
Every man should know what is called "game", the skill to seduce women.
It's the only way to equalize the sexual market in a modern society, when old structures like enforced monogamy crumble.

>but user isn't it manipulation tactics used by those creepy PUA guys??
No. It really is just working on your own confidence, social skills and most of all inherent masculinity. It's not manipulating someone, if you are simply so attractive that they want to fuck you.

Women tell you it's creepy, because by applying game, it becomes just as easy for men to obtain sex as it ALREADY IS for women.
Therefore women see their sexual tyranny threatened, so they vehemently oppose it, and their feminized beta orbiters too.
It would be better for everyone and society, if the sexual market wasn't heavily favouring one side, that's just being objective about it.

Feel free to discuss.

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I have a question, OP.

Let's say we have a guy who is a master of "game." Except he's completely homosexual. On a scale of 1-10, how much does he still exemplify being a really successful, moral and mature man?

Not OP, but I guess he can still use his game on his homosexual peers, and I guess wingman well for his straight friends.

Here's what I unironically learned after 10 years of studying game:

Just b urself bro

My question is about how he rates outside of heterosexuality. Like, if you take sexuality out of the equation, how does a guy with maximum game look in every other dimension?

Oh well in the sense, if he's charaismatic, knows when to crack a joke and is a general fun person to be around. Then he's going to rate higher despite being gay. He'll rate way higher than a guy who's too serious, or a guy that's running around the bar creeping girls out.I'm gonna sterotype here and assume this gay man also dresses well and takes care of himself, so he's probably rejecting advances from women often, and just having a good time being out for the night.

Basicially, if you have your shit together and are someone people want to be around. You're set, but you'll probably do a lot of rejecting or at the very least making a lot of friends (male/female) for the night.

Is meant for
Sorry I forgot to hit the reply.

So if I understand correctly, what you're saying is that the truly unique factor to "game" is capitalizing on sexual attention which you've earned for an entirely different reason--just being a fun, charismatic, empathetic, well-dressed, well-groomed, generally awesome kind of guy. Because like you said, a guy can be all of those things while loving nothing but the dick.

It sounds an awful lot like "game" is really "be a great person." Plus confidence to strike when the iron is hot.

I'm going to keep it real with you chief, that's what it means to me. Some other user might tell you what "game" means to him. I'm just going off of what has worked for me over the years. When I go out, I go out with the mindset of "Let's have fun" no expectations.

I don't care too too much for PUA stuff, honestly. I'm not saying it doesn't have it's time and place, but it always comes off to me as tryhard and inauthentic.

Sorry if I didn't ansewer your question sufficiently regarding a gay dude sufficiently.

Monogamy was the best way. Without it the girls reach for high value men every time. The lower half of men will become extremely frustrated at some point and take down the power structures in society by sheer laziness. If no one wants you, you don't strive for anything. That's where the millennials are lazy meme comes from. Monogamy or the decline of your civilization as the men who could contribute a great deal will sit and play video games and live on welfare.

>If no one wants you, you don't strive for anything.

This is loser talk. It also doesn't account for the people that are fine with being alone.

Monogomy is still alive and well my man, but you're not gonna find it with the fly by night party girls.

Also do you think women couldn't be taken from people in the past. Sure they'd be shamed for divorcing, but that didn't stop people from cheating. That's not even factoring in wartime stuff and shitty neighbors. Niggas would have their legs broken and their wives fucked in front of them and they carry her away to their own village. We have much much easier these days man.
My question to you is, if you can't make it work today, would you have been viable centuries ago?

>This is loser talk. It also doesn't account for the people that are fine with being alone.

Well yes there are exceptions. Doesn't make what I said any less true.

>Monogomy is still alive and well my man, but you're not gonna find it with the fly by night party girls.

It's dying a slow death. Marriage is at an all time low. At the same time people are more lazy than ever. It's at least an interesting correlation.

>Sure they'd be shamed for divorcing

Exactly society wouldn't encourage poly amorous relationships. There's a difference between something existing and something accepted by society.

> Niggas would have their legs broken and their wives fucked in front of them and they carry her away to their own village

Well yes war used to work that way.

>My question to you is, if you can't make it work today, would you have been viable centuries ago?

Sure, generally there were fairly long periods of peace to create a family and work the land with. Wars just stand out because they're notable. You could go 50 years or so without some kind of bad thing happening besides some of your kids dropping dead from disease.

Its not 2004, game is dead.

The same girl that rejected your average looking ass after you spat your 10/10 game at her went over some tinder Chad's house to fuck after he said "hi how r u?"

>Well yes there are exceptions. Doesn't make what I said any less true.

You're right man, I don't mean to devalue your argument, I just see too many incelfags parroting shit about how it's too unfair.

>It's dying a slow death. Marriage is at an all time low. At the same time people are more lazy than ever. It's at least an interesting correlation.

This is also true, but I think technology and just how high our quality of life has become has played a part in making us lazier.

>Exactly society wouldn't encourage poly amorous relationships. There's a difference between something existing and something accepted by society.

Society still doesn't accept poly amourus relationships it's still illegal mostly everywhere unless you're a single guy. But yes both do exist (if I'm not misunderstanding this)

>Sure, generally there were fairly long periods of peace to create a family and work the land with. Wars just stand out because they're notable. You could go 50 years or so without some kind of bad thing happening besides some of your kids dropping dead from disease.

I've got nothing to say here, it's pretty spot on. I just think it's harder to complain considering our quality of life these days. If you want something it is on you to find a way to get it.

Younger women take more risks and fuck around more.

Older women take less risks but their sex drive ramps up.

Personality types play a factor too.

Some woman who can fuck you into bliss and be a freak in the bedroom is less likely to be a settling down type so any expectations need to be toned down of such a person.

A woman who looks for stability and security is less likely to be freaky or has already gone through her freaky phase.... but there is the fact that Cuckoo girls are a thing.

Cuckoos will be dtf risky guys but then shack up with a stable guy to raise another guys kid or kids.... harder to pull with DNA tests these days but you still get lots of Freaky chicks with dull safe guys to live but go looking for freaky shit on the side on the sly......

I'm just polite to them and treat them like people. Two date rule, give em compliments when they put themselves down. Call them cute a few times and she wants to prove to you she's sexy and all that gay shit, just ask other girls and your sisters what girls like, get a large enough sample of opinions from women around you that you don't want to sleep with


Just being yourself doesn't maximize your success rate. The most important fact in this game is to know that women like sex as much as guys do and you can use that to your advantage. Flirt by talking about sexuality casually, ask them what they like and what they don't like, make jokes based on that knowledge and reactions. Sure, this won't work on a super conservative "virgin until i marry" chick but most of them are pretty open about it. Going full retard never helps but a bit of sassiness (a moderate version) that a few might have learned from /b/ really helps. Being open and not afraid of asking questions and answering questions is the best way to get pussy, if you really want to.

t. not chad


>I'm a fucking loser on Jow Forums and I think I have any idea about social normalcy or procedure
Please give up on life because guys like you who need women to validate their existence are a goddamn blight on this earth and we'd be better off without you.

'Game' is simply showing a woman that your life was going before her and will go on after her, nothing more, nothing less. You ever notice how chicks drop you guys after you play My Little Diary with them and try to drop or pick up chunks of your life to appease them?

I've never lifted to impress women once and I've never needed to because I never got into the cycle of 'do shit to appease women > realize that people who need that shit can't be appeased > keep engaging fruitless efforts while projecting blame'

The effect on a guy of not getting a women they desire (I'm not only talking about sex, but also just the attention of a women ) is devastating. Remember it is in male DNA to seek out attractive (attractive being subjective) mates. When that doesn't happen, it literally not giving the body, mind, and soul one of things it's designed to do. It creates a lot of tension, hate, resentment, sadness, lethargy, anger.

NOW, TO BE VEEEERRRY CLEAR. I'm NOT saying every women should just drop her pants every time a guy 'desires' her on the streets. Obviously fucking not. BUT, something needs to be done to help males (perhaps not in elementary school but in high-school at least) to learn how to become masculine, valuable, confident, and strong....the traits that women desire.

I think people just give shitty advice like "be yourself" because they think everyone is the same and if they just got out of their own head, they would be naturally confident, charismatic and attractive.

I sometimes wanna say to people, "I'm being myself, what now?" or if it was a woman, something like "if you think I'm so attractive and interesting then why did you friendzone me?" It's not to fuck with them but to make them be honest. People will never be honest with you outside of Jow Forums and it sucks because people on Jow Forums don't know you as well as people in your own life, the people with real answers. I.e. the women that friendzone you.