My dad just told me I'm a failure

He said my mother is a failure for raising me as she did.

What do I do bros I'm so fuckin depressed

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Ultimately he's the failure.

Eh he’s probably a piece of shit.

Welcome to the club, user

Tell him to go fuck himself, he's the failure

What's their reason for you being a failure? Vidya? Prove him wrong

Be more specific as to why he might say this... there's no context here

Have sex with him

Fuck you

He was supposed to raise you. So, he really is just calling himself a failure.

Not him, but fuck you.

>Grow up poor as fuck
>Parents were always stressed about money and their failing business
>Dad used to spank me from literally 4 years old and up
>It was always with a wooden stick, and usually on the soles of the feet or the hands
>It was always way harder than it should've been, and he hit me way more often than he should have, for things as simple as forgetting my homework at school or playing videogames
>Mom was bad in another way in that she'd always coddle me and sheltered me too much from the real world
>Turned out to be a fat, fucked-in-the-head loser with low self-esteem and no friends
>In my last year of highschool I had to take a weightlifting class against my will
>Also just got rejected by this girl (obviously, as I was a total loser and she was way out of my league)
>This motivated me to start taking weightlifting seriously
>Started lifting
>Weaker than all the freshmen and stuff
>Eventually get better
>Eventually get stronger and looking quite Jow Forums
>Just barely passing all my classes
>Father yelled and hit me again for not being able to apply to a good university
>Almost end of senior year and I'm bigger and stronger than my dad
>Refuse to fight back
>Go to college
>Learn how to socialize
>Stop playing so much vidya all the time
>Stop watching so much anime all the time
>Learn to do things like cook, appreciate sports, watched a bunch of movies, listened to a bunch of music, sung, danced, wrote things like poetry, and just generally stopped being such a faggot and became someone that didn't only care about anime and vidya and comic books
>Eventually un-JUSTed myself and began studying to be a teacher
>Now dad has mellowed out because the money started doing, you know, not GREAT, but at least decent
>He speaks much more respectfully of me
>I learned to not hate him

No, fuck YOU, buddy

Fellas, fellas please. Can't we all be civil here? I think the best course of action is FUCK BOTH OF YOU.

know how you feel user. guys with shitty dads nearly always end up messed up. just ignore him user

>He considers me his favorite son, which is kind of fucked up, but my brother is my foil in which I got Jow Forums and learned to socialize and dress nice and study and become someone, whereas he continued watching anime all day and playing nothing but vidya
>Both sides were kind of at fault here
>Parents (dad especially) did NOT raise us right AT ALL and fucked up so badly that it probably would have been even better if he WEREN'T there
>I, on the other hand, was a total faggot and internalized all that, and instead of improving myself, I used videogames and anime and comicbooks as a sort of escapism instead of overcoming these obstacles like a man
>At the end of the day, both my mom and my dad were fucked from the beginning
>They both got married at a young age, completely unprepared mentally and financially for children, had no chemistry, had no real plans
>My parents just made simple mistakes that anyone could have made, and when they had me and my brother, they weren't ready for that so fucked up big time, and once you fuck up, there's no rewind button

I still love my brother, we talk a lot and we're bestfriends, but damn I can see what my dad was talking about when he said we were failures. When we're hanging out with a group, ALL he can talk about is Overwatch, DOTA, fighting games, and anime, because he literally NEVER learned to talk about anything else. If it's not about any of those topics, he doesn't have much else to say and sometimes just seethes there and actively tries to change the topic back to videogames or anime. He literally can't cook spaghetti and became super unmotivated, failing all his classes and dropping out from nursing training, to ROTC, and now he's in school for aircondition repair because our dad forced him to do it.

It's weird, but it feels good to be validated by my dad, even though I literally once planned to kill him a long time ago. You're both right, and you're both wrong. You must first improve.

No, don't ignore him. I'm willing to bet OP actually IS kind of a loser. I mean, no offense, but that's just tough shit.

Will telling him he's a failure be constructive to him getting better? No. But you're doing no favors by lying to him. Better yourself, learn to lift, cook, talk to girls, talk to men, etc. etc. If your dad is STILL an asshole, fuck him, you don't need him for that then.

What'd you say? What'd you say, buddy? I said FUCK. YOU.

One last thing though; just because I got better didn't mean I dropped videogames and anime and comicbooks entirely. I still do that shit, but it only takes up a few hours every week, not 8 hours a day.

You know what I said. Not a single person in this god forsaken thread doesn't know what I said. I said



Fuck me? FUCK ME? No, no, no, no, no, buddy. FUCKAH YOU!

Punch the retard user, don't let none tell you that you're a failure, never

If you and your mother are failures he's the king of them all for raising one and failing to pull his dick out of the other

That's tough. My dad used to say mean things like that to me when I was a kid, but when I got older he chilled out a lot. Remember that sometimes people get in a bad place and say things they don't really mean. Also there is a good saying you should remember, "Home is where you go when you are tired of being nice to people." If it's possible to repair your relationship then you should try, family is important.

If you love your mother prove him wrong. Use that anger to improve

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>Have sex with him

Prove him he is is wrong and when you do that dont talk to him ever again,but to do that you will need to work very hard
