What's unattractive and what's attractive about me?
How could I improve my looks?
What's unattractive and what's attractive about me?
How could I improve my looks?
Didnt you say you're a chad, dawg?
Egg head
It was a social experiment I swear
Also stop using this site so much kek
>What's unattractive and what's attractive about me?
well, first of all, I could beat the shit out of you, and I am skinny. Get fit and also get a sense of fashion, next get an emo haircut so you can hide your forehead
You have nice teeth, nice eyes, white, looks tall too.
I am anti social you guys are my only friends
I was like 165-170 pounds on those pictures, but I am working on getting fit. I'm at 180 rn, so I might be a bit more bulked up. I've always thought only gay men cared about muscles.
Do I have a weak chin?
Also I am 6'3. ?/10 in your opinion?
I'd give you a 6/7
A little too normie looking. Probably an NPC
I have NPC tendencies but I've already contacted my GP to search for a cure
You can't cure other than by thinking for yourself. This isn't as straightforward as it seems, but I believe in you
We've also discussed possible methods for involuntary euthanization if I end up losing the battle. Thanks for the spiritual support mate
>Do I have a weak chin?
>Also I am 6'3
well I am 5'8, and I don't care, same should go for you stop being insecure about yourself, you can get laid easily if you get fit
on the picture, you are 1/3, but if you work out you get 3/3, you have the potential
hope you make it. The world needs more people who can think. Good luck, mate
I used to be obese, like actually fat as fuck, and I was actually at peace with how I looked. After I lost weight I started worrying about all kinds of retarded shit, like if I have a weak chin or not, or whenever I see a dude who's taller than me I start feeling miserable.
If 1/3 means 1 out of 3, does that mean getting fit will make me look 300% better? How come most people have a lot of relationships even though they are skinny? I've been rowing and working out but I didn't know being ripped is this important
>How come most people have a lot of relationships even though they are skinny?
a lot of stuff, for example; they are social, they don't look like you, they are not stupid and bad in math as you
>I've been rowing and working out but I didn't know being ripped is this important
No, I never said that you need to get ripped, what you need is to fix your nerd neck that you are trying to hide and also fix your posture and get to a healthy weight, that's all
Nobody gives as disintegrated and vague answers like you so, you mentally ill cunt
and how so? blue pilling him will give him fake confidence and he will be back here after 1 month
Big forehead is unattractive but there's not much you can do about that. Also eat more and lift skinny
She looks nice although the style suggests kinda mean, dead inside hipster. Requesting more pics all the same.
Adorable, maybe like a 6.
But it's your forehead.
(I just don't like tans, you could be a 7)
here i have more just for you
this, he looks like he has 0 Testosterone in him, lif and lif, also eat a lot, girls dont like nerds, incels, gamers and other shit males what they want is a real man.
>here i have more just for you
Thanks. Feel free to post more should you be able to.
Work out. You lack shape other than "plastic straw".
Grow some facial hair to hide the baby face.
Get a big boy haircut and use a little product to keep it looking good all day.
Other than that, you're fine.
>I am anti social you guys are my only friends
It's a bunch of stangers, where most of us won't even recognize, yet alone care about you. Why not to find some buddies who actually give a shit, since you seem not antisocial enough to not want to socialize - get some penpals or some shit like that, perhaps?
lol, I can get friends in video games, people love.
But the problem is real life I just don't know how to make friends. not only I am anti-social I think I also have social anxiety I am not sure tho.
OP here. I know I'm not in the position to give advice on confidence but I am a fairly social guy irl, and pretty confident on the outside.
From what I've seen of you you seem to be a very socially capable guy, much more so than this site's average. You can hold conversations and don't go apeshit when someone confronts you. I think you could benefit a ton from pretending that your life is a video game. If you think hard enough, you can kind of forget the fake stakes that you have in your head, and pretend you're talking to guys the same way you would in video games. Your personality is going to do the rest of the job after that. And it'll do a good job because you're a nice person
>I can get friends in video games, people love
People love what? You mean you can also get theri love? As in adoration or just infatuation?
Anyway, getting friends - well, acquaintances really - at least in basics and theory of it is rather easy. Go to places where people aren't completely occupied and interact with them. I probably could say a lot more but not only I am not sure whether you'd care for me to nor I want to hijack some poor user's thread, even if this thing he made befits /soc/ more than Jow Forums
You can hijack my thread, I don't mind. I know I have a big ass forehead and that I should work out, I made this thread because I was unsure how attractive I am compared to others.
Can you give data and source on the girl (trap?). Cute, in perfectly non-lewd 'just pleasing to the eyes' way. There's something about the person that would make me way of their character and personality, but as far as visuals go - would like source/more.
Alright, then to make it not a complete hijack, I will throw you an opinion - if you're sociable and relatively confident while not being socially fucked up in another way (as in, basics of hygiene, not spouting completely retarded and off-putting bullshti allt he time etc) then you're already nearly there. Sure, there's space for improvement and there's flaws you may be unable to do too much about but be a charming companion and most girls who aren't completely vapid and walking red flag stands will give you a chance anyway so don't sweat it.
Thank you user. I actually am in a relationship but it's quite complicated. I just get confused about certain things sometimes because I'm really young and there's a lot I don't understand
>I actually am in a relationship but it's quite complicated.
Well, it usually is. Sometimes due to inexperience and plain differences, sometimes because someone is fucking things up (character flaws or again, inexperience - turning into weird expectations etc). Anyway, you must be doing something right since you are in one and given how many foreveralone anons are around here, that's ahead of local curve.
>I'm really young and there's a lot I don't understand
The former will pass and it's very possible the latter will still be a fact. Though the fact you're aware of it may let you learn more than you'd otherwise so that's a plus here, too.
Hey, look, I didn't hijack the thread after all. Though I am up for talking about cute-girl-posting tripanon issue should they get back to us, with or without more pics.
hahaha, dude, I don't know, I lose my breath when I try to talk to people that I don't know, is easier in video games to act alfa because I know people will not beat the shit out of me xd
I wanted to say people like me
> interact with them.
idk bro, normies are going to skin me alive
i am not trying to get a bf, i just want a friend
Huh, cosplay? You could throw a source if it's a cosplayer, maybe there's something cute I could drop for my wallpaper.
>I wanted to say people like me
Alright, so you say people online love people like you. Do you know why? Are there any particular traits that draw them? Or they see something that's not there?
Because, bringing us to another point:
>idk bro, normies are going to skin me alive
I bet that many people you are interacting with are normies, just cutting loose on the internet. Whatever you have going for you that makes you pleasant companion for them could possibly work IRL, it's just the rules of conduct are different and you cannot throw memes or however you behave normally unless you already know it's a crowd that would respond well to such.
>i am not trying to get a bf, i just want a friend
That post you responded this to was for OP, so no problem there. Though it seems you're not that antisocial if you indulge and are loved by some people online and I suspect that you also have a way to get friends IRL that way.
You've mentioned bf so either you're gay or a girl and in that case certain expectations here may pose an issue here, since guys knowing your preferences may feel awkward or may actually be trying to get it on with you rather than be just friends. Need experience and game to sift one from the others (what's complicated is that sometimes a guy may approach a girl with perfectly genuine friendliness but then develop other expectations or hopes along the way).
If you're the one looking for friends, you should do some approaching, suggest ways of initiating a contact while also dropping some subtle hints it's platonic. Practice etc. Or hell, stay online, I have friends both IRL and online and ones aren't worse or better than the others per se, the dynamics is just different - but if one can stick with them over a decade now, that's something.
What aspects fo friendship are you lacking that you have issues finding on your own?
>Do you know why?
idk it was just some random people I added on steam, we would play and have fun I guess, on the internet I act like a chad so is different
idk talking to people irl is different, some are dicks and some are nice, I got burned so much that I don't trust anyone anymore
> get friends IRL that way
yes but they live in different country, I am an immigrant, so I lost all of my old friends, I had some friends from school here in Slovenia but I kinda stopped talking to them, because 1 guy was weird and autistic and another guy was kinda dickhead.
> so either you're gay or a girl
I am a guy, I was just fucking with you, also that is not a girl in the picture is a guy too :D
>What aspects fo friendship are you lacking that you have issues finding on your own?
Idk bro
>idk it was just some random people I added on steam, we would play and have fun I guess, on the internet I act like a chad so is different
Then consider what aspets of that can you bring IRL without annoying people and run with it? I mean, I suspect it's not 'be a dick' aspect that gets you interest IRL, it's probably more of being outgoing, joking around, involving people. Such traits also have a worth IRL if you won't make it awkward.
> talking to people irl is different, some are dicks and some are nice, I got burned so much that I don't trust anyone anymore
Well, yes, that's reasonable. Trust has to be earned. At the same time you can be both guarded and welcoming. Show some good will, just be ready that it may all get fucked up.
>yes but they live in different country, I am an immigrant, so I lost all of my old friends, I had some friends from school here in Slovenia but I kinda stopped talking to them, because 1 guy was weird and autistic and another guy was kinda dickhead.
Gotta work with what you have. If they have redeeming qualities, concentrate on them. After all, given your issues you don't know how weird and autistic you may seem to others. If they're malicious, though, then yeah - cut them off.
>I am a guy, I was just fucking with you, also that is not a girl in the picture is a guy too :D
Damn traps, one cannot be sure anymore, especially when they start to look more like real girls than some real girls. Though I assume that pic wasn't the same girl face of you've posted earlier?
>Idk bro
It's the most important thing then, and the first one you should figure out. You wish for friends for a reason. You imagine things you'd like to do with friends, feel lonely or just have some thoughts you'd like to share. Figure out what you actually look for, then you may look for a way to find it. No wonder you don't get anywhere if you don't know where to get.
>Ruskie flag
Hello Trumpbot!
Based looser namefag with too much free time.
what are you talking about?
I know it's probably a delusion so it's not that easy to get over, but most people really don't want to get into a fight irl
For some reason people here are obsessed with violence, but when it's time to get violent people usually back off, unless they're drunk or high. I've been stabbed and beaten almost to death before, and people NEVER do that alone. In a group, people can disassociate and do crazy shit. Even then I went out of my way to provoke them and it was kind of a gang situation. An average person would never go beyond one hit. If you are afraid you can have pepper spray on you or join an mma class. Please don't buy a gun, it'll only make your dick look tiny and get you killed when you pull it out.
I do wonder if you'll see this, I had to go to sleep last night, but I would love to hear back from you. You seem like a nice person and I like you, so I'd want you to succeed irl too.
>skinny jeans
In my opinion this is the least attractive thing a man can wear. Seriously just google "man wearing skinny jeans. Every result looks like a douche, fag, hipster, asshat or a combination of the above.
Do some squats and get some better pants.
You look like you are already trying pretty hard. I think you've reached your max attractiveness. I can't rate you though.
I know user, but normies will judge you on how strong you are, simple as that. For example, when I started working in one store I acted cold and people would like me, now there was also a nerd there and he acted really friendly and beta like, guess what? everyone would disrespect him. And that's just one example, for example, I don't care about sex and girls that much, guess what average guy( normie) disrespects women and always talks about sex, like one time he asked me if I get laid, lol.
I guess it all comes down how much testosterone you have, is how much respect you will have.
Those are regular jeans. I squat 280 pounds.
I'm not trying very hard. Why can't you rate me?
That's far from the truth. As I said anons here watch too many chinese cartoons and so they are obsessed with violence, strenght, and guns, but the average normie is slightly overweight and weak as fuck. Bodybuilders are usually called juicy and are assumed to be dumb as shit, and people with a handsome face and good charisma get way more respect