Would femanons date a 30 year old? What is your age?

Would femanons date a 30 year old? What is your age?

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21. I wouldn't call it a deal breaker. (My 19y/o friend says it is for them)

I'm trying for a 30 year old emo guy and (I think) a 40 something immortal emo guy. (literally dosen't look like he's aged out of his 20's)

35 femanon here - I absolutely LOVE my 30s. I'm the most adultiest adult I've ever been and the power that comes with that is so refreshing and rewarding. Enjoy it!

I'm 23 and 30 still is a little old for me... When I'm 25 then sure I won't mind. Just don't be living with your parents.

Yes they would. Please don't ask women for their opinions or dating advice. They either don't know themselves, or intentionally mislead people who ask to hide shameful things they find attractive.

Always act like you have a shot, always act like they're not a big deal.

*sniff sniff*
Do you smell that, user?

fucking boomer taking all 20 year old girls, please stop this you pervert

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Yes. I'm 22.

I see more and more younger women going for guys in their 30s

I'm 25. I'll be dating a 30 year old in december.

I don't have a choice. Boomers fucked the economy.

30+ year old here, I would never date someone from Jow Forums. I date 18 year olds without much trouble though. Drinking age is 18 so I just go to college bars and whatever clubs.

19 here, someone being over 4 years older is already a turn-off for me.

That’s not what was asked you old fuck

If it was for a relationship, yeah it’s not a dealbreaker.

If it was specifically for something sexual, probably not.

wat. you would bring an old geezer home to meet your parents, but you wouldn't fuck him just for kicks?
women priorities

I'm 33 so 30 is well within range.

If you didn't abuse yourself you should still be looking and working fine.

hey morgan!

I'm 32 and I'd date a 30 year old. Younger than that is a bit iffy, but if I really liked the guy I would consider it.

I'm a 30 year old emo guy. I'd never date anyone who goes on Jow Forums.

Not named Morgan, Chris. Go to bed.

Jow Forums isn't Jow Forums it's basically reddit.


Are you asking like in general? Or like date a 30 y/o specifically on Jow Forums?

I'm 22 I would date a 30 y/o but not like over Jow Forums lol most women like older men actually.

Men peak in their 30s too they age well right around this time. the men in their 20s seems to still look ugh idk the word but they seem less masculine lol

I'm 25 and dating a 32 year old. We were briefly friends with benefits, but we ended up being together. It really wasn't good timing for it, but after he had to move we realized we cared about each other. I asked him out a month or two later. It worked out though, moved in with him and I've never been happier.

They do man.
t. 30 yo man with a 19 yo gf

More like Faceberg, with all the grandmas posting ITT

I'm 24 and my boyfriend is 30, so yes. At least in my area, men my age are mostly immature retards with commitment issues, who still didn't get over the "party all night" mindset.

My boyfriend is mature, wants to settle down, has a good job and goals for the future, knows what he wants and is actually good in bed. In my experience these things usually happen past 27, so that's why a lot of women go for men older than them. They actually have their shit together most of the time.

hey so I'm a 23 year old woman who has a fat crush on my coworker who is a 33 year old guy. He's super generous, helpful, funny, and just overall such a great person to be around. We are both single and my work is not against people dating so I thought I would try to flirt with him every now and again. I don't mind the age gap at all but him? well...I overheard him talking with another coworker the other day with him saying that he sees me as more of a little sister than someone he could be in a relationship with. still like him. a lot. music for this depressing feel?

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I'm 25 F and i definitely would. I prefer older guys.

He doesn't know I trip, lol. I've only told a handful of people that I trip and nobody seems to care to dox me that much. Or they instantly forgot.

They want a beta provider?

I was in a LTR from 19 - 26 so didn't really have to concern myself with the whole being single, dating, fucking around thing. When I was single I was like ... how does this shit work lol ... but it turned out that pretty much every 'friend' in my social circle was only in the social circle because they were looking to meet people by extension or make moves on people when they became available. I was all ... shit this was literally invisible to me before, but suddenly they are all REALLY down to fuck? These were people who I thought a little or a lot of too, like people who I thought were seriously out of my league. My late 20's as a result were fairly disgusting. I didn't realise my value and I wasn't used to having to make a choice or even really comfortable with what I wanted for myself. If somebody showed interest I thought I owed them something. The time when I was turning 30 was a great time. It was the first time I felt completely in control of myself and what I wanted in life. I wasn't attached, I was financially secure, my career was working out and I had value to others. I can see positives in my 20's, the drives and desires to experience new things, put myself out there, make a name for myself, some of the more impulsive things, the emotional highs and lows ... I wouldn't change it, but maybe some of these things weren't always built on the strongest foundations or done for the best reasons? Like trying to impress because I was insecure. Trying to be something I wasn't. Showing off because I was worried about not having friends. Anxiety driven behaviour rather than confidence and belief in myself. Even so you've still got to do it, you've still got to experience it, maybe doing so helps overcome the anxiety and inexperience which leads to confidence later down the line?

>t. 30 yo man with a 19 yo gf

What do you even talk about, it makes me think of that zoomer vs boomer meme that's on /wsg/

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How did you get that out of my post? Just because a man doesn't sit in his mom's basement anymore, has a job and actually has some goals other than beating the hardest boss in Dark Souls, doesn't mean he's a beta provider. It just means he's not a manchild anymore.

You faggots need to realize that if you want your trad nice virgin waifu, you actually have to bring something to the table too. No sane woman will want to stay with a man who plays videogames all day and doesn't have a job.

29 and I would. I'm kind of a loser and expecting similar though.

Stuff. The same way you take to anyone. Politics, our stance on religion. The clown world we are living in. She grew up around older folks, and her parents are boomers (actual hippie boomers, not the meme ones) so she actually has a lot in common. We talk vidya, music, our hobbies. Thing we'd like to go do on the weekend. I don't know, just regular stuff man.

How old r u ruleless girl

>grandaddy issues

I’m 30. Girls my age want guys with mortgages and a salary. Girls

Yes. My fiancee is 31yo- I'm 25. Previously I was dating a 36yo man. I don't know, men just get better in their 30s.

24 y/o, would go up to 30

Not really. She's a little more responsible than she lets off. Nice tight pussy too but that's a bonus.

25 yo femanon. i might, idk. i went on a date with someone i later found out was about to be 35 before, but he turned out to be a creep. i look exceptionally young though so i get a lot of younger suitors approaching me. i wouldn't mind testing the waters with someone older, just not too far from my age... but i'm shy and low-key scared of being used so don't go out on many dates haha.

yes, the oldest I dated was 32 years old

Am 21

What do you like about older men?

I'm the one who dated the 32 year old. To be fair when I first saw him I wouldn't have guessed he was as old and I was infatuated from the moment I saw him.. But it is true I like the company of men who are quite older. They seem to know more what they want, have more developed interests and personalities, and I just think a lot of guys do get hotter with age


I’m 30 and my dick is biggest it’s ever been

I would. They don’t complain about going down on a girl.

I’m a 23 year old guy. The best sex I’ve ever had was with women much older than me. About 30+.

I’m going to screw around as much as I can until I’m 32 or dead from a STD.


Would femanons date a 20 year old man if he has hair loss be honest.

30m has a 23 f2f

Last year when i was 29 I took an 18 yr old v card

Chicks like older guys

Im the 25 yo. I see them as being more confident and stable. Im a mess, so I need the balance in my life.

What is your opinion on a 20 year old with hair loss?

Is he a mature and reasonable person who can support me when I get stressed out over work and school related issues?

Does that really need to be asked if he's freaking out that much about his hairline?

It happens all the time.

My boyfriend is 31 this year and I’m turning 25

I'm 27 and my gf just turned 21.



23 have a house & low paying job 10$ hr.. Not in a bad part of town either. You can do whatever you want if you put in the work.

damn I thought you killed yourself🙁


>I'm the most adultiest adult I've ever been
You belong here. Welcome.

Thanks. I've been lurking Jow Forums for many many moons. I was a spunky little shit here long ago during the WTSnacks/Moot era. Things change but this place stays more or less the same.

21 and I wouldn't.

Tf I've never seen an emoji on this site before it looks weird

I'm 32 and don't have too much trouble dating younger.

That said, I've always been reasonably good looking, don't sperg out around girls, have a house/car/high-paying-job. I think that helps.

I'm 35 as well, not many of us left from that era. While I didn't post on Jow Forums regularly until 2006, I lurked for a bit in its early days, mainly thinking how totally shit it was each time I visited.

Good luck with the adulting user, it's unforgiving out there.

Word. You too, fren.