I pretend to be a cold-hearted loner but I really just want a woman to show me love and kindness

I pretend to be a cold-hearted loner but I really just want a woman to show me love and kindness.

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cool story bro

I found someone like that and gave him all my love. He didn’t want it.

you should have tried harder

You can't break a shell by caressing it.

What happened exactly? I wonder what you mean by "gave him all my love" since you're a girl and give up at the very first obstacle in your life.

Quiet Chad pumped and dumped her.

hahahahahahhaha based

You nees to love yourself first before anybody can love you back.

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you gotta show her love and kindness first tho

you can be a loner but be the loner who when talked to is the sweetest person there is

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Dubs of the truth

Truer words have never been spoken

I can't think of a more real response than this. People will always do whatever it takes to avoid this essential problem.

Huh? Almost anything is a more real response.

>I disagree

Elaborate. How could someone unhappy make someone else happy? I've already claimed that people avoid this problem. I really do think this is the primary discussion with regards to this thread, so I wouldn't mind having it.

I pretend that I'm an emotionally sensitive loving human being, but I really just a manipulative psychopath.

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Dating someone with problems is worth it if you really love them, but it's emotionally draining when you have to carry all of the weight as soon as they get into a bad mental space. I've left someone before because I couldn't handle that weight along with my own.

If you wait your whole life for a woman who's going be strong enough to cradle you forever you may be lucky enough to find one, but you'll have better odds of going into a healthy relationship if you go into it prepared to be vulnerable and open. Just make sure it's with someone you trust. If you end up getting your heart broken by some bitch, remember to keep your head up and know that there are better people out there

This is utter and complete bullshit? If you "need to love yourself" then how come there are so many manchildren with depression and suicidal ideations who have GFs?

Actually, one time I was caressing an egg very gently, rubbing him against my cheek, etc. and he started leaking. I brought him over to the egg hospital, but he didn’t make it. Sometimes a shell can take a hit, but other times even the gentlest of touch can make it crumble away. Everybody’s a little different. Poor Marcus. I still miss that egg.

I know, it's such idiocy. Not that loving yourself shouldn't be a priority, but if you turn it into a "If--then" statement about getting a gf it's just total falsehood.

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I think you misunderstand that depressed people can hold relationships, but they won't be as fulfilling as they hope. Its an idea of happiness projected onto someone else. People do the same with having kids. They think they'll find their happiness in their children, when in reality there's the fact that its a completely thankless job that starts off by tending to little people that excrete bodily fluids from every orifice. After a few years pass, the depression comes right back and they find they're still miserable.

I don’t give up easily and I haven’t given up. We’re just friends now, I guess. I did everything in my power. You can’t make someone love you. I’m stubborn and that was a hard lesson for me to learn.

You dont know you can be sad and narcistic at the same time? Also codependency is a thing.

There are literally people among us who are scared to death to be single / alone. They will settle down even for alcoholic / wife beaters.

Then stop pretending and actually open up to people and women.

Weird, I'm doing pretty much the exact opposite. I don't care for women (or men) in a romantic or sexual sense, and generally avoid casual interaction with women because they offer nothing that I want to me that men don't offer (friendship, social interaction), while also being far quicker to assume I actually want more from them, leading to awkwardness.
I've never actually told anyone that I don't like sex that much and that my last and only 'crush', if you can call it that, was the hair-pulling phase when I was like 5 or 6, and even that was mostly because everyone seemed to be doing it.

You're pretending you don't care nobody loves you, while I'm pretending I care that I can't seem to keep girls around, while my main concern is that I don't want to, and that I'm afraid of ending up alone or unhappy because of it.

People that desire love but don't get it have billions of chances to find the right one - I feel hopeless because I'm the faulty one. I have a friend who has always been unlucky with women, keeps falling for girls that don't know he exists or don't care for him like that at all, but I feel like, eventually, he's going to fall for someone that falls for him too. It seems like a statistical certainty. If you like enough people, one will like you back.
I don't like people like that, so I'll never know what it is that the others are happy about.

I'm in my twenties and I don't think I'll ever even know what it's like to be in love, let alone a loving relationship, because there's something broken inside me that isn't giving me the feelings others feel.

Everyone around me either found happiness or is looking for it, but I feel like I didn't get the map or the rulebook to the treasure hunt everyone else was invited to.