Are females interested in males?

Are females interested in males?

Attached: thinking que.png (600x600, 94K)

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Trust me, using the human-specific terms is a game changer.

No, they're just interested in money.

Attached: 5YjYpra.jpg (1000x800, 61K)

Is something making you think they don't?

My brain

never seen a woman approach a man, woman cant orgasm from men and so on. why do men not fuck men and women fuck women? men and women are sexually incompatible

A lot of guys feel unwanted due to the way gender roles are structures in our society, but very few guys will speak up about it -- again, due to the way gender roles are structured in our society.

yes you just have to click with the person, just look at your parents or go outside in summer to park

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also, your probably lack the experience and have a shit personality, where you think that guys only want to fuck girls and that girls only want money from guys

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I’m what you incels call a “chad”, which means I’m just a charismatic guy who has friends and bangs chicks often. I never gave a fuck about how “gender roles are structured in our society”, so while you pansies walked around on tiptoes trying to “fit in”, I did what I wanted. Some normies could shake their head in disapproval, but in the end, being a man despite “duh modern gender roles” gets you friends, respect and girls. You’re not going to get grounded for not being a pussy, so don’t be a pussy.

That's not really helpful advice or conducive assurance for this user. Why not tell them that HOW to cultivate personality, or remind them that when every girl has their own different tastes it's INEVITABLE that at least a few have tastes for their body type?

No, they just want security, money and company on their part.

There isn’t a “fat” or “ugly” body type, so your laziness does not constitute a girl being into the shitty body you have at this point in life.

You're thinking about it wrong
>boys get wrong ideas drilled into their heads growing up
>become men
>what they were told doesn't match up
>don't understand why

I don't know what world you live in, but the one I live in absolutely has girls who prefer chubbier guys. One of the most common thing you'll hear is that chubbier guys make for better cuddles, for instance.

The only reason a girl would prefer a chubby guy is because she’s insecure and wants a guy who has the least possibility to cheat. The same guy, being fit, will always be more attractive.
Anyway, be what you want to be, just don’t complain when girls don’t come running your way because of your life choices.

>One of the most common thing you'll hear is that chubbier guys make for better cuddles, for instance.
hahahahahahhahahhahahahahhah, this, this made my day
>Why not tell them that HOW to cultivate personality,
He can do that him self

He can start here(last time i am doing this :/ )

>boys get wrong ideas drilled into their heads
Any boy with a bit of testosterone will get massive puberty right after he hits age 14 and then instantly tells to his parents, school, teachers and feminazies to fuck off and make his own believes and observations.

If "man" has so little testosterone he hasnt even gone through this phase, he shouldnt be called man. More like eunuch. Or impotent. He wouldnt be able to have sex anyway. In presense of actual woman he would get limp dick anyway.

Dont blame society for being a cuck. Blame your shitty DNA and then remove yourself from genepool (by not asking anybody on date). Natural selection at its finest: weak soft shy work drones who only work for the collective and then die when no longer needed. Marry some single mother, maybe you will get some pity sex once per year.

Attached: testosterone-levels-decline2.jpg (360x281, 57K)

Yes. Just the preferences and expectations are different as while most girls can garner at least some male interest if they're nto a complete mess and they are open to advances, most women goes after small group of the most attractive prospective partners, ignoring the rest. Also social norms - it's expected of a guy to be the proactive, pursuing party, girl is expected to provide an opportunity and drop hints of interest. Though nowadays it slowly changes and there are pretty assertive women who will go after the guy they like sometimes with even less tact than a guy would show.

How the fuck people don't know such things. I am a bit of a awkward guy myself but sometimes fucks on Jow Forums make me think I type with a bunch of socially isolated kids.

>woman cant orgasm from men

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What a load of shit. I can disprove this with the fact that a certain Jow Forums term even exists:

Not orgasming /=/ not liking. Women's bodies are made in a way that the clitoris is very important for their orgasm, and when having penis in vagina sex, or fucking, pounding, whatever, the clitoris doesn't get stimulated unless you're fucking her in a certain position. Some girls can cum from penis in vagina sex but it's usually because during the pounding the clit is getting enough contact from the guys area above his dick hitting during thrusting (it's happened to me). If your girl can't cum during sex encourage her to touch her clit while you're fucking her. There's also sex positions that give better clitoral stimulation

Men are ugly. I don't see why women would be interested in them instead of other women, who look better.
Doesn't make any sense.

Some are, but nowadays most are more likely interested in what you provide.

read the full book

>women cant orgasm from men
Jesus, someone needs to learn A LOT, about EVERYTHING.
That is called being heterosexual. You think girls look better because you are probably also heterosexual. There are also lesbians, just like there are gay men, who think that men are the beautiful ones.
If you want to be a guy that girls like, then:
Work on your fucking personality
Work on your sex skills

I like them