because I dunno I'm single so I might as well look at what it's like
>almost every girl demands a 18+cm dick
>only gays are fine with smaller
I don't know if this is porn conditioning or not but it made me somewhat concerned
>I have a 4in/10cm penis, it's scientifically below average. Tell me a single reason why I shouldn't blow my brains out next week
You have below average penis because your dad has a below average penis, and I assume he's had a long happy life while banging your mom thousands of times.
Also, "Average" implies 50% of people are below.
Not gonna lie, that's a nice penis
Good thing I'd be dead and won't be able to think about it.
At least you don't know the humiliation it is to be small and know that you are the smallest one in a room.
Bingo. I went to /soc/ and all the people are like "nice pretty cock", "small femboy penis"
Gay people like the feminine look of a cock.
My mom left my dad because he was always working and because she complained about sex. Also on 5% to 10% have a 4in/10cm. About 85% to 90% have a 5 to 6in (12 to 15.24cm). I'm genetically inferior than everyone else
Adapt. If you're that desperate for a woman just learn how to eat her out. A lot of chicks don't get off from penetration anyway, so a small dick isn't enough reason to kill yourself cuz girls won't like you.
Imagine this, you have a girl horny and ready for you
>Pull down your pants
>Reveals 6in cock
>Instant turn on for an aesthetically pleasing cock
>Pull down pants
>Reveals small skinny dick
go do something great and know you don't have to worry about slaying pussy, shits a distraction and a trap anyway.. gotta be very mentally strong to be able to juggle your dream and a steady relationship... some of the greatest people of our time abstained from sex.. get money, then pay for the pussy.. focus that sexual energy into your work and achieve everything else.. someone will love you for you, look for smaller statue women, Asians, etc.. any little penetration makes them scream when you get the chance.. but other than that.. go get money..
also help me out with like 20$ for the quality advice.. $ramaryaboi
What you need is a therapist and a face to face interaction
Internet strangers can't help you with this problem. You simply won't or can't believe them
Kill yourself over this and you lose everything that you have ever known and loved
If you genuinely don't think you can experience even the tiniest bit of happiness in the upcoming days, then do what you need to. But if you think there's even a sliver of hope left, that one day you will be able to smile or laugh, even for a second. It's not time to leave.
In the end it's your choice, and I hope you're happy with it.
porn is bad for you change my mind
I mean look at guys like this. If it wasn't for porn he wouldn't feel like this.
It's not even porn. I don't want to have a massive dick, I just want to have an average penis size like everyone else. I'm literally in the 10% that has a small penis and it's humiliating to know that everyone else is bigger than me.
>I made an imgur account for this:
That is my dick, compare it to everyone else, it looks like a kid's dick
What would I even say to the therapist? What would change? No matter how much talking, that won't change the fact that I'm still a small dicked loser.
you know what to do
Turn the lights off, then. You should at least try to get laid before you kill yourself. The grass is always greener on the other side. Pussy really ain't shit once you've had it.
I'm 23, I've tried my entire life to get a girlfriend or at least get laid. I'm born a virgin and I'll die a small dicked virgin
>nice looking little penis
I love that even when you're trying to help OP you're really just putting him down. "nice looking little penis" is like calling a guy who's worried about not being rugged and masucline "a cute young boy". Out of context it sounds like a compliment but really in context it's just insulting.
Note: If you're on here really pushing the myth that women only want large cocks, you're either vile or misinformed. Have a think to yourself why you're alone, posting on the internet, about how women love big dicks. You are not where you want to be and do not feel comfortable in yourself.
OP, your dick isn't big- get over it. You're not 'always going to be seen as inferior' because not everyone is looking at life as a competition. There's always more money, a bigger dick, more muscle, etc. Really, your feelings have little to do with your dick, you're insecure in spite of, and not because of, your dick.
Some people like bigger dicks, some don't. Immature people want to shut down all meaning, and at some level you probably want to resign yourself to failure.
>Penis is a status symbol and women will reject all small cocks.
I don't think it's a status symbol (a status symbol is like a handbag or car lol)
>It's just part of their biology.
Why is the gay community (recently and more visibly) obsessed with huge cocks? (Rhetorical question)
>Woman are naturally attracted to guys with big penises because men with bigger penises tend to be more fertile.
This is BS. Firstly, bigger penises aren't more fertile. A penis isn't fertile, it cannot be. If women were attracted to fertility, in such an obvious way, surely they'd be after large balls?
Secondly, women are not 'naturally attracted to guys with big penises', for most of human history big dicks have been a pretty 'bad' thing, with average being the ideal. In modern history, gay culture has started to idolise big dicks, which has filtered through to (some) women. Note that gay men and women typically haven't been able to voice their sexuality, so living that out through a huge dick is one way of breaking that taboo. Tom of Finland looks as exaggerated as Amy Anderssen, most girls that like you won't turn you down, as you won't turn them down for not looking like our dear Amy.
Yes please kill yourself. I'm so fucking tired of these threads shitting up this board.
dicklet genocide when?
>Tell me a single reason why I shouldn't blow my brains out next week.
It will probably hurt, if only for a minute. Someone would have to clean it up. Some people that you probably care about in some way would feel bad.
If you're actually committed then you've already thought about this stuff and accepted it though, especially if your reason is so mundane. Specifically mundane, not trivial because it clearly isn't for you, but something that isn't really particularly noteworthy besides being what it is.
Honestly I would give you some better advice, but it's kind of difficult to do so given your given reason. I'm assuming that there's more to the situation than you're letting on, but I'm not really in a position to intuit what that is from what you've given. It's expected that people will be suicidal about things like "I've lost the ability to appreciate happiness" or "I've only succeeded in living as a failure in my life" or "I can't think of a single reason that I want to get out of bed anymore"
But no, you came here and started complaining about your cock. Not that I'm saying that's necessarily invalid, it's just difficult to work with. Kind of like your four inch penis is for you, apparently.
Best of luck to you in figuring out this paramount life crisis, and if you don't please feel free to leave my condolences to your family and anyone who might have cared about you in your will. If only because I genuinely couldn't offer you much more than a "iunno"
Honestly, fuck it. Here's your advice, you get the fucking normie suicide intervention advice. Take whatever money you have a trip down to Mexico and buy a fuckton of blow and hookers and get shitfaced and fuck and get sucked until your balls feel like they're going to fall off. Take out a fucking loan if you have to, it's not like you're going to have to pay it if you're just gonna kill yourself anyway. If after that you don't feel like doing it, come back an apologize to all of Jow Forums/