Im 26. Ive always been raised in liberal areas, around liberal people, and always thought I was liberal. My household was conservative though, and I'd always get into arguments with family over it. All my liberal friends thought I was a closet Republican because I'm so "clean and straight edge and put together" even though I smoked weed and partied with them all the time. Even my family tells me "we can see you becoming a Republican" like I'm turning to the dark side or something ffs
Now that I've worked for a few years, I'm beginning to feel more conservative and bitter at the world. I don't even know if I care that much about conservative Christian values (I'm not religious), but increasingly the idea of getting a nice house, a non-feminist wife, a family, a gun etc. Is incredibly appealing to me.
I currently live in a hyper liberal area and I've actually been shamed just for existing. Like you can't have a conversation without some chubby hipster or lesbian/trans making some comment about how your corporate heteronormative identity is offensive. I'm just trying to work and support myself now I have to apologize for breathing?
This shit makes me want to move to the deep south or something where I won't have to deal with this nonsense.
very common for people to become more convservative as they age. you're just another.
Caleb Johnson
Im surrounded by people in their 30s who are hardcore left activists
Levi Taylor
The deep South is the same shit. I've heard people say, down to the exact wording, shitty conservative talking points and then laugh really loudly as if they just said something profound.
Lucas Turner
Get away from those people, liberals are the cancer of society. I believe they're an evolutionary dead end because when you look at the numbers they're halving every generation with a value of 1.0 (2.0 being replacement levels). If you have a mind to have a family get them away from these people. Your grand children will thank you.
Lincoln Brooks
First, you're stuck in a weird place with far left activists. I wouldn't call them liberals anymore than I would call Nazis Republicans.
Second, you're growing up. Most teens and young adults are progressive (regardless of political affiliation). As you grow older you lose the stupidity and thus stop believing in the simple solutions that these populist groups propose. It is a natural part of growing up and not being an idiot. Congratulations op, unlike your 30 year old activist friends you haven't stopped developing your mind.
Remember, being conservative doesn't mean being Republican or religious, it just means you don't believe in quick solutions to complex problems.
Dominic James
Yeah that's what being being conservative means. Fix your brain you indoctrinated autist.
William Hughes
That has nothing at all to do with it being common for people to become conservative as they age as a general trend.
Thomas Hernandez
The happier I seem to be the more """"liberal""""" I become.
Dominic Ortiz
I like how you are proposing a simple solution to a complex problem here. I can't tell if you are trolling or serious. Well played.
Tyler Clark
Haha great witty reply sir! You are a fool and conservatism is cancerous.
Brody Moore
My dad is in his 70s, was a hippie/freak in the 60s, slept around San Francisco during the Summer of Love, went to the Monterrey Pop Festival and claimed to have danced naked to Jefferson Airplane and he's now pretty conservative. He worked in a pretty hilarious New Agey career for most of his life too.
I think if it can happen to him it can happen to you.
Charles Bell
Again you take the simple view where things are black and white. And if you want to talk cancer, conservation is the best protection against cancer. I would certainly want my TP53 gene highly conserved. In fact, mutation and rapid change are the primary drivers of cancer in most cases if you look at the data. But you don't strike me as the type of person that looks at the data :)
John Roberts
Cant tell if liberal or ecofascist.
Robert Hall
You know you can do those things without being a conservatard. Infact, if you start labeling yourself conservative, it's highly likely you will hurt your chances of dating.
Brody Stewart
I suppose if you want some response other than "you're getting older" you could consider who raised you and what got you the best results. I was a liberal, the kind to complain and want other people to fix my problems when I was younger. I got a job, then another, run by mil guys and conservative dudes who pretty much taught me instead of complaining for other people to fix my shit look what happens when I fix it myself and how easy that is compared to complaining all the time. I'm still liberal in some aspects but much more conservative now. Being conservative doesn't mean wanting a second colonial age. I would think nowadays it's more akin to putting yourself and the people immediately around you first and working to help yourself and them rather than thinking some massive change will make things better than complaining about it and wanting someone else to fix it. Stayed there four years and quit to go to school for mathematics with all that newfound morale and discipline.
Samuel Flores
If you press your ear against OP's head, you'll hear the intro from Killing in the Name. Dun dun dun DUN DUN DUN! Dun dun dun DUN DUN DUN!
You've worked so you understand money isn't free. You family worked and paid to feed, clothe, and educate you. I think you shouldn't be clashing with them if it can be avoided, as a form of gratitude. Also you need money to live and support your goals such as children, so the opinion of those who are paying your salary is important. People who have no impact on your wellbeing (including the possibility of getting you fired) can get fucked and you should tell them that too so the stress won't build up. "You are oppressive because-" And you are trespassing of Native American soil, sod off ugly.
My father and my slavic best mate from highschool were both hardcore communists. The "there are no borders, only bosses and workers" kind of communists. Now the kid is a racist and my father has gotten so bitter that he once told me "the way things have become; gun them all down". He had been "only bosses and workers" for most of his life. I used to be into class grievance but I grew out of it fairly early.
Andrew Lewis
Conservatism is gay, become a fascist
Henry Rivera
Evan Cooper
Fascism is for the insecure and mentally feeble Communism is for the brain damaged THE ONLY TRUE PATH IS THE ONE YOU TROD AS A TRULY FREE MAN
Juan Cooper
>You are oppressive because-" And you are trespassing of Native American soil, sod off ugly.
I shit you not I interact with these types of people on a daily basis
Cameron Fisher
You hear that OP? You shouldn't label yourself a conservative. Not because you might not fit into the definition and may disagree with key points of conservative ideology, but because if you do then you might not get laid. You'll never be the beta provider for girls like Y-shaped thot over here who have taken miles of dick, who have the very mindset that pisses you off.
How? Do they randomly approach you out of the blue and talk to you?
Adrian Torres
Preferable to what we have desu.
Charles Barnes
My dad always told me that if you're not left wing in your teens you're heartless, if you're not right wing by your 30s you're an idiot.
Brody Watson
There's retarded people on both sides of the political spectrum. Most of the people who get heavily engaged in politics are losers with too much free time. Most liberals are pretty down to earth and just think it's wrong to discriminate against people for things they can't control like ethnicity or sexual orientation
Connor Ross
>it just means you don't believe in quick solutions to complex problems. That's not what Republicans are about, though. The wall, the tax cuts for corporations, guns, abortion, repealing obamacare... Their highest-profile policies are quick solutions to complex problems. Aren't they conservative ?
And liberals when they're not going for laissez-faire policies (like for borders) tend to propose solutions that require lots of efforts over a long time, like for racism and sexism for which they want to micromanage a cultural revolution.
Ideology is something that naturaly develops from people's daily lives. We all want mostlyt to feel good about ourselves. It's normal to become more conservative when your life becomes more settled and comfortable. On the other hand, liberalism in the US seems ideed to be driven by the same dynamics into a cycle of guilt, self-indulgence and virtue-signalling. And then comes the need to belong that traps us in the ideological group that we entered unaware.
But we are also intelligent creatures. And we can review our own politics in the light of facts and reason. I advise you to try that. Don't be a conservative and don't be liberal. Be a reasonable and well-informed citizen.
Studies have consistently shown social conservatives have lower IQs.
Dylan Edwards
That seems like a very geographically dependent context. Right wing in Norway is left wing in the US.
Xavier Moore
I hate this quote, and this is coming from someone who was right-wing throughout his childhood
Elijah Wright
Fuck that OP. Why choose a side like that? Nothing wrong with being a centrist or unaffiliated with the right or left. Just do what feels right to you, believe what you personally believe. In my personal opinion, though, the left and right wings are clipped and the whole bird is fucked. Also, you don't have to fuck with those who are hardcore on one side or the other. Centrists are less uptight, anyway, and aren't elitist douchebags who are holier than thou
Heh, might be true 20 years ago but not as much now. Europe got more to the right after the immigration crisis and US started having actual left wing.
He means it mostly economically. In general I agree that a lot of people who hold very conservative positions (anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage, anti-women rights, etc) tend to be not as bright. It's obviously not like all socially conservative people are idiots tho.
Blake Nguyen
Kek. Both my boyfriend and my father (who said that to me all the time) have always been very right wing. But they just admit that they're heartless.
Austin Brown
I'm the opposite. I'm socially conservative and economically left wing
Thomas Price
Then you're a dumb dumb, if you combine what stats say about socially conservative people and what my dad says about left wing people. I'm sorry user.
Jackson Nelson
Based and redpilled
Noah Adams
None of those count as conservative anymore. Women women has been a thing for so long that it's a conservative view, same for abortion and gay marriage in most countries.
Brody Lopez
What would you call such views now? Traditionalist? Reactionary?
Sebastian Bell
That's what they use as "socially conservative ideas" in the surveys that show how conservative people are dumb. They take a pool of people, watch the IQ/SATs of people who are pro choice and pro life, pro choice count as liberals and pro life count as conservative. People who are for lower taxation or gun rights tend to have higher IQ/SATs for example than the opposite, for example.
I'm autistic about stats. I'm sorry.
Jaxson Evans
Well I must be really dumb then, cause gun control is the only social issue I'm not conservative on
Brandon Evans
Yeah. I'm sorry to break it to you, but you're statistically a brainlet.
Xavier Hernandez
Conservative. Not wanting to change what seems to work fine.
Jonathan Reyes
Sorry, that might sound weird. I mean that gay marriage, women voting, and abortion are all conservative concepts by now, since they have been legislated for so long.
Nathan Ramirez
Pro choice and pro life split pretty well along religious lines, and religion in the US is stronger in less educated areas. That's a pretty biased result. You might as well restrict the study population to a steel mill and a university for your surveys.
Zachary Lopez
I'm not the one taking the surveys, I just read them. But yes, they're heavily biased in my opinion. I also think it's fairly stupid to say that one side is dumber than the other, it's pretty pointless.