Why are men that have dolls such as these labeled as "losers" or "creeps"?

Why are men that have dolls such as these labeled as "losers" or "creeps"?

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Because they spend thousands and thousands of dollars for a sex toy. And not even one that is easy to hide.
Plus fucking a doll is weird.

But if you can't fuck a woman what are you supposed to do?

Masturbate with your hands, or find a woman to fuck.

Because they are evolutionary failures

People hate what they don't understand. Eventually most men in the coming years will own one of these. Then we'll see who's "creepy".


In the long run a lot cheaper than a wife
Will not try to take your things and screw you over in court
Will never refuse sex
Will never nag you
Won't cheat on you


No real companionship or conversation
Won't cook for you
Will make you question the pointlessness of your existence

>No real companionship or conversation
>Won't cook for you
Yet. Waifudolls are only a decade or two away.

This, 2025 can't come soon enough. Alitabot in lingerie with innie pussy please.

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I really don't think men who fuck dolls are using them as surrogate women. I think they specifically have a doll fetish.

t. never fucked a doll and poor

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because no real woman wants them and the only thing he can stick his dick in literally cannot give consent, thus making the entire reason for their cock and balls pointless.

You seem bitter.

But men never cared about consent until they got soft in the last 30 years.

>I really don't think men who fuck dolls are using them as surrogate women

The doll isn't a stand-in when they would rather be fucking a woman, a doll is what they want.

If one of these things was put in front of me, I might consider fucking it for the hell of it, but I would never spend thousands of dollars to get one, and I can't get laid.

Cringe flex
but ok

So you break the rules by imitating guys? Weird flex but ok.

>when they would rather be fucking a woman,
Sex with a doll compared to a real woman literally feels exactly the same.

>but I would never spend thousands of dollars
It literally costs less than a car (a requirement to get laid by real women)

I can say for a fact that once you go doll, you can't go back.

yeah, but you know if these dolls could give their consent - they wouldn't.

>StOp RaPiNg InAnImAtE ObJeCts

>mfw actual feminists ITT

Because male sexuality is demonized

>literally feels exactly the same.
Sorry for your sex life.


>Sex with a doll compared to a real woman literally feels exactly the same.

tfw I just realised that some women are worse in bed than a doll.


Whisper is so degenerate. Idk why I browse it. It's like watching a freak show and I can't stop.

Because these dolls are better looking than most women.

I wonder if theres any men who would go on a website and make sure that everyone knew they were a guy.

what part of a fucking a human-shaped piece of rubber that you buy clothes and and likely gave a name and back story to is supposed to not be creepy and sad?

The most I had was a fleshlight and even that was too much of a hassle to clean & maintain, I felt it was too expensive, and I would have likely moved to the woods in another country if anyone ever found out I had one.

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I'm curious how differently this thread would go if it was women who were fucking the dolls.

>It literally costs less than a car (a requirement to get laid by real women)

how come I've never owned a car and I still get laid you dumb dollcel?

Uncanny valley.
Also have you ever felt one before? They're cold like a corpse. Why would ever want to stick your dick in that?

Women have dildos and vibrators and all sorts of weird sex toys but they're not as desperate as male incels that they'd get a man-doll. If they ever reach that level of desperation they usually just go bisexual for a few months and have a fat chick lick their pussy and boost their confidence.

Never even heard of a woman buying a fuck doll. Not a man doll anyway, more likely there would be a weirdo girl fucking a stuffed animal with a dildo sewed on.

Relax, chief

What about women who fuck dogs then...?

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don't avoid the question, bucko

I personally have a cold flesh fetish. Especially cold legs.

Came from one Valentines Day when me and my gf at the time went out for a meal. She used to wear short skirts/tiny dresses a lot and that night was no different in spite of it being February. I remember touching her legs under the table at the restaurant and they were cold but she didn't care. It was such a turn on. Since then I've loved touching cold skin. It was like she didn't care about the temperature as long as she looked good.

pic related, the dress was similar to that.

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those are just white women that you look up in porn.

>I totally had a girlfriend once you guys, look at how hot she is. I may fuck dolls but I am actually a Chad and not at all a sad incel weirdo

I'm married now but sometimes I wish I had a doll instead. That's the sad truth.

Does your wife know she's married to a necrophiliac?

the common man abhors necromancy but all life leads to death anyway

I still don't get the necrophilia comparison. It's not actually a person.

One necrophiliac would argue that a corpse is no longer a person either. It's a cold silent dead inanimate object with soulless eyes. I'm referring to the doll

Something about a facsimile of a woman but which can't escape from/disagree with you, and the entire point of which is for you to have sex with. There is a subset of the population who would go for that option instead of trying to find a real human companion

Necrophilia refers to a dead person, a doll was never alive. What you're referring to is closer to agalmatophilia.

sure, but surely you see the parallels and similarities. especially when you got guys in the thread talking about their "cold flesh" fetish lmao

lol a doll isn't a corpse you weirdo way to make yourself seem like the creep in the thread about doll fuckers

For sure like half of the people who own these things are necrophiliacs. They won't be arrested or get a disease from fucking a facsimile of a corpse.

thread just keeps getting dumber

Who cares if a guy has a doll? I can understand not being into that sort of thing, but if they have the money for it then I don't see what's the problem with doing something like that for enjoyment.

because they bought a doll instead of giving money to a woman that is a bitchy and lazy piece of shit

Hire a prostitute.

>Hire a prostitute.
I went to a BDSM Munch once and even there all the women were snarking about how men who used prostitutes were pathethic losers.

So much for being against kinkshaming

Because of having never experienced the real thing, and thus not knowing any different?

You need to realize that women hate competition. If they keep sexs value high, they can exchange spreading their legs once per week for life long contract which in many states quarantees access to all man's resources even years after the contract was broken (marriage).

If it was ever socially acceptable to just directly exchange cash for sex, marriage would die and women would finally face the real equality. They would actually have to learn how to cook, compliment men, have actual personalities or hobbies or at least learn how to properly inflate mens ego.

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The Femdom scene is a real mess.
Once the friendly mask goes off, you'll quickly realize that the women/white knights and the male subs all secretly hate and resent each other.

There isnt a single "dominant female". She either pretends for one reason or another or she is legitimately sociopath or some variant of it.

Sub men realize this and thats why they resent the others.

You can literally pay for sex though. You don't need to stick your dick in a mannequin.

Yeah why would people think you're some kind of weirdo for fucking a human sized doll? They're the weirdos amiright

>And not even one that is easy to hide.
why would you hide your sex toys?!

I honestly don't see a problem with it. It doesn't make men view women as objects, media and porn does that already, so for these men either they have a fetish or they use as a last resort for companionship. Women who may not want to open up to people have the option too, and it's only creepy because people wonder why they resort to a doll.

It would definitely make me uncomfortable to know someone with a doll because I don't know their character, but I would understand there is some reason. And I wonder how much crime it would reduce, not all of course, but certainly there would be some reduction in sexual crimes and human trafficking.

I think a lot of people overlook the human need for affection. I know you guys hate feminism but it would actually help you get rid of the stigma that a man is not a man of he is not strong, not sexually attractive or successful. Two things I saw that gave me perspective were Chobits and Air Doll. Recommend them to everyone.

Because you are both a creep and a loser.

i don't see the problem, if i could get a doll of my video game husbando i'd be over the moon.


>male sex dolls being fitted with a bionic penis that feels better than a vibrator
>"We have a lot of female customers interested in buying male robots as companions to talk to and interact with," he added.

in 10 years tops this will be a mainstream thing and everyone will have one for funsies. don't worry about it.

But what if the women you can attract aren't actually attractive to you? Are you saying men should have to settle for fat and ugly women? Why? Why would you do that if you can pay $1500-2500 for a beautiful sex doll that has everything you want out of a woman physically?

Because 'real' females can't handle competition.

Don’t see a problem with it. It would be creepy if someone had one but I would get it and keep my distance. Also why is prostitution illegal? You’re paying someone to do something that’s free otherwise. It makes no sense.

What’s her name

It's not creepy so much as it's a disturbing symptom of a society that's losing its interconnectedness, people are becoming more isolated and detached from reality altogether in favour of escapism. This is bad news, if shit goes south and it civilization goes under from climate change and/or political strife people will not be ready to connect to others in a way that ensures their survivability. The dolls, video games, Facebook, whatever, is just junk for your brain.

But what if girls aren't as hot as the dolls? Should men have to settle for undesirable women? I don't see you fucking the fat ugly chicks, yet you want men who aren't you to have to do it. If you love real women so much why don't you take one for the team and fuck all of the ugly fat girls bro?

> spending what most people do on a used car so you can fuck a pile of rubber molded into the shape of a women that you perceive to be superior to you.
Yeah, I dont know man. I just dont know.
> Incel thread.

> primary relationship concerns
> 1: she refuses to have sex with me.
> 2: she pursues legal action against me.
Yeah, uh dude? youre a rapist.

$1,500 is pretty cheap for a one time purchase that satisfies you sexual needs and allows you to slap a jiggly ass and gripe some nice big titties.

It's not very cheap when you have a girlfriend who actually likes you, and lets you do all that after a $13 lunch

>one-time purchase
I love how this is a selling point for you.
>"Oh this? thats my Real-Doll Betsy! yep, bought her brand new about 22 years ago, and she still pulls like a champ! I wipe her down every sunday, you know, wipe out all the 'clingers' from the week, Brush the flakes out of her hair. Some people say "please replace her" but you gotta hold onto good craftsmanship !"

>makes massive assumption that can ruin lives based on two statements
Yeah, uh, you're a cunt. Die in a fire.

>makes massive assumption that can ruin lives based on two statements
what are you, new?

why spend thousands of pounds just to have a posh wank and blow your load within a minute. Then you gotta clean that mess up. No thanks. Id give it a go but wouldnt buy one myself

>innie pussy
compared to what exactly...?


Humans have the most stubborn will to survive, our biology allows us to undergo massive change to adapt in drastic situations. Humans will be fine unless an asteroid wipes Earth out

Compared to one with labial skin hanging from it. R9k's infamous "roast beef" that they retardedly believe occurs when women have shitloads of sex.

Been here for years. Still can't escape.

It's still a disgusting sight regardless. All women should have innie pussy just like all men should have 7" penises.

No, you're just overexposed to porn, most of the whores on your screen get that shit removed because it's a trend- like shaving.

Men fucking dolls are hot as fuck

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This is hilarious to me. If you're willingly taking yourself out the gene pool and think anyone will be upset about that, you need to take a long hard look at yourself.

Yet here you are being upset

Because they spent a ballpark of 1000$ on a sexual device that doesn't require consent

Let's face it: say what you want about Jow Forums, a dildo or tenga is one thing, but going to a girl or guy's room only to see a fake person intended for sexual relief is gonna tell me maybe this is the kind of life I don't want to get my life involved with. In fact, my first thought would be "Oh Jesus, I'm going to wake up at 4:37 in the AM to see her breathing heavily and salivating overtop of me." Or "I can't wait to wake up in a bathtub full of ice, missing a kidney."

It's the kind of implication you make by taking a dildo or tenga, and needing to attach an entire fake body to it that you clothe and fuck.

It doesn't help that most doll owners are, in fact, completely freaks.

Are you illiterate or desperate here?

Is it because the doll is physically more attractive than you?

If i found one of these laying around id quickie it

You're being a fucking retard

People find it weird. When I was in highschool I was a geek for liking the internet.
30 years ago you were assumed a murderous pedophile if you were just gay.
Humans hate new shit and new ideas. A lot.
You're ahead of the curve if anything.
Fuck I'd replace my wife with a doll at this point in my life. I studied a bit of psychology in uni. I'm no expert but I pretty sure of how much you can fool the brain with one of these things..

Seems like a perfect source of companionship for someone who's romantically challenged in some way.

I think you might be in the negative IQ range.

Now who you were respond to but to me, a man who's sexually-driven enough to spend so much money on a shitty sex toy is a man you can't trust because their priorities are off-kilter and they are very likely mentally ill as they've attached their sexuality so closely to an inanimate object.

I'm a guy
You shouldn't need to work hard to make a female doll more attractive than me.

Have you ever considered that you're the one who's an idiot for being a freaky fucker but not embracing it? You clearly want dolls, so why care what others think?

Like if you want a doll, do you even actually want a girlfriend or boyfriend at that point, or are you just doing it because you still have vestiges of your high school life that tell you 'OBEY SOCIAL CONSTRUCT BEEP BOOP'?

Just get a doll and enjoy it. If you're really worried of what people think, tarp it and toss it in the laundry room or something.
You shouldn't probably get things or do things if you're going to just spend your time being concerned by what others think of it.

Come on, man. Get fucking real.

Concerned is what you should be. You are so insufferable that the people who have given you rights and welfare are driven to kill their own bloodlines than to put up with your ingrate cuntery.

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