So I have to settle for a girl that has sucked and fucked multiple cocks or be alone for the rest of my life? So it's either be a cuck or die alone? This is a really cruel and unjust world filled with horrible people. How can a woman give her body to multiple men and still have respect for herself? It doesn't make sense, can someone give me their viewpoint? How do modern women see sex?
So I have to settle for a girl that has sucked and fucked multiple cocks or be alone for the rest of my life...
>So I have to settle for a girl that has sucked and fucked multiple cocks or be alone for the rest of my life?
My viewpoint is you're lucky you have a choice.
What did you choose?
Ur relationship will definitely fail you don't even respect her as a person you think she enjoys what she had done it's complicated for her too
She is expecting someone better not worse and as a matter of fact if you had girls coming your way you might have fucked them all
Who do girls have to come my way? Why can't they wait for marriage before hopping on a man's dick? Are they stupid? Short-sighted? We all know men want to fuck as many beautiful women as possible, but why do women have to let them?
You're going to be alone no matter what you choose to do . Your mindset is so far gone from being remotely tolerable to any young/attractive girl today that you really have no idea what's in store.
But those girls have sucked and fucked multiple cocks yet I'm the bad person for not wanting them. Ok bro go off
Enjoy being bitter in your moms basement
Florida doesn't have basements dummy. Enjoy the cold weather lol
You can be with whatever consenting adult you want.
No, virgin chicks exist, but they are religious.
You could just remain alone until a virgin walks across your path and rejects you just like every other woman has rightfully. That way you have fuel to commit not alive.
You know you could commit suicide as well, everyone would be better off. PLEASE DO IT!
Why would any girl settle for a bottom of the barrel trash tier male like you?
Not true. I've taken 3 girls virginities and none of them have been overly religious.
But I'm tall and have a six pack. I thought bottom of barrel was small dick and fat and hairy
I have a small dick and I've fucked 13 girls. None of them have ever complained about it, and a lot of them have came from it.
What is your definition of small?
Are you a virgin? Do you want to be a virgin? Why is what is OK for you unacceptable in a woman?
Uh...its like 4-5 inches length and 5 inches girth
So you have above average girth and call your dick small. Nice brag dawg.
Hardly dude. Its a small dick compared to almost everyone else. When its not boned its like an inch. EVERY girl sees that first.
Dude your dick is thicker than most guys, shut up and stop humble bragging. Your length is average if it's 5". You're ok
lol, nah, I don't want to please a volcel.
I'm not tall and don't have a six pack and am superior to you in every way possible. You are a low intellect whiny sperg with mental issues.
Does that mean you won't post tits either?
How's that incel?
Please tell us more about your side job in day care.
I failed to parse that sentence into an understandable one.
Yeah, that either.
>How do modern women see sex?
exactly like this
they fuck around doing 20 guys a day
then after fucking 1000+ guys they're all like
"I'm looking for a guy to settle down with, not looking for fuckboys teehee."
I don't trust women anymore and only try to get my dick inside of them, it's what they want even though they keep crying about muh good relationship
bitch if you wanted a good relationship you wouldn't fuck around
Just fuck girls and pretend you care until you've got a better girl and do both of them while pretending to care
also emotional abuse is effective on women, use it wisely and alot to keep them under your control.
Every time I read a comment like this I wonder how the OP can believe even a single person doesn't think he's a virgin by the time they've finished reading it.
But I didn't write that. I believe it though. Women are the only ones that can fuck men they can't have. Men can't fuck every attractive woman they see. But women can fuck just about any man they want.
>This entire thread
This is what happens when you raise men on a diet of Jow Forums and Jow Forums and don't encourage them to actually socialize and develop healthy relations with women.
Get some therapy and go the fuck outside, faggots.
I meant OP of the comment, my bad, but I reiterate my point.
What exactly is healthy relationships? You're still gonna mock me for not fucking women or you're still gonna rub it in my face that you're fucking physically attractive women so what's the point. Even you see women as trophies, you're just able to get them.
OP didn't write this though?
>virgin calling
lmao I've had a girl beg me to fuck her
I refused, for now, I'll do it once I buy some condoms
Why do females like to call men who disagree with her 'virgin'? And why should it matter? I'd rather wait than fuck a slut.
I actually do have healthy relationships with women. It just hasn't changed my point of view at all, only reinforced it.
Women should be used if she's been used already, else try to see if she's wife material, probably not.
Chill the fuck out son. Sounds like you've got some paranoia surrounding bullying, probably stemming from your lack of proper socialization in high school.
What are healthy relationships with women? For a start, you can try letting go of your anger and viewing women as individuals, rather than as one singular hivemind. Your Jow Forums mindset is no better than that of women who complain "all men are the same and are out to cheat on girls or pump and dump them".
But you admit that you view women as trophies though?
I don't call every man I disagree with a virgin, I just call it like I see it. There would be no reason to say someone of the things you say unless you were trying to convince someone, which is circumspect on an anonymous board.
I view women as individuals. And that is the key to getting women, treating them as if they are special, or at least pretending to do so.
Behaving like a self-entitled Jow Forums frogposter your whole life hasn't gotten you anywhere with women, so why not try another approach?
You could have just said "pretend women are people" dumbass. Would have saved you 3 posts.
why are you on this board if you don’t want to be helped? go be a crab in a bucket on Jow Forums
I'm tired of faggots like you who are wolves in sheep's clothing. Actually you're just a hypocrite.
I'm trying to help him overcome his problem. He's troubled with the state of womens used or not vageenes, it's something he shouldn't bother with. Just like user said right here
Like I was trying to convince OP
just pretend women are actual people
pretend you care but actually don't.
>Your Jow Forums mindset is no better than that of women who complain "all men are the same and are out to cheat on girls or pump and dump them".
this user doesn't know that's exactly how all men think
it’s you who’s the wolf, spreading your poisonous filth on here pretending to help by dropping your bullshit “redpolls” on women
>How do modern women see sex?
Differently depending on the woman
But since you want to act the part of a desperate loser with a bone to pick with women, they're not exactly clamouring for a shot at meeting you.
>I hate how all women are whores, so I'll be a manwhore
But they are for you? Lol fucking loser
> the whole world consists of hypocrites
I mean...yeah? If they do it, why not me? Why should I let myself be bound by my morality if no one else does? I know it's hypocritical, but as far as I know, in this society, everyone is a hypocrite.
that's not how cuckoldry works you stupid memespouting underaged
Please explain the art to me Mr. BBC lover.
I don't have that choice.
You’re only a cuck if the thought of her fucking other guys makes you horny.
If you’re unaware you’re being cuckholded but only a cuck would film her getting gangbanged.
If she’s had past relationships like most women do then that’s all it is. You think a Virgin is going to stick around only one dick all her life? Please don’t fool yourself... this isn’t the Middle East.
If the thought of getting with a woman who knows how to fuck correctly is a nightmare then maybe you should try fucking trannies or something. All you want is a tight hole right? That’s what it seems like.