Rejected by friend

>rejected by friend
>try being just friends for a few weeks
>i decide i don't want to be friends anymore so i can move on
>they are upset by my decision
did i do the right thing, Jow Forums?

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If it's for the sake of your mental well being, yes. One day, when you've moved on, maybe you can be friends again.

I think you did. I stayed friends and it’s very hard. I’m sad a lot.

to be honest, i'm starting to feel better already. it's just that we were really great friends. but that was before the rejection, and i don't think we can ever go back to that. and to avoid more problems, i'd rather not include them in my life in the case that i meet someone new as well.

i'm sorry to hear that, user, i think i can understand. i was really attached to this person, but we weren't on the same page. it was fucking awful for my mental health. i just want to be happy again, it's my life and only i can assure that.


Talk extensively withthem about your feelings
They dont understand that being in lobe doesnt dissappear in one night

i did, whether that was a mistake or not. i don't think they were able to see my perspective. i didn't want to settle for a friendship like this.

>friend is upset that you don’t want to be their friend anymore
Wow what a shocker, who could have predicted this??
You should just slowly cut contact with them if you don’t want to be friends.

I'm in the fortunate situation of being great friends with my former crush, albeit the reason for the rejection was "but user I'm gay". Most of the time unrequited feelings will degrade any sense of comraderie still left.

it was more like angry, to be honest. they seemed to question if i was doing it out of spite

What a fucking child. "I don't want to be friends with you if I can't date you. Waaaaah, my feelings!"

What about their feelings? They just lost somebody they thought was their friend. Bet you didn't think about that, huh? It's all about you.

what are you proposing? they were absolutely my friend, and i cherish the time we spent together. am i supposed to give up part of my mental well-being in order to make sure they're "happy"? it's my life, it is SUPPOSED to be about me in the long run.

Well, what about HIS feelings? They rejected him and expected everything to be the same, ignoring his pain.
Fuck yourself, cuck. And nice reddit spacing

Life isn't JUST about you. Narcissist.

Women don't owe you or anyone else SHIT because you're friendly to them. Full stop. This is basic human interaction 101. You'd know this if your parents ever took the time to teach you anything. You incels like to clog together, don't you? You're like fucking cholesterol.

how does that translate to me owing someone a damaged friendship, then? you're projecting way too much here.

Depends. Elaborate since your post can be understood in a few different ways. How were you rejected?

If you pursued romantic relationship, got rejected and thend ecided to move on it's kinda understandable though it's also understandable your ex-friend felt upset since they possibly still wanted to be in contact with you, just not as lovers. Sad, but little that can be done - you're not in the wrong though it's a shame you couldn't appreciate their company without them being yours.

If you pursued regular friendship, got rejected, decided to move on and now they're upset, then you're fine - you offered, they couldn't appreciate it, if they changed their mind now it's on them. Though also make sure it's not a matter of a bit different approach toward friendship - it's very posible you two could still hang out if you'd talk over what you expect and can offer.

If you went for romance straight away, just gave friendship a try for shit and giggles, got the person involved and then cut them off, you're kinda a douche - a weird chimera of (initially) orbiter and a jackass who drops the partner because they don't put out when they entered purely platonic relationship in the first place.

Fuck that user trying to guilt you over cutting contact. You shouldn't sacrifice your well-being for someone else's peace of mind. That being said, it's not a good situation overall. If you truly tried to express yourself to your friend and they couldn't understand you then you've done everything you can. It's time to move on. They'll get over it eventually and so will you. Trying to make that romantic jump is dangerous to friendships and this is a very common outcome. I'll give you credit, OP, at least you tried instead of wallowing in the friendzone too afraid to tell them how you feel. I wish I had that gumption when I was younger.

Best of luck to you, OP. You'll get through this and be better off.

YOU damaged the relationship. You're the one who spilled your spaghetti all over this person's lap and then when they didn't want it, you pout and run away and act you're the victim.

i didn't run away. i told them i couldn't be their friend and i told them why.

you made the right decision, take care of yourself first.

Tomato, tomahto OP. You fucked it up and now you're pouting because things didn't work out the way you hoped and you can't deal with rejection.

Meanwhile, the other person lost a friend that they probably very much enjoyed and has a right to be mad at you. You fucked it all up and ran away like a little cowardly bitch. I'd be mad at you too.

Not the OP but fuck off. You're the type of high maintenance abusive friend who guilt trips people into doing what they want. Off yourself and do everyone a favor.

What the fuck is your problem? Look at this alpha chad over here shitting on vulnerable people who are just looking for advice. Coward

Am I too real for you? Do I not fit into your coloring book of the world? I call out shit when I see it and this whole thread is shit. White knights like you coddling people like OP are the reason why people like me are important. Reality is an unpleasant dose of medicine that is needed and OP fucking needs to swallow it.

you decide completely who you wanna hang out with and why. for whatever reason that descision is made is less important. the important thing is that it's your descision. if it's the right or the wrong one, that can be debated endlessly. the way i see it, you were honest and left no room for misinterpretation.

i'm going to explain more in detail below.

we were genuinely friends for over a year, we were interested in different people, etc. then i began to develop feelings for them, much later. i told them about it, and they told me they felt the same way, but they weren't in the place for a relationship. i tried being their friend again for a few weeks, but i couldn't just forget about things, and they seemed to act different. i talked with them about it again, and they answered they weren't interested in a future and that they want me to move on.

Yeah, jump ship. I transferred fucking departments so I didn't have to think about it anymore, everytime she needed help reaching the top of a pallet, or walked past me and really hiked those pants up.

You are much too real, yes, because I've had friends like you before. You're more selfish than the people that you browbeat for being selfish. It's amazing to watch let alone experience. You're very adept at manipulation and I wish you'd put those skills into more productive ventures.

I'd still very much like for you to neck yourself, though. The world is better off without people like you.

I'm sorry that I don't play candy land the way you like. The world isn't made of rainbow cotton candy and glitter. You can spoon feed OP all the sugar you want, but the fact is that I'm right and you all know it. People like me ARE needed to help pull your heads out of your collective asses. Just because you don't agree with truth doesn't make it less true. Sorry to burst your strawberry scented bubble.

They're not entitled to OP's friendship

>i talked with them about it again, and they answered they weren't interested in a future and that they want me to move on.

If you couldn't remain just friends and couldn't be lovers, if you were told to move on then why the hell they're upset you've listened to their suggestion? Either they couldn't make up their mind and it bit them in the ass or it's some mindfuckery. No matter which it would be if it's really how it is, you kinda had no choice but to move on and them being upset because of that is not your responsibility.

ideally, they told me, they would like to just stay friends while we lose feelings for each other. that's what they've done with other people, i suppose.

That can work but only if you both really can keep it all platonic and friendly without hanging onto some hopes nor it twisting into unfullfilment and other unpleasant feelings.

yeah. i know what i want and while i'm not going to try and change their mind, i don't think that means i should change mine.

that's the way i see it. i really did care about them and their own well-being. i've already cried before about this shitty situation, i'm not heartless. i can't be their friend and move on at the same time. and i'm not going to tell them we're still friends, and that everything is ok, and then just fade away or become distant, because they do deserve honesty about this.

>user answering both of my posts
Yeah, I get it. Tough times. Not much you can do about it then unless you will want to change the attitude - take some break for feelings to cool down perhaps and then just be in contact as pals. I've seen such situation from both sides and it was sad either way.

It's up to you. You seem to have decided already it won't work out so you want to move on. It may be what would be the best, user. Or it may be something that should make you think of what to do to be able to establish happy platonic relationships with people without getting too far. Though given you both told each other you're really interested, it seems it was unavoidable - you both were mutually deep into it, for some reason it just didn't work out. Or maybe your friend just cannot make up their mind. Anyway, not much more I can say about this as we're strangers, dude, and I'd probably would have to know both the situation and the parties involved to make any better suggestions. So, unless you look for short-term paypal that's about all - but you're not completely in the wrong, I can tell you at least that. Sometimes things don't work out, you had the guts to at least try to make them work out beforehand. The best way of solving it would be to talk with that other person and find some middle ground but it seems you've tried that as well and didnt' succeed - what else can you do but move on then?

Bro you’re annoying af I guess you think that user owes his crush a relationship don’t you? Fucking stupid bitch I’m a girl too before you get all salty. Calm down nobody owes anybody friendship and if somebody confessed to me and I rejected them, I wouldn’t be angry if they didn’t want to be friends anymore because I’m not a selfish asshole

I sure am glad my friend
>didn't get upset when I super drunkenly hit on her
>seems to really look forward to another date