Is it worth it to go in 90k debt to go to a top 10 university? What do you think?

Is it worth it to go in 90k debt to go to a top 10 university? What do you think?

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What would you be studying? Are you passionate and disciplined enough to put effort into it and understand your subjects?


>$90k for university
American education really fucking sucks

Why not? Are the connections/opportunities you get just not worth it?
Probably computer science. I like math a lot and took some programming classes at my highschool which I enjoyed. So yes I will put the effort in.

>90k in debt

Lol have fun being a slave for life

Who are you trying to work for and what specific job are you trying to get hired for, or what is your plan for the business you intent to start
If you cant answer that, DONT FUCKING GO TO COLLEGE.

What's so worth it about getting into 90k debt? You'll get a degree which is worthless because employers seek experienced people unless you do some type of intern program. Even if you do It's an extremely risky situation. Better to start from the bottom and work yourself up and then go to college to study something YOU like.

>American education really fucking sucks
I wouldn't say it sucks, american universities are the best in the world. Overpriced though? Absolutely.

Then it might be worth it. Some companies have ridiculous wages for CS nerds nowadays. I know someone who gets paid $50 an hour in a software engineering internship while she's still in uni. Don't expect this to be the norm, but yeah, there's some crazy shit out there.

Honestly $90k is a shitload of money for uni, but you do have a big advantage going at a top university. If I were to be at that age I wouldn't do it, but that's mainly cus I'm lazy and I loathe being in debt. But, objectively, I can see the benefit in it, especially if you're a responsible person. I know I'm not giving you a straight answer, but it's a hard question. Basically go there if you think you can do well enough to get decent results and can take advantage of the opportunities they'll offer you. If you can do those things it will be worth it and realistically you'll be fairly wealthy 20 years from now.

I know people like to point out rich guys who made it without a good degree, or self-taught people with good jobs, but statistically people from top universities do A LOT better.

It all depends on how invested you are on the end goal. 90k sounds like a lot for something if you're not willing to hunker down and get shit done. But if the prize at the end of the maze results in chances at a career working in a field that you really like and would be happy to work in, then that probably would be a wise investment into yourself and your future.

I've seen higher tuition costs, so it's not insane to consider 90k.

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Well, my plan is to study CS and math. Then get a job at google or on wallstreet.
I would get very good professors and internship opportunities and the degree would look good on my resume. Maybe it isnt worth it though, which is why I'm making this thread to get opinions.

hey user i'm a filthipino and I would fucking love to go to an Ivy League College(preferably Yale, always wanted a prestigious law degree) but i don't think I can handle the stress. I can barely even handle my first year of law school rn :(

I’d drop 90k on ripple and work an entry level job.

Thanks for your input.
Good luck at your law school! I talked to one person who went to the college I am considering(Princeton) and they said the stress levels are pretty much what you would expect at an ivy. I dont like high stress environments either so I'm definitely taking this into consideration but I want to be challenged and learn a lot too :/

thanks user but going back to topic I think it's 100 percent worth it. The jobs will be lining up for you when you graduate and it will just basically pay your debt of let's say 150k~ +)

probably not, debt is a really bad idea.

That’s if you get hired.

Nope. most higher eduction these days is a scam.

The days where you needed to physically go to a place to be educated with books and shit are long gone. Most things worth learning can be self-taught.

Unless you're like 100% sure without any doubt that you want to be some particular medical professional, its a waste of time and you can do it without that 'special piece of paper' anyway

the unemployment rate for college grads is 2%, im sure its even less for ivy leagues

No. Top reasons. You might be lazy and think your resume is great with a top university degree. Other graduate s might be more skilled than you. You might fail at rich university. Your degree could be useless after graduation. You might have no friends and connection s from the rich university. The university wants your money and its not a work place to get top training. You can get a job after get an intern going and spend 7 days working and studying in a career.