I'm very inexperienced romantically.
First time a girl actually shows interest in me.
On the 3rd date, she wants to get sexual in my car.
I turn her down as I don't want anything dripping on my leather seats or any weird smells in my car, so i tell her this and suggest we go to a hotel.
She gets hurt somehow, tells me to driver her home. She's been ghosting me for a week.
What the actual fuck?
I'm very inexperienced romantically
>I'd rather have a 'clean' car than make love to you
This is what you told her
How the fuck does anyone understand that, instead of thinking of all the complications of having sex in a 2+2 coupe with leather seats?
She's a fucking woman.
Do you really need more explaination?
If so, I can't help.
women think with emotions not logic
They don't 'think' with emotions.
They're ruled by them
Just like men are ruled by their logical dicks
I'm a khv. I had my incel phase, but even I don't believe all women are as dumb as we meme them to be.
Well, fuck it, how can i fix this situation?
I won't forgive myself if I lose the first girl ever interested in me in 26 years just because I didn't want to get pussy juice on my leather seats.
If I was ruled by my dick, my bimmer would be in for a biolofical cleaning rn and I wouldn't need to make this thread.
Well it’s too late. She’s gone.
>I had my incel phase, but even I don't believe all women are as dumb as we meme them to be.
Maybe not as dumb, but there is a reason the memes exist and work, friend.
>If I was ruled by my dick, my bimmer would be in for a biolofical cleaning rn and I wouldn't need to make this thread.
By logic, this time.
Next time you mess up might be with your dick though
Or logic again
Who knows?
dw about western women they're not even worth chasing. too empowered. just go to eastern Europe and fuck hookers or go to Southeast Asia and fuck hookers and just do you
This isn't some tinder thot, I could ask her friends what's wrong. Though they weren't supossed to know we went on dates before we go official.
I always thought I was too 'brainwashed' by memes and actual girls are gonna be normal people in such a situation. Maybe she's just fucked up in the head or something?
I live in a country where prostitution is legal, regulated and common. If I only cared about sex, I'd have done it a long time ago.
you should find a more religious girl that's not so eager for sex then
>I always thought I was too 'brainwashed' by memes and actual girls are gonna be normal people in such a situation.
>Maybe she's just fucked up in the head or something?
Or maybe she's a fucking woman!
Well, if she wasn’t a thot, then she wouldnt have pushed for sex on the third date, and she wouldn’t have gotten mad because you didn’t want to.
You probably are talking to a thot
This wasn't a tinder thing, I know this girl through mutual friends.
There was nothing to indicate she's a thot. On the contrary. Maybe she was lying or she's really good at hiding it?
She also insisted on sharing the bill on every date.
I kinda thought this girl was serious. She shared some personal stuff and I know for a fact she cancelled going to an event with her friends she was really forward to so she can go out with me, although she didn't want me to know that.
Just so you know, a nice girl wouldn’t have gotten mad at you and they wouldn’t have ghosted you
So, you think I dodged a bullet, as oppossed to cockblocking myself over keeping my car clean?
She knows I'm very passionate, almost paranoid, about my car.
>did I dodge a bullet?
Think about it lad.. she ghosted you, over sex.
I've thought about it, and the two most logical things I can come up with are either she knew I was gonna say no and she did it on purpose because she was looking for an excuse to break it off, or she was testing me somehow because she knows I'm paranoid about keeping my baby as clean as possible.
That said, she's the sister of my best buddy's gf. We wanted to 'surprise' them so they didn't know we went on dates.
How should I go about learning wtf she's thinking?
How is that at all a mystery? Why are people thinking this is somehow a woman issue and not clearly a virgin issue?
First of all, even if you had the messiest sex ever up in there, it would have probably still been very easily cleaned of, but most likely there really wouldn't have been much liquid on the seats anyway. Life's no porn.
Do you even fluid dynamics of sex bro?
Since that is the case, to her it pretty much seemed like A.) You aren't attracted to her (or at least not mindlessly horny towards her) B.) you think she is filthy (since their is really no reason not to have sex with a normal woman in a car).
Little does she know you just have no idea how sex works.
Probably not salvageable, maybe write her you are a virgin (or sexually very inexperienced) and you just got really nervous about doing it and in the confined space of a car at that. Which honestly makes sense, I don't like fucking in cars, don't even really like on a couch for that matter, I need some goddamn space.
She knows all my friends. I can't tell her I'm a virgin, it will be social life suicide.
Find a different girl.
>I don't believe women are as dumb as we meme them to be
Then as a man roughly in your position let me elucidate: they are exactly CAPABLE of being as dumb as we meme them to be. Everyone is really.
I don't know man, I have a number of people in my friend circle that are roughly your age and virgins. No one really cares. To be fair I live in western Europe not the US and my friends are all ITs, Engineers or some other variety of nerd. So maybe you'd get shit from your friends, but honestly it's not a big deal.
Alternatively just tell her that you didn't have sex in a while, are generally inexperienced (no way your friends don't already know that) or just got nervous for some other reason. Also say you are sorry for making her feel unwanted and like your your car is more important to you than her (doesn't matter if that is how you actually feel)
I don't live in the US either, I live in southern EU.
My friends aren't engineers or IT, but they know I'm inexperienced with girls. That said, they don't know I'm a total virgin, I lied about that and said I had a relationship a long time ago.
Saying that it was a long time since I last had sex and I was very nervous is probably what I was gonna do anyway. It also coincides with what my friends already know and she also knew.
That's the way to go then. Also make sure to apologize.