Looks like another nail in the coffin for short guys

Looks like another nail in the coffin for short guys.

Sorry, I know I'm supposed to ask for advice, but I've asked for so much already and it always comes back to my height and how much women care about it. I definitely think all things being equal, if I were taller i would have far less issues with women. But it is what it is.

Attached: Screenshot_20190329-234729_Tinder.jpg (1080x1614, 245K)

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How are they gonna do it?

Stay off Tinder, it’s an emoji dystopia. You don’t want to fuck someone whose first impression of you was a checklist. Let Tinder starve to death

Apparently it's an "April Fool's Joke". Haha, short guys suck amirite?


>Oh, and by the way? Only 14.5% of the U.S. male population is actually 6’ and beyond. So, we’re expecting to see a huge decline in the 80% of males on Tinder who are claiming that they are well over 6 feet.
I like how it does nothing to challenge women's insane standards, not mentioning the fact that they would never dare to make such a joke at the abundances of profiles where women lie about their age, use old photos or try to crop themselves to mask how fat they really are.

I'm done with this fucking app. Fuck Tinder.

Women are clueless.

Most men are Face who will defend them regardless of context ironically pretty much to keep chances of sex open.

It's such a fucking clown world

>getting this butthurt over a joke
found the manlet

Waiting with bated breath for the "weight verification for women" counterpart funny joke.

I think it's a 2 year late response to that app that allows you to see under a woman's makeup.

I'm butthurt because it would almost make it worth using for me. Being 6'1" exactly sucks because a lot of guys lie about it and I'm not willing to do the same.

They need to measure penis length and girth.

Attached: 5a90ec878eac6.jpg (446x449, 37K)

girls like to feel small and weak
its hard for a short guy to do this
it's literally that simple

I do want to fuck though and tinder is responsible for 100% of the times I've been laid(1)

Do people even use tinder anymore? It just seems like such a slow app now and inactive users.

But it's not a joke, it's a legitimate criticism. Women lie about their age or weight or otherwise on the app with old photos and clever angles but Tinder doesn't see the need to call this out or joke about it. Short men are the only demographic deemed accepting of mockery still. Even racial stuff wouldn't dare be the butt of a joke despite how rampant racial preference is in online dating.

This should be stickied so we can end these dumb bait threads:


No matter how much you try to deny it, 6' is a meme. All the most attractive males are shorter than 6'.

There's nothing funny about the continued marginalization of manlets

Having preferences isn't insane.
If you are getting offended because hit every woman wants you then maybe you need to reevaluate your low self esteem. You're the ones going in dating apps desperately messaging every woman on there.
The problem is on you not them. For how many super talls guys there actually are, that's how many women want them. Many others don't care about super tall height, but they also don't want insecure dudes with a height complex. Oh you are worried about their weight and filter photos? I forgot that men don't actually gain weight, lie about their ages, and have altered photos. /s

So you being mad they won't settle for you charmers is irony at best. If you use dating apps at all, you don't have the choice to not settle.

At least we save money on our smaller coffins AMIRITE?!

Given how much shit I judge women on, I can't find it in me to be bothered when they care that I'm short. Thankfully enough of them don't that I can still get some on demand. If you're straight up midget height then yeah I get it. But that's practically in the same boat as being handicapped and even those blue license plate motherfuckers still manage to get married now and again.

All this talk about sexual preference has gotten me horny so I'm gonna go fuck your mom. How do the youth say goodbye these days? YEET

Height is a meme.

You don't get laid alot because you have an average looking face.

This is interesting.

I'd speculate shorter guys are swiped right more because they have better facial aesthetics.

I swear most guys I see with good faces are short, tall guys are liable to have horse faces due to too much HGH.

That's exactly why. Not just face but body type as well. All the famous handsome hollywood men are under 6'.

Projection the post. I don't swipe on most women or see most women as dating prospects for different reasons. I also don't only ever pursue super hot ones. But thanks for trying; you can go back to rddit now.

I am so fucking angry when I see retarded shit like this. Of course 5'8 men are the most right swiped since the majority of the population is 5'8.

A decent journalist wouldn't write for a website like this, but still, this is the death of journalism

It is adjusted for volume you retard. Why does this make you so angry? Why can't you handle the truth? How tall are you?

>doesn't use dating apps

No citations, and it says nowhere that it is adjusted to volume. It's not the fact this is about heigh that makes me angry, but rather shitty journalism and sheep blindly following it and using Standard articles to prove their claims.

I'm 6'3

I'm responding to the notion that I message every woman on dating sites or expect every woman to like me. Or that I actually care about their appearance as much as they vitriolically claim that I do. None of it is true.

It's not a bait thread. That article is also questionable; there are dozens more that say that height matters a lot to women, whether she doesn't want to be shorter or she wants you a full head taller or over six feet. Women don't actually like short men, or at least they are socialized to seek taller ones. You'll get poste like claiming most women don't care but from experience
>every girl on Tinder asks about height
>those that didn't commented on it in person, negatively
>I've been flaked and ghosted numerous times for it
Okay, so it's just preference. The point of dating is to filter out people who don't suit you right? But short men get blatant disrespect because it's still socially acceptable and that if anything makes women even less likely to want them.

Or maybe because 5'8 is around average so the averages make are the most numerous and thus make the most right swipes

No wonder you are angry, you were led to believe by Jow Forums that at 6'3" all you have to do to get pussy is to exist. And then things like this remind you the 5'8" guys are getting girls and you have never been kissed.

The average in UK is 5'10, so that should be at the top if this was the case.

seething lanklet

The absolute state of manlets in this thread.

Tinder won't make a joke like this about women because they think that women can't handle a joke but men can.

They're only half right.

Have you actually been on tinder or are you just making shit up? I have never been asked for my height and I'm 5'6". Fucked lots of girls of all heights too. It helps to be good looking.

I've thousands upon thousands of interactions on tinder over the years, and I've been asked about my height maybe a handful of times.

The again I live in the UK not bigger-is-better burgerland.


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I was on it for years. Why would I lie about this?

Dunno, maybe I am just ugly then

You must be ugly and fat and have shitty selfie pics and a boring writeup

Not fat. Dunno what a good write up is because from what I've seen a lot of guys don't need to write anything really.

I'd rather have a race verification, I can't tell you how many times I've met a girl on tinder who in her pictures looks like a sunkissed white girl but irl looks like le 56 goblina

But he's right, a "weight verification" for women will NEVER exist, are they butthurt as well?

App's dogshit anyway, most of us should've uninstalled years ago.

when will they learn

height verification doesn’t exist either. you are getting upset over nothing. raising a big stink about tinder is what they want anyways. you get upset and bitch about it, and it’s free advertisement for them.

I'm not upset, too many of you can't understand the concept of any form of thinking beyond black and white. This doesn't bother me at all, but objectively speaking they would have never done a weight verification. The point people are trying to make is the hellish double standards of online dating. Even under the guise of a joke, the weight one would've been shitposted (by women this time) into an early grave, an no one would tell them it's just a joke.

There is almost an intrinsic, probably biological attitude among humans that men can "take it".

I don't think it's going to go away anytime soon no matter how much you point out double standards.

You seem upset though. You do you, but I’m not going to waste my mental energy on hypothetical scenarios.

>You seem upset though.
Only because you want me to to fit your narrative, so it doesn't matter how calm I am you will read my posts with an irritated tone regardless.

Im not the one writing paragraphs about this, mate. You may not be seething mad but this whole situation clearly bothers you

Tell yourself whatever you like

This news is fun to watch. Its like the app that removes a woman's make up. Any serious source on it being a joke?

Tinder is absolute bottom of the barrel trash. I'd rather sleep with a crack whore off the streets of Philadelphia than any girl I'd ever meet on Tinder.

>Any serious source on it being a joke?
Nope, but the announcement’s antagonistic tone and proximity to April fools is making some people skeptical. I guess we’ll all have to wait and see.

Yeah. I'm fucked too. I'm 6'1" femanon. Guys tend to not ask for height, so I can typically meet them, but too many dip as soon as they find out that I'm taller than them.

To be fair, I'd prefer a guy taller than me, but lol, I'm guessing they're taken by more attractive girls.

The guys who think height doesn't matter on tinder are likely Europeans.

>6'1 girl
>Wants guys taller than her
So you want a giant? God women are ridiculous

We’ve been saved!

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I get that user, I said I *prefer* a guy taller than me, which, exist, statistically. but I recognize how that isn't realistic, hence me meeting up with shorter guys.

I'm just saying tall girls are also kinda screwed in our own way.

Try being 5’8 who loves tall girls. It’s like I’m playing dating on Dante Must Die mode.

Well at least let me into the pity party in this thread. God I'd do anything to donate a few inches to a manlet.

Why don't you live near me. I'm 6'3 and my dream is to be with a 6'+ girl but they don't seem to exist.

>seething manlets with Napoleon complexes
>seething lanklets with piss poor facial features
>not knowing that there is a happy medium that women prefer
5'10" master race reporting in.
seeing lanklets vs. manlets is like watching the alt-right vs. antifa

6’ is medium, 5’anything” is short

Maybe if you live in Slavland
Not so much in the civliised west

I live the US. I'm not the only 6'+ woman I know, but I'm one of very few.

Honestly I was complaining a bit too much last night. Clothes shopping and dating can be a bit tougher, and high heels are almost instantly a no-go, but I have other things I should be more concerned about.