How do I seduce a girl from my church who has a boyfriend? Her boyfriend is ugly, dumb and poor, whereas I am handsome...

How do I seduce a girl from my church who has a boyfriend? Her boyfriend is ugly, dumb and poor, whereas I am handsome, intelligent and rich.

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I wouldn't recommend it it's sorta a dick move lol but if you really wanna then start by flirting until she finds you superior to her current boyfriend and then swoop in if that relationship ends

If you are handsome, rich and intelligent you should be able figure it out on your own

Make sure to find a mosque or something if you go full Elliott Rodger on us

claim jesus told you in a jesus dream that you're each others soulmates

He's probably nice and genuine while you're an autistic asshole who probably isn't all that handsome or intelligent.

She is very beautiful, does giving attention to her how others already do will work?
For this kind of situation I don't know how to do it, because I never thought of doing
Yeah, I'm kind of autistic, but the rest is true.

Soccer has a goalie but you can still score

Your odds going into this are already slim considering she has a boyfriend but theres always a possibility I suppose. The same attention that others already give her won't work in my opinion. A lot of girls date men who arent that attractive (because of humor and a variety of other reasons maybe being able to dominate them could be a factor) and they come across a lot of more attractive men but that doesn't automatically make them want to leave their current relationship.

She already gave me some looks, I think she considers me as an option if she finishes with the current one.
>The same attention that others already give her won't work in my opinion
So what kind of attention do I give her?

Everyone in the church is against her boyfriend, he is not even from the church, and besides he treats her badly, I do not know what his secret is in getting such a woman.

I thought they always wanted a higher guy because of hypergamy?

Get her number, text her all the fucking time, even more than her boyfriend, flirt with her occasionally.

You sound like a prick. Get fucked, faggot.

Would you like it if some man steals your girlfriend?

Is this bait?
If you will not help, fuck off manlet
Yes, this shows that he is good at skills, I would congratulate him

Then go ahead. However, should you make a thread here crying about it, then it shows your true personality.

im calling it now:
you are probably more of a fag than her current Bf
the qualitys you mentiont mean nothing to women


Oooh shit! he said the M-word! How will I ever recover.

I don't help insecure faggots.

So why are you still here?

Just wanted to let you know how much of a faggot you are. You sound like Elliot Rodger reincarnate. I'm surprised you didn't mention that you're a "gentleman" in the OP.

This is what I read your post as:

> I am an asshole who thinks I look great and am better than that guy she loves. I want to make her into a cheating bitch as if that somehow means she will never do it to me, lol.

You are a piece of shit with unwarranted self importance. It's better to date someone humble, honest, and homely than a piece of shit who encourages cheating. She is right to not want you.

You know me pretty well, thanks

Am I being invaded by woman?

The fact that you made this thread just says all we need to know.

Why are you replying to yourself?

My mistake. It was meant for, OP.

Thanks for the bump

Buy some crusader armor bitches love crusader armor

holy Shit this

fucking hate those "i know i can treat you better" Beta faggots
one of the only Things that really geht's by blood boiling

you sound like one of those spiteful NPC's.

Op you have to demonstrate your worth financially and metaphorically. If you're rich show up and flex your wallet buy some cupcakes for your church meet or if she doesn't have a bible buy her a cool one like one with leaf gold accents.

You could also go into full autist mode and be like a super expert in your religion and if you combine all of this she'll assume you're a stand up guy and a improvement all around.

Oh, thank you user, I thought no one else would stop offending me instead of helping, you're a good soul, I enjoyed the advice

I know the feel of meeting someone and being totally helpless to snag a cutie even with things lined up in my favor. But the cutie I liked shockingly was dating a guy I was friends with and he's not bad looking or anything.

Why would someone who is handsome, intelligent and rich need advice on women from the dumb fugly poor mens woman hating club?

because I want

Some people aren't romantically inclined, you can be smart in practical ways and a dummy romantically. I think you're just upset.

He's probably a decent human being, which you clearly aren't. You should work on making yourself look decent.

Bluepills and morarlfags are outt in full force, did your cultural enrichment classes let out early?

Why does everyone here want to project themselves into me?

It's just a boyfriend

ask her out cause the worst you can get is a slap in the face

It's not projection it's that being on Jow Forums's advice board allows us to make certain assumptions with a high chance of being correct

yeah you are experts

I hope when you crash and burn that she tells all her church friends or whatever how much of a dumb faggot you are, OP, get fucked lmao

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what sad person roots against someone?

About what? That I'm poor, dumb, and ugly and want to keep my church gf?

Kys tripfag

Im actually a namefag you moronic tryhard.

You can reply to a person(s) in a single comment.

Bro relax and also stop reddit spacing lol

never gonna happen friend