Im autsitic as fuck

So i got Jow Forums in the last year and installed Tinder this week. And its going fantastic: 50 matches and girls writing me first.

But guess what?

I fuck the writing part up within the first 2 messages every single time. My body or face arent the problem but my autism is.

What to do? You told me i only need to get fit and i can smash puss all day long...

Attached: 1523565224917.jpg (808x805, 141K)

>improves on physical aspects
>takes the no physical approach of picking up girls
lad pls

Have this exact same problem. So far, seems like no one has any solutions...

Guaranteed you're given the "such the stress outta your titties" line in every thread and you're just too scared to use it.

Friendo why do you think im able to hit on girls IRL if it doesnt even work on fucking Tinder? If i get rejected on Tinder, who gives a fuck. But i highly doubt that i would take rejections IRL very well.

I don't wanna use shit like that cause I'd never be able to keep up the act. I wouldn't know what to say afterwards. And then if we met up IRL, I'd be a nervous wreck and too polite and not sexual at all, and she'd realize I'm a fake

because a buff body will atleast somewhat cushion your assburger. on tinder the only thing you are judged with is your conversation skills, which I don:t need to talk much about.
Try keeping the conversation about her, and her alone. The lesser she knows about you, the better.

I think this mostly stems from giving too much of a shit.

Imagine you're talking to some incredibly unattractive girl for a laugh.

What if I'm scared even of ugly girls? Every girl makes me anxious

Looking good on pics is "physical" in a sense.

So I'm right. Stop lying about "no solutions" when the best solution man has yet conceived lays at your feet untouched.

How is it a solution if it's completely unsustainable in practice?

unless you pose shirtless with killer hair and a dominant jaw/beard, No

Use it and find out.

i’m a 20 year old girl (genuinely serious)

let’s pretend we met on tinder... if you wanna give me more info about your pics/bio that would help but i can start off the convo if you’d like and guide you through a perfect combo that’ll land you a date every time

>Open with "let me suck the stress out of your titties"
>Proceed to talk with an un-sexual autist for the rest of convo and potentially during IRL date because I have no more canned lines

How does it work user? How?

Then pretend women aren't human.

Pretend you are talking to an non-sentient sex-robot.

Not possible. My eyes see woman, and my brain is terrified. I start shaking a bit, sweating, i cant think of anything to say

That's because you're humanizing them too much.

Forget they're conscious. Just see them as a flesh puppet.

Most of them are barely conscious anyway.

>barely conscious

oh yes i definitely got into grad school by being barely conscious

what OP needs to do is go to therapy for anxiety/possibly obtain anxiety meds so he can talk to people

It's talking.