My bf is obese and we tried having sex last night but he couldn't get his cock in me...

My bf is obese and we tried having sex last night but he couldn't get his cock in me. I suggested we lose weight together but he said I'd just become a Stacey whore and only want chads if I lost weight. How can I convince him to lose weight so we can have a sex life?

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How fucking fat are you guys?

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>tell him you're going to McDonalds and ask him if he wants to come with you
>he'll invariably say yes
>tell him you'll go start the car and for him to join you once he's got his shoes on
>when he gets out onto the driveway, drive off a short distance, then stop
>when he gets near your car, drive a short distance again, then stop again
>do this about 3-4 times
>he decides, "fuck it, i'm going back home"
>turns around and looks at your home
>it's three doors away now
>it might as well be in china
>"fuck it, i'll just head for the car again"
>you keep stopping and starting all the way
>end up taking him to a salad bar

Attach some electrodes to his ass/whatever and gently get him used to sleeping while being mildly shocked. Compulsory satisfaction.

You could lose a lot of weight but dropping him as a boyfriend altogether. Have some respect for yourself.

Sounds like he already knows that he wouldn't stick with the diet, so he's trying to discourage you from it in case you succeed where he'll inevitably fail.

But he's so sweet and sensitive and kind.

Yeah but once you lose weight you'll finally be able to hook up with good looking guys who will treat you like shit. Your dreams will be fulfilled.

I don't want a good looking guy who treats me like shit. I want a sweet sensitive bf

There are kind guys who aren't fat and will treat you well because they respect you and have a self esteem. I found one.

I had hope for you but I guess you are mentally empty. Too bad.

You say that now, but once one goes after you, your vagina will make all the decisions for you.

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I will be true to my heart

And he will be true to wanking at anime tiddies instead of real physical effort to obtain mutual pleasure.
As dumb as it sounds, your sexual needs will at some point overpower affection, and this limit will make you regretful towards him.

For now at least. Once you have more options your heart will take a back seat.

>I suggested we lose weight together but he said I'd just become a Stacey whore

Translation: I'm such a fat fuck that I can't even comprehend what will happen if I will start to look after myself, My laziness has reached its peak level I've heard tons of stories about how being fat is unhealthy and I will never get a gf, but I proved them wrong, as my cholesterol levels increased so did my manliness, and I will make sure I will drag whoever is with me down to my level so they can never truly see how it's like to be normal because of my selfishness.

You have to be completely braindead to remain in your state for him, start losing weight and dump his jaba the hut ass if he doesn't realize that his way of living belongs to the pigs and not humans.

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I’m having some similar problems as well but im in shape 5’9 125lbs and he’s the same height but 180lbs your boyfriend is comfortable in this state and believes he will always have you if you stay in this shape what you have to do is prove him you’re loyal even after working out but in all honesty diet is the most important almost 90% of the reason why people lose weight so if you change your diet and offer him some meals aswell it will make it easier to transition him into getting in a better diet aswell
When I crave something sweet/bad I drink at least two cups of water and brush my teeth if I already had my normal meal

Fuck him, find someone else

But I love him. I have to be true to my heart

He values his food over a relationship with you.

>But he's so sweet and sensitive and kind.
>he said I'd just become a Stacey whore and only want chads if I lost weight.
I dont think hes actually that sweet anone :/

Everyone has their rough moments. He's normally super Sweet


Gonna have to agree here

lose weight without him
become a stacy
find a chad

People worth being with tend to be willing to change.