Pro life or pro choice

Pro life or pro choice

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I don't think you understand what an advice board is for. Either way inb4 shitstorm.

Pro choice however sluts who get abortions for recklessness too many times should get euthanized at the same time.

This is an advice board but more than that, if you're looking for opinions and not personal advice to make your decision, you should go somewhere else.

The whole pro-life thing always reeked of bibble thumping idiocy, where they’re trying to argue that a cluster of cells smaller than a benign tumor or growth that most of us have somewhere in our body is a sentient being with its own soul...

Pro choice for that reason.

Plus, the logistics of “just give it up for adoption. So simple “ is way more complicated and I’ll thought through than people try to make it out to be.

>opinions and not personal advice to make your decsion
* >opinions to make your decision and and not personalized advice that will (probably, maybe, ideally) respect whatever beliefs you hold to make your decision
Important distinction there...

>Bible-thumping idiocy
>You have to be religious oppose murdering children
FYI, you're also "just a cluster of cells."

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pro choice.

Developmentally/scientifically speaking one might say the 'pro-life' movement exemplifies and epitomizes how ignorant people can be if their argument is that an embryo is a human (as in, conscious and aware of wtf is going on around it).

Now if you just don't want to kill your unborn child for the sake of it living and be stubborn about it, sure do what you will. Don't complain if your child's life is utter shit because you weren't prepared though.

> human (as in, conscious and aware of wtf is going on around it)
That's not part of the definition of being human.
If being "conscious" or "aware" makes you human, then it should be legal to murder sleeping people.

If you truly think there is one universal interpretation to when life begins then you're a fucking moron

But you know what, OK I'll tell you what I think which I think is a little different from what you might tend to here but I think fairly normal.

As a man who has not had children, I will say this.
If the person who is pregnant can stomach an abortion, the psychology of which I'm not aware because the woman does, after all, have offspring in her belly that, evolutionarily speaking from someone who hasn't taken a biology/health class on the matter, I guess could have some kind of effect on a person's psychology, then I see nothing wrong with abortion because for all intents and purposes, the child has not been born yet and they are essentially just sperm to me until the very day they come out of the womb when people get attached.
So if you can't take it, then I guess you can't get an abortion and I could see that being a real pro-choice thing like, yes, ideally you should keep it just like you would try to keep a relationship together or whatever.
But other than that, if you can stomach it or maybe even in some situations where you can't, an abortion seems like a perfectly fine option.

Well, then of course there's the social aspects. Those must be factored in as well. A person would need to think what they could lose from aborting or not aborting and weigh those results.

"When life begins" is a matter of science.
How can biology be subjective?

Let me correct myself. I fell for the dumb ad hominem argument.
Technically, "children" have to be born. Embryos and fetuses aren't "children," but they're still human

The heartbeat

So you consider a brain-dead patient with zero neurological signals to be alive, even though they can't breathe, eat or drink without machines, to be alive?
Because the only reason that husk is alive is because we have machines keeping it alive.

Same with an ancephalic baby - a child born without a brain, just a brainstem. Literally zero cognitive function, probably not even technically conscious. But it has a heartbeat and basic motor reflexes. That's considered 'alive' to you?

Lets not paint anything in black and white

I think we should have the option to pull the plug on somebody and hell maybe let cripples pay for assisted suicide, but I also think abortion should have a time limit.

The bil that says the mother can kill the child up til birth(9 months) is infanticide and shouldn't pass

Pro-Life is amending roe vs wade not getting rid of it

Sure, that would be still considered "alive"

So i guess you should start protesting the murdering of all those poor braindead patients too

Get to work dummy.

I guess that means we shouldn't be resuscitating anyone whose heart stops since they're technically dead.

I don't protest anything.
It doesn't accomplish anything.
But yes, I would make killing them illegal if I could.

No, they are dead, but you can bring them back to life. I don't see your point

God damn you're dumb. Do you know how much money it costs to keep those poor bastards alive every day?

And yet I am going to go out on a limb and assume you're against Universal Healthcare

>And yet I am going to go out on a limb and assume you're against Universal Healthcare
Nope. I'm a socialist.

i disagree with the names given to these stances but to be pragmatic im going to say 'pro choice'. illegal abortions still happen and to me its one of the most horrifying things i can imagine. theres no need for another black market to thrive. ideally in the future abortions won't be nescessary, thats the goal we should be working on. we will never reach it but we should focus more on preventing unwanted pregnancy - developing better contraceptives , education, etc. debating if it's 'murder or not' is kind of pointless and just a game of how you define things. we're animals after all.

I hate the "pro life" thing, as if the opposing side was "anti life" or some shit.

Realistically this is pro abortion rights vs anti abortion rights. I consider myself pro choice because most of the "pro life" side arguments are completely dishonest.

>but sluts!!
Sluts already have the power to have as much sex as they want without consequences, it's called contraceptives. In fact, the usual image of the girl having an abortion (a party girl in her 20s) is precisely the kind of girl that doesn't get an abortion. These white affluent college girls have more than enough money to have contraceptives on hand at all times.

>but muh fertility rate
Most of the women having abortions are already mothers avoiding another child for economic reasons. Which ties back to the same shit as always, give people more money and they'll have more kids

>but look at this fetus, isn't this a kid? (picture of 28 week fetus)
Less than 2% of abortions are after 24 months. The overwhelming majority is in the first trimester.

Besides, it's already been shown time and time again that if you block access to abortions what you get is women dying in backwater clinics and then you have both the mother and the kid die, which I don't think would sit right with the pro-life side.

The only thing I do agree with is that men should also have the ability to abort. And by this I mean that a man should be able to say in court "I want absolutely nothing to have to do with this child" and waive any right or responsability towards the child.

If you kill your baby you go to he'll, thats my advice

pro life
more problems for normies is good for me.

I understand pro-lifers but to me, it seems better to allow the choice. First of all, any woman who would get an abortion (outside of rape cases or medical emergencies) would make a horrible mother. Furthermore, to be forced to live with another family, or without a family, because your mom was a whore but couldn't euthanize you is shitty.
Also, ideally, the people who get abortions aren't passing on their abortive genes as much, which is good.
Personally, I think abortions should be state funded but require a sterilization procedure as well

pro choice so we can put an end to this abortion of an "advice" thread

Fuck you

usually im pro-choice but thats actually mostly because of the God ascpect of pro-life
it's really none of my business as a male homo erectus


>responds with kek
>to a post about letting the thread slide

Depends. What race is it?

Pretty edgy mate
