Did my gf lie about being a virgin?

I've been dating my gf for 4 months now. She's nearly perfect in all respects, a very sweet and studious azn qt at my STEM uni. I'm 23 and she's 19. Before we had sex the first time she told me she was a virgin (so was I). She also said that the furthest she had ever gone with a guy was kissing, when a classmate forced her too.

However, I noticed that she didn't bleed a lot during intercourse. It was just like a small bit mixed in with the fluids, just enough to stain the sheets kind of pinkish. Also, I was able to insert two fingers without much trouble into her vagina. I know that she masturbated before, but heard that masturbation alone can't account for this.

Since then, she restated that she's only kissed one guy besides me, but she did so with hesitation, like "uh... just two, counting you, yeah." She also brought up that a "creepy dude" in her high school had hit on her and asked her for sex. Knowing that women always greatly play down their N-count, this leads me to suspect she's been lying to me the whole time. I find this possibility very troubling. She says she loves me, is loyal, etc. but I'm not sure if I can trust her after this.

How likely is it that she is lying to me? Is it possible for there to be a bit of blood after not having sex for months to a year, despite being a nonvirgin, and then none during regular intercourse?

Attached: party-girls-50.jpg (1024x683, 273K)

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Incel bait.

In what way does this resemble bait? I'm curious because I've recounted everything as objectively as I can.

Not all girls bleed like crazy, could be for a lot of reasons. You might just be gentle, you might have a small cock, and she might have a loose pussy, none of these things are for certain. It's certainly something to be concerned about if a girl has fucked someone before, that's emotional baggage that doesn't go away, but if you ask me it seems a bit shallow right now, if she hasn't given you a reason to mistrust her yet beyond that, just enjoy your time.

I've fucked two actual virgins and I never noticed blood, one of them said there was some but I guess it was just a little because I didn't see it (didn't look for it).

Just because her hymen is gone doesn’t mean she had sex before. That can break for many reasons

Lol this. I broke mine with a dildo, cause fuck it.

It’s apparent to me you’ve got trust issues. Maybe work on that a bit before you invest in a high schooler. In my experience, they are all retarded flakes who don’t know what they want in life, so good job?

Thanks, will keep in mind.
Yeah, I guess the evidence is pretty inconclusive. I do think my cock is pretty average or slightly below average in size.

One thing I should also mention is that we performed oral sex on our first date and had sex a few days later. It just seems odd that a girl who's a virgin would give it up that quick.

I know it's likely fake but reading this makes me so happy to have found a guy who isn't retarded about the human body. Like real damn thankful.

I didn't bleed at all when I lost my virginity. And I was virgin, I never even inserted fingers.

>One thing I should also mention is that we performed oral sex on our first date and had sex a few days later.

This makes me doubt much more than the bleeding. It took me over a year of knowing each other and 9 months of dating to feel relaxed enough to lose it to my ex.

Please read up on the subject. Google is your friend. There is no way to tell if someone is actually a virgin. There is no magical test. Some women are naturally lose, some will be tight every time, some will bleed every time, some will fuck like pros the first time. You can't tell. Hell, even going to the OB/GYN can cause a woman to not have a hymen. If you trust her, you trust her. If you think she is lying. look at yourself and figure out is it because of your insecurities? or is she genuinely untrustworthy. 8/10 times it's insecurity.

I agree that I probably have trust issues. However, calling her a high schooler is probably misleading. She's a freshman our top 5 university, and I would consider her mature for her age.

Unfortunetly OP the only way to know is with time, for now just give her the benefit of the doubt.

I still bleed if I abstain from sex for a few months and it's in the dryer/tackier stage one week before my period because I can regrow my hymen.
Virginity as a measurement of "cleanliness" is a sham. I could lie to basically every guy ever and say I was a virgin. Get over yourselves, incels.

>she didn't bleed a lot during intercourse
>odd that a girl who's a virgin would give it up that quick
Jesus fucking christ dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? Are you some retarded muslim or something? Oh, forgot where I was for a second.

Thanks for the information.
Also, just wanted to make it clear that I care much less about her actually being a virgin and much more about the possibility that she has lied to me for months.

>1 shekel has been deposited in your account

I was very sheltered and grew up in a devoutly religious/fundamentalist household until recently. So yeah, basically.

It's bait because someone as retarded as you who only regurgitates incel cult teachings cannot possibly get a gf.

There is no alternative way to tell if she lied unless you go interviewing these creepy people that forxe themselves on women. 9/10 they'll laugh at you and make up shit because their pride is wounded.

Maybe you could say something like that to her then instead of trying to guess.
It's possible that she's hiding that she's had sex before because that's taboo for women and she thinks you might look down on her for it.
If you say that it doesn't bother you, she might be more open. It might be a sensitive topic though.
It's also possible that she's telling the truth though. Not all girls bleed, and not all girls are conservative sexless nuns.

(fucking hate this headache)


It's definitely bait because this story is stupid and so is OP
No intelligent college student would be caught dead with someone so autistic

Attached: 51Qy1iymghL._SX336_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (338x499, 31K)

lmao I'm not this autistic in real life. As I previously mentioned I probably have trust issues from being abused as a child. That's why I'm obsessing over this


>getting blown on the first date by a "virgin"
yeaah nope

sheeeit dude I hope you're wrong for my sake. Also I did finger/go down on her first if that makes a difference.

Not everyone bleeds. How can you know for sure? You can't.

Don't be a retard, most girls don't bleed heavily (or at all) their first time. What do you expect, a ton of blood gushing out of their vagina?

My girlfriend only bled a little bit too, it was only a small stain on the toilet paper.

I did not bleed at all either. Stuff like masturbation, ob/gyn examinations, anatomical differences and even sports can have an effect. Bleeding does not tell about anything except that skin or mucosa has been damaged.

OK, from numerous responses it doesn't seem like bleeding or not bleeding means anything. Thanks.
I know it's impossible to tell for sure, but what do you think are the chances someone who was a virgin and had never gone beyond kissing would accept and reciprocate oral sex on the first date?

Who cares if she's not a virgin? She still sounds like a real catch OP, especially for a virgin like you

>sheeeit dude I hope you're wrong for my sake.
Just grow up. If she lied about this to you it's because she could tell you're too immature to handle what is a simple truth of 99% of relationships.

>Also I did finger/go down on her first if that makes a difference.
Was she good at it? Or was she fumbling around with a strange alien creature poking out of your pants?

>Just grow up. If she lied about this to you it's because she could tell you're too immature to handle what is a simple truth of 99% of relationships.
I'm trying not to care. However, if she lied to me about this what's to stop her from lying again? The thought makes me sick to my stomach.
>Was she good at it? Or was she fumbling around with a strange alien creature poking out of your pants?
Not very good at it. She thought squeezing the balls (hard) felt good and used a lot of teeth.

Definitely suspicious OP.

Tell her exactly what you told us and that you don't actually care if she made out with other guys. Unless you do care.

if you're concerned about the lack of blood, you really shouldn't be. If she is or at any point was athletic/has active hobbies (or shit, even equestrianism), then the hymen couldve been torn through that. Alternatively, since it is fairly elastic, it could've just not torn too much. Plus, if she uses tampons, then it already would've been gone. Finally, you either weren't too rough, or she was well lubicrated.

Even if OP doesn't care about her virginity, he has a right to be mad if she lied to him.

>dude wonders if his gf lied to him
>'lol incel'
Ok, so apparently you can't ever question females anymore without getting called an incel.

Dude, it's the current year. Don't you know it's wrong not to believe wahmen?

At this point I don't think I'll ask. Doing so would only make me seem insecure and possibly doom the relationship. If she admitted to lying to me it would be over as well. It really sucks because I've completely fallen in love with this girl and wanted to believe she was a unicorn. I'm going to try to enjoy the relationship while it lasts and try to forget about this.
If anyone thinks I'm being paranoid please let me know.

>male virgin is considered a beta incel loser
>female virgin is a "unicorn"
I just think this mindset is absurd. Can't we let girls enjoy sex too?
You're being paranoid and making too big a deal over the "virginity" (a stupid concept) of women.

>Can't we let girls enjoy sex too?
My suggestion: do the opposite of that.
Make it so virginity is prized in both men and women

But girls don't enjoy sex, they just use it as a tool to control men.
So a virgin girl is basically someone who hasn't tried to manipulate and leech off someone else yet.

As I mentioned previously, her virginity is not the big issue. The big issue would be if she'd lied to me for the whole course of our relationship. I would otherwise consider her a "unicorn" because she loves me and is therefore honest with me.
That being said, since I was previously a virgin I would prefer to be in a relationship with someone having a similar level of prior experience. I believe that this preference is entirely reasonable.

How about we stop using a non scientific social tabboo as a measurement for relationships ever?
>thinks that any human can only use sex as a weapon to manipulate people to do their bidding
How naive

>Her virginity is important
>I also demand premarital sex from her
Fellate a shotgun, dipshit

Similar is still allowing of one or two provided they both sucked.
Stop pedestalling life markers, creepo.

>non scientific social tabboo
That would be something like "OMG you fucked on the first date! Everyone knows you should wait until the third!".

>Bivariate results suggested that delaying sexual involvement was associated with higher relationship quality across several dimensions. The multivariate results indicated that the speed of entry into sexual relationships was negatively associated with marital quality, but only among women."

>"I find that premarital sex or premarital cohabitation that is limited to a woman's husband is not associated with an elevated risk of marital disruption. However, women who have more than one intimate premarital relationship have an increased risk of marital dissolution."

>"Both structural equation and group comparison analyses demonstrated that sexual restraint was associated with better relationship outcomes, even when controlling for education, the number of sexual partners, religiosity, and relationship length."

You're full of shit.

>You think someone is a creep for wanting a partner similar to him?
That's sad.

LOL! Who came up with that very specific definition? I was fine with her having made out with guys previously, when I had never even held a girl's hand. To me, that is "similar."
I stand by my statement that there is nothing wrong with this preference.

OP here, you and I may disagree but I believe these studies are valid.

I'm talking about the entire concept of virginity and sexual inexperience being valued. There are plenty of trash dicks out there having sex and children and then getting divorces so they can have sex with the pool boy.

>I'm talking about the entire concept of virginity and sexual inexperience being valued.
So am I. Unless you're a hedonist (which is an apt description of you), having strong standards in this regard is beneficial to both individual and societal well-being.

>There are plenty of trash dicks out there having sex and children and then getting divorces so they can have sex with the pool boy
Uh, what? How do the actions of degenerates play into this at all?

>"Here are cases where sexual morality can be beneficial"
>>"Yeah but look at these people being degenerates, it's not benefiting them"

Regardless of whether I ought or ought not to value her virginity, I hope we can agree that it would be wrong for her to lie to me for months. I think it would be understandable for me to feel hurt in such a situation.

I don't think the concept of "virginity" is important nor should sex be avoided, but I'm also romantic and don't lustfully seek out sex (male btw). Debate me.
I think the concept of "losing one's virginity" being horrible for a woman and the ultimate prize for a man is an extremely horrible dichotomy and inspires a culture of rape, sexual assault, sexual awkwardness for both sexes etc. (obviously it's not the only cause of those things) I don't think it would be better if both sexes were opposed to having sex ever. It should be a romantic thing. I personally don't agree with having having meaningless sex with every person you see, but there's a middle ground between that and not having sex ever or "until you're married", i.e. waiting until you find someone you really like.
It would be wrong if she lied to you. I don't feel like she lied to you though. She could just be a horny chick if you guys are hitting it off. It's not a bad thing.

Most first marriages only last ~8 years long and end when individuals are 25-39 years of age.


>lie to me for months
kek, you asked an insecure virgin question and she gave you the answer you want to hear. You know all those things you like that she says she likes too? 90% lies. That's relationships.

Kek, I asked her in a truth or dare game before we had even dated, and it was a question aimed at all the girls in the room. Since then I've never asked about her past. All the other times she has stated it on her own without me prompting at all. I'm not a retard.

>I think the concept of "losing one's virginity" being horrible for a woman and the ultimate prize for a man is an extremely horrible dichotomy
I agree, but that's not what waiting until marriage entails. The double standard was never advocated because of traditional moral viewpoints, it existed in spite of it, and its festering directly contributed to the downfall of sexual morality.

>there's a middle ground between that and not having sex ever or "until you're married"
No, there isn't. Any such middle ground is entirely arbitrary and subjective, and is thus meaningless in terms of achieved outcomes in society. Anybody can justify sex without commitment (which is precisely what fornication is, no matter how you dress it up--one person can up and leave with no repercussions whatsoever, thus any notion of commitment is laughable.) by saying "but I love them!". Yeah? If you love them, get married. And when commitment comes into play, you'd better believe there is a strong incentive to make sure that you actually do love them.

Even if it is technically true, by having sex before committing, you are increasing the chances the particular relationship will fail. Thus your partner count is now at 1 instead of 0. And you try again, having sex with the next person you "love"--now you're up to 2, and repeat until somebody gets lucky. With each successive partner, a woman's ability to pair bond is inhibited, and thus the odds of any given relationship working out decrease. Whereas if you wait until marriage, you have essentially the same odds of marriage with a partner you 'love' working.

This "middle ground" fallacy is a damaging delusion. The nature of a crime does not change, it is either committed or not committed. Only its magnitude varies.

>posts source showing diseased society without context
Are you retarded? Have you seen the statistics when you control for degeneracy? Whereas the population-wide average rate of divorce is about 50%, the rate for those who wait is around 10-20%. And no, it's not because of their religion. See the source I gave you--the effect holds with a modest decrease of 5% or so, even controlling for religion.

Acting like modern divorce rates are an argument for MORE degeneracy that causes them in the first place is just as idiotic as the incels justifying "pumping and dumping" because "lol all women are whores anyway".

What I don't see is:
What is special about "sex"
What is special about "marriage"
What is special about "virginity"

It seems like you're fetishizing the "first time" aspect and lack of other sexual partners.
Maybe if someone wanted to have a baby a commitment like marriage would be important, but otherwise I just don't see the point of marriage in a romantic way at all. (and I'm anti-natalist, but that's another story)
Sex just seems like a fun thing to do not just with someone you "love" forever and ever until you die, but with whoever you feel comfortable with when you're ready. I don't think it should be glorified. It's just an animal thing.

Anyways you sound like a nutjob.
>there's no middle ground
You don't have to be a wild slut to not glorify sex like a religious psycho. Like I said, I'm a man, not obsessed with banging chicks.

>I'm anti-natalist
>I think we're just animals and sex happens, but I also vehemently oppose reproduction common to all animals
>But you're the nutjob for having standards

>You don't have to be a wild slut to not glorify sex like a religious psycho.
This is utterly beside the point, which is the end result of standards. There is very little qualitative difference between saying "partner count is irrelevant, up to and including lifelong whores" and "it's okay as long as you love them". Why? Because there is absolutely no way that either of them can be used towards enforcement or indeed objective measurement, and thus in both cases the average number of partners (and by connection decreases in relationship quality and success) will trend upward. There is far less leeway for "creative" and self-serving interpretations (i.e. "but I love them" excuses) if the standard is something independently verifiable.

You're talking out of your ass, asking questions like "what is special about sex/marriage", when I've already posted sources to show you exactly what outcomes they are related to. Though I must grant, there probably wouldn't be a discernible difference in the quality of your reasoning if you attempted to use your desiccated brain instead. You are not the first degenerate I've spoken to who blithely ignores data in favor of spouting platitudes and ad populum fallacies, and you certainly won't be the last.

It's not that weird, especially since you said you performed oral sex on her first. Also, since she masturbated before, it makes me think she's not a prude and maybe even watched porn before. Being a virgin doesn't always mean also prudish and clueless about sex. She knows what a bj is and since you went down on her, she wanted to return the favor.

It's pretty much what happened with me and my gf on her first time. Granted she was bad at it since she was inexperienced, so if your girl was like throating your dick like a pornstar then maybe you should be suspicious. Otherwise she was just trying to be nice and return the favor.


Most of what you know about hymens is wrong.

Attached: 1548326319192.png (1350x875, 561K)

The hymen can break really easily through masturbating as well as horse riding, gymnastics, most sports really

Pic related?

>I can regrow my hymen
good one

Attached: 1542613011829.gif (300x200, 903K)

my gf bled a lot but its because she had thick hymen

>let's count how many ignorant men think they know about the female body
Not like I'd fuck you anyway, user.



Fucking attention whore. The funny thing is you are always fucking here. We don't even know if you are really a girl but the attention whore kinda makes me believe. Some poor femcel or something.

Why are you still here?

It's not you hymen that regrows you dumb bitch. You are just one your fucking period, close to it, or have some leftover blood from it.

But no wonder American dumbfucks believe you.

Why are you still allowed to have a trip here? Just some dumb whore that never gives advice. Go choke on a dick, fatfuck

This. It's also fairly common with riders, I had a classmate who broke her hymen while in the saddle.

>broke her hymen while in the saddle
Bro I think she was lying

>One thing I should also mention is that we performed oral sex on our first date and had sex a few days later.


She's a virgin just relax.

I am certain that you are very, very wrong on this and you are making an even bigger ass of yourself.
The absolute state of tripfags.

Not good. It does sound like she's lying.

Just like guys some girls just want to get it over with. And doing so with someone you care about is infinitely better than a random bloke.

As for the blood - some bleed, some don't. And yes, girls can break their hymen with masturbation, especially if they masturbate with toys it's likely their virginity gets taken by a dildo.

And since you mention religious upbringing - how much did you learn of science, like, biology? The only thing that will loosen a vagina is giving birth. Virgins aren't extra-tight or anything unless they're born that way.


Link to those supposed scientific studies and not just a liberal news author