Most discreet ways to an hero?

Most discreet ways to an hero?

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Like I dont have access to a gun or a cliff or a car so what do I do?

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Why make it discreet ? If you're going to kill yourself, at least make it big, make it spectacular, put an exclamation point at the end of your life.

Or you could do even better. You could keep on living and show the world what you got inside you. That'd be even more impressive.

Yea but how? I don't have access to anything

user who posted suicide prevention hotline kys

I've been through hospitalization, therapy, drugs and nothing helps

Nothing has worked because there's only one person in the world who can make things better : you. You have to take back control of your life, even if it seems like you lost control a long time ago. Reignite the fire you had inside you when you were younger. Only you can do that.

Lmao I've been trying that for 9 years. At some point you just wanna die.

Plus I have nothing to look forward to. Shitty job, no car, no friends, single. When I'm not at my shitty job I'm sitting home lonely and depressed

All of those can change. How old are you ?

>Shitty job
What's the job ? You can always change fields if you don't like yours. it's never too late
>no car
that'll come with the better job
>no friends, single
Do you have any hobbies or interests ? Do you meet new people ? You won't meet people if you stay at home and don't interact with others.

Tell me more about you and maybe I can help you. Change is the only constant in this world user

>29 years old
>no friends
>no hobbies (except trolling social media)
>no car
>drugs dont work
>shitty job
"Awe come on just cheer up user"

Somehow I envy you guys for your life. It's weird, but you are basically free to do what you want - Others would die for that.

No one is telling you to cheer up. Your life sucks, there's no denying it, now all you can do is change it. First, get a gym membership. Go there at least 3 times a week (I'm sure you have the free time for that). That can be your first hobby, and will solve both the fat and ugly problems. It will also put you in a more active mindset, which could help you get a better job. What's your job ? You can always go back to uni or pick up a trade. Friends and gf will come once your life is back in order.

Now, all of the advice in the world won't do anything unless YOU want to change. Are you happy with your life as it is ? If no, then do something about it. Problem -> solution, that's how life works

and how do I do that

Car accident
Tell someone you almost feel alseep once
Crash head on into a three at 60mph
Aim for a three
lock your arms in position
close your eye
and just don't move
Easier than it seems desu
Don't forget your seatbelt also

People won't even know you hero they will thinks it's an accident

>free to do what you want
Yea right... about that...

You tell me. I don't know you, I don't what your problems are. As I said, only you can change things. Take a day out, sit down in front of a sheet of paper and write down all that's wrong with your life. Then take another sheet of paper and write down what could be the solution to each of those problems. Once you got your solution paper, try applying them one by one.

After years of learned helplessness, to the point of giving up on even trying, you just think it's about sudden "take control". Yes I know I am whining but the other alternative is not even engaging.

It's not sudden, it's a learned process. It takes times, but it has to happen. A ship in the middle of a storm will surely sink, unless there's a captain to control it. The captain could fail, but at least he has the chance to try and save himself.

The one guy in this post is really being helpful. The rest of you are just fits trying to be the tough guy . Thanks one guy who tried to help. The rest of you can suck my dick.

All I wanted to know is a discreet way to an hero and I got one guy trying to help and another actually giving me an answer. The rest of you are tryhard fgts.

No problem man. Hope you find some peace out there

This is why you want to kill yourself. You don't take any goddamn responsibility for your own life. That's why you are a failure. You blame everyone else for your problems. Now you blame us because we won't give you an easy method of suicide. Killing yourself isn't usually easy. Many people attempt it and fail. My sister has tried several times and got her daughter taken away from her. My father successfully killed himself by shooting himself in the chest with a 40. Some whiny bratt doesn't have the right to be so pissed off at me.

Go to Hawaii and jump into a volcano; that's what I'm gonna do.

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better yet, do a cannonball

>Make friends
>Get a hobby
>Save up for a car
>Limit your drug use to occasionally weed, alcohol, and psychadelics
>Get fit
>Take care of your appearance
>Put out applications for a variety of jobs. Doesn't have to be great, just marginally better than what you have now

Just cheer up, user.

You think this is a good idea? Convection will bake you.

Smoke a pack an hour for a week

>Convection will bake you.
Instantly, and there would be little left resembling anything once living, and no one would bother to go down there looking anyway.

Before you get into the crater, idiot.

Fuck those faggot call centers
Why bother talking to someone who has to pretend to give a shit about you then calls the police on your ass and has you institutionalized.
I’d rather just end it right there

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I can't vouch for the american system, but in my country they have the equivalent of doctor/patient confidentiality. They literally can not stop you from doing anything, they are just there for you to vent.

Idk about you op but I am only not an heroing because I dont have the willpower yet

Goddammit, that hit really close. Tbh, when I called I was drunk af and ready to kill myself, it was that 'talking' part that led me to finally dislodge my feelings and grieve for my granddad. But the whole time during the conversation, I really felt like I was wasting my time in someone who didn't give a shit.

Just get Like!
fixes evrythng

How old are you?