GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest

It's been a harsh week.

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I've been spending way too much time on this site. I need to do other things.

im hearing voices

I T ' S A L L I N Y O U R H E A D

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I don't want to work.

I did, when she was there. Without her it's gruelling away in a metal cave for hours to make some asshole bullies look good and get them more money.

Being a criminal and robbing these companies feels more fucking ethical than encouraging them by doing any fucking effort. Not saying I intend to rob them, I don't.

But when they continue to promote jack-off too lazy to actually do the job, based on some hiring policy that as far as I can tell is based entirely on "How much do you like to fire people, put them under frivolous investigations looking for excuses and generally ignore the shit out of the union?".

For the record, I'm not some lazy punk-ass millenial who just doesn't want to work, I have a damned good reputation in my fucking dead end peace of shit criminals deserve better job.
In fact, the work isn't bad at all, it the people I end up working for. The company deserves to crash and burn with the names of all management responsible for shitting it up publicly listed so everyone knows not the hire the cunts. Once they are found to be just turbo-cunt bullies they should be forced into a lifetime of perma-entry level positions, victimised in ways they have victimised.

i was larping as a cosplayer and now people think i am actually tranny, wtffffffff

Gotta get my shit together once and for all. Permanently. Im gonna try again right now.

GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!! You were never welcome here! How can you not see that!?

I really want to have a relapse tonight but can't afford the repercussions that will last for weeks.

Listen to listen to me listen to me,yeah that's all tthe fucking thing that u can say dickwad but what about me? U cunt say hey u dont fucking listen you're my son u should be fucking resilient and obe fucking dient ,u know what stfu, u sont even fucking listen to me i told u cunts that im mentally sick yet u cunt shrug it off like its not a big problem,well surprise surprise it is it's killing your fucking son it kills his personality it kills his life it kills his hope it kills every fucking thing.if u think i will fucking listen to you that means you are over your fucking head seriously go die or i kill myself and see how u fucking guys like it

Friends, is there a "rule of thumb" kind of way to know if a decision you are about to make is good or bad?
I bought my dream car, it's a "classic" and somewhat rare in my country. I bought it when I was at the absolute lowest point of my depression. After buying it I got a huge boost of happiness, but that faded away slowly now. The car had some problems even though it felt right when I test drove it. Now that I bought it, it stopped working twice while I was driving it and and the gauges also got messed up suddenly (I can't tell now how much fuel it has). Back when I bought it I only knew it had minor carburetor problems. I drive it very nervously because I always fear it might break or someone might crash into me. Almost everyone except 2 friends warned me that I shouldn't buy it because it's a bad idea to buy such an old car. But I bought it because I was convinced, I don't like newer cars (my country has ugly cars), I always LOVED Mustangs, and also assumed I had good signs (for example my friend who's into numerology said the license plate was perfect, and back then I kept seeing random Mustangs all of a sudden on the street).
Today I took it to a mechanic, the best I could find, because it spends too much fuel. He told me he'll "try" to fix it but there's a chance the car is fucked beyond repair and that it might stop working for good some day. He went on and on about how it the car was fucked up but he said I paid a decent price for it, but that I should sell it asap. I don't use it as a daily driver though, only for fun on Sundays.
Either way I made the right decision, regardless of the outcome, right? I still feel like I achieved 1 life goal when I bought it.

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I’m not sure if I’m just an angry person because I can’t have her (Fuck you Charlie you verbal abusive cunt) or I’m just petty that now I get to do some of the rejection now.
I turned down hanging out tonight out just because I was frustrated at constantly being ignored
Why do I hate myself like this?

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That’s what you get when you play with fire faggot.

If this because I said your house reeks?
It fucking does Kamber
Your foundation is shit
Your upstairs bathtub is probably just fall though and kill someone soon
You need to fucking move your floors shouldn’t fucking leak when it rains

Why do I love him? Why does my heart race so much? I've never...felt this before and I don't know what to do

I feel trapped at home with my parents. I'm fucking in my mid 20s and can't afford to move out, my mother is constantly smothering me, none of the jobs I can get will pay the rent.

I hate what my life has become, I can't even get a girlfriend because I would have no place to take her. I'm so fucking tired of doing what people tell me to all the time. I just want to live my own damn life not constantly cater to my aging parents.


Every woman my height I saw today was with a man significantly taller than me, always around 6'+. No one wants me.

i want you so fucking badly. i have a boyfriend already but you are the one i want. i don't care anymore. i want to feel you. even if we were friends with benefits or something, it would be more than fine. because then i'd have you just for a little bit. i wish you saw me how i saw you. i wish you held my hand more often, yours are so soft and warm compared to mine. i really like you and i feel so guilty. i feel so tired and nauseous. please just like me back. just come clean and tell me.

I'm really anxious for seemingly no reason and no idea why. I did nothing out of the ordinary. I got enough sleep. I drank enough water. I ate.
I wonder if it's my headache from wearing my contacts too much this week.

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Minor pet peeve.
>watch motivation video
>dude overacts to the max saying basic shit

My step sister is literally driving me insane, she immediately gets close to me when I get home, follows me around, she drinks from my cup and tries to feed me when I'm eating chips or some snack, she calls me cute names and holds my hand when we go out (she insist on coming with me every time I go out to do groceries and stuff). She discovered I'm into incest one day she borrowed my phone (it had a hentai by nozi, hold me tight and fill me up I think) and she read it and at first she called me an absolute pervert but thankfully didn't tell our parents and then started behaving like I said, (she used to ignore me) and now I'm not sure if she is into it too or just wants to mess with me, fuck, yesterday she went to my room and started making my bed (she started doing random favours like that to me for some reason) while wearing leggings, fuck, I was sitting in my computer next to her and I couldn't resist her movements so I went and completely grabbed and felt her ass, she looked at me with a shocked expression, I expected her to laugh, or just say something, but she just kept quiet and finished making my bed, we just, changed the topic completely and did something else, I'm full of regret, fuck, I know she won't tell our parents but I'm definitely going psycho now, she started the teasing all over again, I need a few days out, I feel like a monster

I could totally go for a kebab right now.

I can't stop thinking about killing myself and I don't know if I should go to the psychologist. I am a total failure on everything I do, I have no friends and it seems that everybody avoids me. I really hate myself for being what I am.

Didn't even know he was popular 'cause I didn't lurk.

An oldie but a goodie :)

I may be too cool for school, but I am definitely not too lame for fame

I wish it was the 50's. I hate this time.

Here's a more Modern Song

That didn't rape my ears and nice dubs

Dad, go to bed.

Me too user.

Thanks man!

If you like that then you'll love this.

My favorite track from them:

How do we survive clown world?

I'm binge drinking tonight

please ignore my faggotry and shitposting son

watch this

'Carnival of Souls'

It reminds me a bit of what I was trying to get at with my band in the 90's. I miss those days. Didn't know what I had but as the cliche goes I guess we never really do.

I love you.

No more distractions.

I love you... so much.

Well, I erroneously thought that I could make the 50's life happen if I held on to the values, worked hard, etc.
Turns out that doesn't pay off like it did back then.
So idk. Shit post in Jow Forums I guess...

I know this feeling of jealousy will pass but I just want to let you know that you'll always be in my heart.

That's the problem. Boomers fucked everything up. I guess all we have left is reeeeeing into the void here.

Same x

True, though we could try to fix it for the younger generations benefit.
Or be like the boomers and let the youngins deal with it.
It could go either way really.

I have no idea what to do about it at this point myself. Gen X fag here and missed the boat on having kids. Take the honk pill I guess.

You have to tell me...otherwise how will I know?

It feels like I was hit by a car but nobody cared or cares enough to help me or tell me why it happened.

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If this is what normal people are like idk what to expect when it's my time to go somewhere else. I can't even imagine how things will function with people like that. Time will tell at least I can take solace in that.

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I have :3

I can't stop obsessing over a friend. We were best friends a few years ago but started drifting apart and I don't know why. Then he got a girlfriend. I hate her.

I'm on the older end of millenials but I hate them and tell everyone I'm Gen X
>Take the honk pill I guess.
I don't know what that is. Sudoku?

Every girl I've dated or even got close to making official ended up either cheating or leaving for an ex. I know I'm now what anybody wants me to be, but what can I change? I do my best.I genuinely try in my life. I want to be successful. I want to be good enough for someone.

Why am I always everyone's option B? They told me they loved me. They said that I was the one for them. They all fucking lied. Why am I not enough for anyone? I'm sorry I can't be what you want. I'd change anything if I could just figure out what I'm doing wrong. I put effort into my appearance, I work full time, I try to have interesting hobbies - it's never enough to keep someone interested.

I'm so tired. My family expected great things of me, but I'm just working in a warehouse. I'm not what anybody wanted me to be. I just wish someone would tell me they want me and mean it for once.

Then why post it here jesus you guys are so fucking weird

I heard that is just going to be positive from here for me. No matter what happens, we'll be fine. You'll return but I won't have to deal with you directly. You won't get what you wanted. That's going to be a surprise to you. It's going to be really hard actually because you don't really see things in a realistic manor. Eventually you'll look back and understand but not anytime soon. I think of my life now and how insanely happy I am, and I still have such a struggle but that doesn't even matter because I'm genuinely happy and its only going up from here. Then I think of you and I genuinely feel a sadness. I can so clearly see what is wrong and how to fix it but that's not my place and I can't do it for you. I can't save you and I wanted to with all my heart, I really really wanted to. I have to let it go because it brings me sadness and I deserve to be happy. I've worked damn hard for it.

I’ve made a friend at my last job, which we both got fired at the same period of time and we used to take the same bus together after work.
We get along pretty well but since she’s throwing a birthday party at Saturday she invited me, I accepted cause she’s a good friend and it’d be cool to see her however just now I realised that I’m going all alone and I don’t know any of her friends.

Shit is scaring the hell out me.

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Nice dubs

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Because I want to say it too much and he doesn’t feel the same ;_;

Maybe you just have tingles in your pants.

I think I'm in love with you and it hurts so bad, you seem so not interested and then suddenly interest, and now you cannot stop smiling at me, and I just wanna so badly hug you and tell you how I feel but I know it wont go the way I want, but god knows you are on my mind. I LOVE YOU


A fire broke out backstage in a theatre. The clown came out to warn the public; they thought it was a joke and applauded. He repeated it; the acclaim was even greater. I think that's just how the world will come to an end: to general applause from wits who believe it's a joke

There are too many pills to keep track of anymore. Sounds like a decent one though.

That video was worse than Nyan Cat.

>stop being self conscious, people don’t always think about you

People WILL think of me, even if it’s just a millisecond. And matters a lot to me, somehow. Like, my personal image is really important to me. Not for career or anything rational. For someone who highly values rationality, I’m extremely irrational when it comes to interpersonal relationship. I would worry about shit that prolly doesn’t matter.

In that millisecond, people will quickly categorize me in their imaginary social hierarchy, and that’s just my biggest fear. I keep wanting to make sure that they put me in the “social shelf” as how I want them to. And no, I don’t know my real self anymore, I keep fabricating this persona in my head, the kind of person that I wish I could become, and I want people to categorize me based on that.

Maybe if I was ugly, I wouldn’t worry much. Cus my appearance would match my mannerism and charisma (or the lack of). Thing is, I don’t look bad and I do care (so much) about appearance and looks. I always make sure I shaved, how my shirt falls neatly, how my pants fit, how my underwear can nicely show my bulge without being pervy, how black my belt is, how low or high my shoes are (compared to my height), how my haircut accentuates my face and outfit, etc. It would be pathetic to see a good looking man be socially inferior. I even often think about how I walk, how good my walk looks, etc etc. It’s depersonalizing me, idk my real self anymore.

Though at one point I thought about appearing unorganized, to make people not expect too much from me. But I’m naturally a quite organized person. I’m not impulsive, I can save up my money, I can control my cash flow, my work desk is neat, my closet is nicely coordinated, that’s just me being OCD.

Tomorrow is the last day of a very long no-contact break that my ex imposed on me. I have my doubts he'll talk to me again due to the time that's already passed. Fuck that faggot for putting me through this bullshit and for being too much of a fucking coward to end it earlier.

lol. Strangely captivating though.

Probably, but I don't think it would be the first time. Those who remain will start carving emojis on stone and just start everything over again.
Maybe the next go round will be better.

Woah this is too hard for me. I wonder what I'm gonna do.

I don't mention it a lot, but I like the frog memes and videos.
So much creativity and passion has been put into it, you can't help but to appreciate the effort.
It seems like there's a frog for everything ever experienced.

Think I fucked it up. The anxiety came flooding back. Pretty annoyed with myself right now, its the first opportunity to break the loneliness I've had in a while.

I'm almost 30 and I want to give up to life.

No matter how much effort you put in someone, no one will thank you even if is someone close to you.

God I hate being poor. I'm being peer pressured to buy a new game and I just can't afford it, but I don't want to be left out and alone.


I am planning my final bow. Thank you for the insight into your world. I hope you all have rich, happy lives.

Dude I plan on waiting a couple years for the switch to get the Nintendo switch. I’m just now playing a game from 7 years ago lmao seriously let me peer pressure you into waiting. If you do it right you’ll be able to play the older games you wait for while waiting for the new games

I'm poor and need braces and don't like smiling because it shows my fucked up teeth and that's a reason why I have no social life. How can I have one when I can't comfortably open my mouth?

Move to Britain

I had a dream I won 9 billion dollars and i of my dream giving it away. 6 million each to some friends and 50million to each my parents

I just wanna fuck a girl so bad (kinda unemployed at the moment so can't even buy me a whore)

Had a dream I was in the truck with my coworker talking about sometging vague like I do most days of the week. Now I feel like I've done an extra days work.

Can't sleep now anyway because I'm busy worrying I fucked ny chances with the first girl I've liked, and had a chance with, in a while.

I'm sick of feeling this way all the time. I looking forward to dying and I just need to get past my guilt of leaving burdens behind. I'm never alone but always feel lonely. Guys say I'm beautiful, friends/family loves me, and I have my life together. I constantly want to cause harm to myself and others. I've cut, pulled weapons on, and even attempted to kill people that loved me. I volunteer, participate in events, and have a large social circle. I still can't make myself want to live, it's just hard to go through with the guilt. I don't even just yearn for it when I'm down, it's a constant thought that never goes away. I don't want help to get better anymore. I've only told my previous psychiatrist these feelings and it didn't go over well. I don't want help, just had to let it out.

Every day. Every single fucking day this dog I'm forced to live with barks 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I never wanted the little faggot but my sociopath of a mother insisted otherwise. Which, fine whatever get an animal who cares, but at least put in the fucking effort to train the thing. I have brought up the fact that this fucking dog barks far too much but no she never listens. I have no idea why, I have suggested that she do something about it in the nicest way possible every time but she gets all huffy whenever shes confronted with literally anything so it kind of doesn't surprise me. My sleep is fucked up and my anxiety is higher than its ever been but no one seems to care. "Oh he'll grow out of it" she says. By far the dumbest statement I've ever heard. Its even more frustrating because she has trained him to do other things, like not to piss and shit on the floor and so on. But for some ungodly reason she re-fucking-fuses to train the dog so it doesnt bark. It is a daily goddamn occurrence and if I have to put up with hearing this little faggot bark for a second longer I legitimately think I'm just going to snap and murder it. I was never the biggest fan of dogs before this but now I downright hate them. I have zero idea what to do anymore and I'm actually going insane.

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>for example my friend who's into numerology said the license plate was perfect
Probably should've spoken to a mechanic instead of your retarded friend.

The fuck was that? Nice to see you for all of 20 minutes
I can't tell if you're acting or just stupid.

My friends all choose to leave me out, i know the exact details to a party my best friend is throwing that im not invited to, it feels like my only real froare online, close to ending it

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>awkward as fuck
>score 3x threshold on every online autism/Asperger's test but never officially diagnosed
>view logic and reason above emotion, can turn emotions on and off
>somehow acquire gf
>incredible person in every aspect
>spend 3 years together
>her family introduced me as their unofficial son and brother
>she is unnaturally close to the family, especially her sister
>our relationship had its share of struggles but always worked things out, never once had a real argument
>suddenly dumps me a month ago but still wants to be friends
>isn't dating anyone else
>reasons were she was never happy, never interested in a relationship, and missed being single
>have spoken recently, she will NEVER be in a relationship again not just with me, and hasn't been this happy in a decade
>wtf intensifies as she originally asked to be my gf
>her dad and brother both thanked me for treating her well and said they'd never seen her happier than with me
>hurt and confused for 2 weeks
>turn off emotions and review self
>make chart for self improvements
>think about her situation without emotions
>see familiar patterns I overcame years ago
>realize those issues are holding her back from ever being satisfied in life/relationships like they did me
>in her case they run deep from childhood to present, caused by her family, and explain her bizarre closeness/obsession with them
>want to sit down and talk about it with either her, her sister, or her parents but doubt they will believe me
I'd obviously like to reunite but I want her to be free and able to actually enjoy life more than that. Should I try to talk to her/her sister/her parents about what I found out? I know they want what's best for her too so maybe they'll at least hear me out

Threaten to move out. She trains the dog or you're out of there. If she gives a shit about you she may actually listen

>tfw just posted something insensitive again

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Why does my crotch itch so bad lately fuck!! It’s driving me crazy. I haven’t had sex for years so it’s not some std. I clean myself regularly. I don’t fucking understand

Um how did it tag this post HAH

>feel like I look like shit constantly
>can't find my clothing style
>girlfriend say I look great
>mom says I look great and that one day my arms won't fit in shirt sleeves
>only have visible abs with a pump and under favorable lighting
>feel like my girlfriend might dump me at any time for a better looking dude even though just yeterday she said she's never been happier in a relationship

>start getting light flu symptoms the day before yesterday
>gf came over yesterday, had sex 4 times during the afternoon
>today not only do I have full on flu symptoms, my body also hurts all over from the sex
>can't go to the gym
>feel like a fat piece of shit

Literally dreamt about her all nigh. In the same dream other women were approaching me but i literally brushed them off to get closer to her despite her not wanting me

I know it’s a dream but i’d do that in real life too

I think I should share my hobbies with the internet I don't have anyone to talk about my hobbies with in real life. I have all the essential equipment minus 1 thing, a camera.
*phew* Good. I'm not ready on a personal level still. I have decent collection but I;ve never showed anyone for a very very long time. I feel I need to show some aspect of my collection.... I just hope I can do that in a manner which is interesting and not too focused on that over that which I plan to show.

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I swear to god if I end up heartbroken (again), I won’t survive. First couple times were my fault, and I totally accept responsibility, but I will be truly devastated if it happens again.

I pull my shirt over my head but leave my nose and mouth open so that only my eyes are covered, helps cut down on external stimuli and is calming

I have moved out recently, I invited one of my only girl friends that I have a massive crush on. She has no real intrest in me, we have made out n stuff but that's about it. She is an angel in my eyes and I cannot find or make friends to replace her though I should because I've developed a really bad addiction to her, she's all I think about. She isn't the first person I've obsessed about, I've just been in a terrible rut for the last 3 years to the point where I have become a recluse in a sense. I try to make friends in public but it's really hard to make conversation with randos when you don't watch movies or television at all, at least not in the last 3 years.
Plus I'm legitimately 6'4 and a fairly large build which makes me hard to approach and makes guys not trust me I feel. Plus girl referanced says everyone thinks I'm a hardass which plays into this.
I just want to feel happy again, free again. Not like I have a chain around my neck.
I'm starting to feel as if I should just do it, take back my reality and freedom with a pull of a trigger. End the suffering. I wish the pills helped me more than they did. I wish I had meaningful friendships and relationships.
I wish I was desired.

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Post it anonn I'm interested.

If you go to a restaurant there’s a reason why we sit you in certain areas. Stop bitching about how you didn’t get to sit in the exact seat you wanted youre fucking it up for the servers

Go get some exercise and take up some manly hobbies. Then in time you'll have self respect.

I exercise, im a musician, i go to college, im a music teacher, learning to draw. i’m doing what makes me happy
hobbies arent the problem but I acknowledge that I lack self respect. It’s a deep rooted problem that I’ve been trying to fix after I finally admitted it to myself just a few months ago. Little steps and hopefully I’ll fix my shit up

Jow Forums is a containment board. Even for the shittier parts of Jow Forums like /b/.