Okay let’s try this thread again. This woman says she is 47 years old. Is there any way she could be?

Okay let’s try this thread again. This woman says she is 47 years old. Is there any way she could be?

Attached: F281A7A7-CB7D-4C4C-AE4C-EA1B2BBA552A.jpg (641x480, 44K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: 1548260862637.jpg (600x886, 35K)

guess this girl age

Attached: 369cb967cfaac51138eaec95458db658.jpg (564x788, 50K)

Looks like the guy who always posts in here asking what he should do because he's ugly.

she looks 30 or late 20s maybe

Woman? Looks like a trans

Based Egoraptor. You go girl.

Why not? She’s wrinkly enough.

See that’s what gets me. I genuinely believe she could be 47. Should I let this get in the way of our romance? I mean it’s been ongoing and she likes the attention but I know that she is way too old. I’m going to decline to get into this with her I think, that age is a death sentence

Eh probably.
Seems unfashionable, unkempt, almost sloppy, trying to be "alluring", outdated hair cut, lack of basic makeup skills, lack of basic grooming, poor camera angle.

Attached: 20190322_153151.jpg (774x435, 94K)

Idk man. Personally my upper limit is about 10 years my senior because beyond that chicks just seem kinda senile and boomerish in my experience.

...That's... that's a man OP


She's probably a 25 year old man

Looks like they could be Egoraptor's little brother
But that's a man, baby

Why are you creating this shitty thread again?

Age doesn't really matter so long as it isn't boarding geriatric. I've seen some very attractive 60 year olds which 30+ years my senior


Not one wrinkle on her face and her hands say much younger.

OP is a 23 year old tranny who keeps posting his pic.

Why do you think she’s lying?

What fuckin mods you God damn brick? We have avatarfags and trolling and everything else
Unless it's literally porn or illegal, mods aren't going to do shit because it's not """technically""' against the rules.

OP is legit autistic.