Why is it considered shameful to want a girl with minimal to no experience?

Why is it considered shameful to want a girl with minimal to no experience?

It feels like you kind of got ripped off if you're the guy a girl settles with after 'having fun'

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As far as I can tell it isn't shameful; plenty of men want a chaste woman for LTR. Although it is a bit hypocritical when a man wants to do degen shit like lots of porn or fuck everything in sight and then still think that he's entitled to one.
Also settling down is not the same as settling. People change over time and their hopes, desires and behaviours change with them.

Yeah, they "change" when they realize their value is going down and no wants their stinky cooch anymore

Be careful with this. It really doesn't matter.

All that matters is that you connect and you can have the capacity to genuinely love each other.

OP here, and sadly I see this a lot. It seems a lot of girls start getting older and decide they'll 'settle down' with a guy she ignored beforehand.

>and you can have the capacity to genuinely love each other.
I don't think I genuinely could love or connect with someone with a lot more experience, though. I may be naive, but I want us to go down that road together.

I've been more to love a girl who had already done 4 people before me better than any of the virgins I dated. But she was my first really good girlfriend. Hard to come back from your first if its really good, friend.

Loyal, virgin women do not exist. Rejecting used up cum dumpsters should be praised.

Or you know, just the passage of time and perspective-altering life experiences.
I know this probably isn't much help to you now, but it'll make more sense when you're older.

Was she a ltr?

You're getting cucked as we speak fucking beta fag.


I'm fucking a virgin right now, queer. This girl hasn't even held hands with a dude.

>Or you know, just the passage of time and perspective-altering life experiences.
Oh fuck off with this. Paint it however you want, it's still having partied and fucked around. You can frame however you want, but it doesn't change what it is.

And how'd that end for you?

That's an interesting take. It must be such a hard thing to realize and take so many "perspective-altering life experiences" to realize you can't ride dick your whole life, especially if you want kids, and that maybe it's better to be a housewife than a career cat lady. Idk, I guess you're right

So you're still together?

You sound so deserving of it. What a champion.

Yeah, lots of people do it, though. Don't get shitty at me just because you missed your window and are jelly of people who got to.

Not that guy, but I'm not mad I missed it; I'm mad there are so few suitable partners left

Who the hell thinks it's shameful?
Of course you get ripped off in that scenario.

It ended because she changed as person after 4 years. She became depressed from her living conditions, and started doing drugs. Got emotionally interested in some depressed drug dealer and left me for him. lmao, so yeah it didn't turn out great but I don't think it was simply because she was not a virgin. I was the first person to ever make her cum which >>>> taking their virginity.

Its the 4th virgin I've been with too.

Theres more every year dude. Virgins are endless.

t. Incel

I don't think it's shameful, I think people just try to dissuade you because of how unlikely it is. You're just not special enough to be a girl's first, user.

You sound like a super faggot right now.
You think you know her but you do not. reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/b7lmii/me_52m_just_found_out_at_least_4_of_my_5_children/

Well, I'm glad you admit what it is, at least. Don't piss down my back and tell me it's "a change in perspective of hydration" or some shit.

What this guy said. It's a bitter thing.

A lot of people on Jow Forums.

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Well why wouldn't they enjoy themselves if they're in a position to do it?
I'm not saying that the thots you all fear and whine about don't exist; they certainly do. But why do they all absolutely have to fit that archetype?

I often find myself wondering if I'm delusional, but then I find stuff like this that reminds me I'm not quite there. Cheers, m8. I'll have some of whatever you're smoking

I know who?


They're more than welcome to do what they want. But actions have consequences, and you can't expect men to just accept you because you "changed".

>Its the 4th virgin I've been with too.
And yet they date faggots like you. What a world we live in.

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>4 years
>got invested in another man
>I don't think it was because she was not a virgin
>I was the first person to make her cum
>which = taking her virginity

I think he's saying being the first person to make her cum is better than taking her V card.

I think she was lying about that.

They want a guy who isn't afraid to talk to them. To grab them by the waist like they've never felt. Just be a man and go get your own dude. If I'm such a faggot, whats stopping you?

She got invested in him because whenever she talked to me about her depression I just said whatever. This dude was also depressed and sympathized with her. But honestly, I knew it was coming to an end. I just didn't fight it because I knew how many other girls would be interested in me, bad mistake but whatever.

I'm saying both are bullshit, but yeah, especially the part about him being the first to make her cum

Nah she wasn't because I saw on her phone one day how she was talking to her friend about it. Thats how I know it was true.

Why do you see it as settling? I find it an interesting choice of words, it's like you believe that the only reason a woman would be with you is because she can't get any better anymore? Does this not reflect your own sense of worth then?

Don't reeee at me, I'm genuinely interested. Of course no one likes an actual hoe but in reality most grown people go through a few relationships.

Believe what you want. I'm happy you have the capacity to experience young and prime pucc, making it more difficult for everyone else. You're fulfilling your biological role and I applaud that. But, to think a 4 year relationship where she ends up dating a drug dealer is long term or not at all related to her having been with several guys before you shows a degree of removal from reality

If you can't accept them, it's fine. No one really blames you, except for whoever's being spurned.

If you let someone you can accept go purely because of your ego? You will be the one to regret it.

Women, naturally, want as many attractive men to cum in them as possible. It's a natural breeding strategy. Some men want women who can control their natural urges, and the temptation of "fun" at the expense of integrity. I'll die alone before I settle for a woman with more than 1 previous partner

Well she's gay now and dating a girl. So I really doubt it was the dudes she slept with at this point.

Oh, it gets even better. Holy fuck kek

>Why do you see it as settling?
Because if she could, I bet she would agree to have kids and be with the alpha male she has fun with. But he's a hot commodity, so she has competition.
>It's like you believe that the only reason a woman would be with you is because she can't get any better anymore?
I believe what reality shows me, man. How it impacts my self worth doesn't really matter, since it allows me to see things in somewhat of an objective manner. You'd be foolish to believe the fairy tale "SOMEONE WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU FOR YOU" thing.

>Of course no one likes an actual hoe but in reality most grown people go through a few relationships.
I haven't. Call it incel, call it NEET, call it whatever, but I'm 25 and have gone through my life not experiencing it.

Because it's kind of silly, and appears to some as judgemental.
Its like if you wanted to get into sports at 25 when you've never played sports before in your entire life, and demand that you only play with other people who have never played.

You're going to have a goddamn hard time finding that type of person.

But it's loaded too because there is a strong implication, even if YOU don't think like this (thanks to certain others who want virgins) that it's wrong for other people to have done this already

Back to sports analogy, it's like youre pissed off and resentful for other people for "having fun" because you never did. It's dumb

But waits theres more! She even tried to an hero.

That's not surprising. She is a broken woman and person more generally. Oh well

I never denied what it was, I was talking about how someone's thoughts and values can change over time. Are you just deliberatly obfuscating the point to be difficult?

Which is why is exactly best to not even play the game if you don't start when everyone else did

Tbh I doubt they care whether you accept them or not.

>Because it's kind of silly, and appears to some as judgemental.
It is judgemental. I'll admit that.
>Its like if you wanted to get into sports at 25 when you've never played sports before in your entire life, and demand that you only play with other people who have never played.
But that seems reasonable? Unless you also want all your players to be 25.

>But it's loaded too because there is a strong implication, even if YOU don't think like this (thanks to certain others who want virgins) that it's wrong for other people to have done this already

>Back to sports analogy, it's like youre pissed off and resentful for other people for "having fun" because you never did. It's dumb
That doesn't make sense.

But they seem to when other men do, because there are as many complaints about "slut-shaming" from sluts as there are complaints about women from incels. I know they don't care if I accept them or not. I'm not in the dating pool, and probably won't pass on my genes. But from a place of compassion, it's easy enough to see that somethings are engaged in when the outcomes are obfuscated and that they might have consequences those people weren't expecting

That they certainly do; I guess we agree there.
Tbh I myself sometimes wonder how much of this is just wishful thinking on my own part; trying my best to not have the bitter incel's mindset.

I user to be a hardcore incel. I hated women, society more generally. Now I just hate civilization and evil. I think all actions have consequences on others, and when everyone is having casual sex, the quality of relationships deteriorate, and society slowly decays from the bottom. I want nothing more than this destructive and poisonous mode of civilization to end, but that doesn't mean I want each and every social structure to die as well. Strong relationships, and therefore families form the basis of all successful nations and produce the best individuals overall. Whatever happens in one place ends up impacting me somehow. It's disingenuous to think otherwise, although I don't necessarily believe in forcing people to act a certain way. We will collectively face destruction if that's what we choose


Listen OP, I'm not trying to make any accusations. But I think you're just extremely insecure at your own lack of experience.

Because I've never met a well-experienced guy who seems to give a shit about the girl's body count.

I used to be the same. With my last girlfriend I was a bit bothered by her having more partners than me. She was my second, I was her 9th guy. That really fucked me up for a while, but soon I managed to get over it because I loved her, but more importantly because I realized the only reason this bothered me was because while I thought her and I were going to spend the rest of our lives together (lmao) I thought "Fuck, I'm going to have spent my whole life only having been with two girls"

We broke up for other reasons about 5 months ago, but once I started sleeping around, I felt a lot better. Only at four now. But I know that the sex is making me feel "better" in the sense that I'm more "experienced"

It's absolutely retarded, but hey sometimes we're slaves to it social things like this. I felt like less of a man for having less partners than my ex.

Well, if you still wanted to get married before, you won't after reading that. Holy shit that is demoralizing.

Okay that I'm in complete agreement with.

Thinking that way leads to this postulate:
>there is no reason to marry a girl who is not a virgin
This scares the average slut. What are they supposed to do if they can't tie down a man after riding the cock carousel? Therefore, they preemptively counterattack and argue that wanting to marry a virgin is "creepy". Stay true to yourself user, if someone's promiscuous past makes you not want to be with them then do not spend time with them.

Because whores don't like being judged for their stupid decisions, men who do the same see it as a good thing, and cucks don't want to admit that they accepted some used up slut.

That's basically it, the reason people are so defensive is because you point out something that deep down they feel badly about.

Just ignore it, sex should be reserved for marriage/long term scenarios. It's no coincidence that its always been seen that way. Humans didn't suddenly transcend the need to self restraint after the sexual revolution.

The most primal fear.

>men mention how a concern of theirs is that a woman they go on a date with will be overly picky, judgemental and/or untrustworthy
>women rebut by saying their concern is that when they go on a date with a man he might murder her
>meanwhile hardly any men murder their dates, but loads of women are always doing thot shit
Gotta love dem smokescreens.

ITT: kissless virgins who have learned everything they know about women from other basement-dwellers of Jow Forums.

>be fuck up alone well in to his 20s
>expects to find perfect virgin qt
It's not reasonable, lad. You're overvaluing yourself. You can still find someone who isn't a broken slut but expecting to find someone who has never even had a relationship is pretty stupid.

It mostly comes down to your fear of your own inexperience.

>it's like youre pissed off and resentful for other people for "having fun" because you never did
That's exactly how it is, and it's eating away at me from the inside. God, I wish they'd all die.

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Are you a virgin yourself and want the "no sex before marrige" thing? If you are, then you could probably find someone with the same idea, since there is a market for that sort of thing

Are you just un-experienced in relationships and sex and feel inadequate when with a woman who is? If you are, then I'd suggest just getting more experience with dating people and having sexual partners. ( I'm trying hard to avoid using the term "incel" since I think it is a bit harsh and I was in a similar unhealthy mindset some years ago - getting actually out there and getting with people helped me a lot to get better)

>but I want us to go down that road together.
Even as someone who prefers a guy with about the same experience as myself, it can be a dangerous way to think.

If you are the same, have the same, think the same, and experience the same, the relationship won't work. Not long term. There is a need for disparity between two people, so if you aim to get someone as close to your level in every single aspect, you will be very disappointed in a few years time.

I completely understand your romantic idea of delving into the mysterious world of love and sex together, and not be dragged along as if your partner is just a tour guide trying to quickly power level you to her level, but it is just very important to not go for someone too identical to yourself.

>Loyal, virgin women do not exist. Rejecting used up cum dumpsters should be praised.
So there is no good women in your opinion? Then you might be gay, user.

Do you actually believe this?

It's not shameful it's just insecure. Deep down you're projecting on her because you think you won't be able to sexually mog other men. It's weak and low test. You know and you alone know if you can make her cum. 'She's just settling for me' = 'I think I can't be good enough for her because deep down I think I'm a shit lover.'

You need to think more highly of yourself/not take the easy route.

It's one thing to refuse whores for casual sex. It's another to do it for longterm relationships. There is no benefit to dating an "experienced" girl over a virgin when it comes time for kids or anything other than pleasure, really.

>It's absolutely retarded, but hey sometimes we're slaves to it social things like this. I felt like less of a man for having less partners than my ex.
And you've hit the nail on the head as to why I don't give a shit my gf has had more partners than my 1 (her). It's social slave, herd morality.

Hey. Dumbass. What happens if your girl is your pure virgin waifu and then you end up fighting and you don't work out and you have to break it off or vice versa?

This scorpion and the frog bullshit is dumb; you all want virginal waifus but at the same time have high standards that you probably wouldn't wanna commit to someone forever if you took her virginity and it started to not work out.

So, if I date a whore and it starts to not work out, that's OK? I'm not following this line of attack

How does having dignity = herd mentality? If anything, it's the opposite. I'm supposed to be there to clean up the "self-discovery" phase.

There's no detriment either. If a girl loves YOU and wants kids with YOU she'll not care about her previous partners and I say this as someone that fucking hates casual sex. This again comes down to insecurity. Most guys will be like 'nuh uh I value myself MORE'. No, you don't. You think she must want you as a husband because you're broken or whatever. Don't kid yourself, I see this mentality on Jow Forums all the time.

Everyone has a 'self-discovery' phase nowadays. Men and women. If they're not virgins then they will have had boyfriends/girlfriends. You can blame the sexual revolution and move on with your life and have a girl devoted to you and let her teach the next generation to have more restraint or you can die on that hill, alone, and blame degeneracy. Women are social creatures, they'll listen to you if you're confident and you don't have that 'abloobloo I'm just her beta provider pity me :(' mentality.

Huh, interesting. While I'm sure there are people like you describe, what I'm getting at is that a woman who has a high partner count won't make good moms. It would seem, then, that knowing her count and taking that into consideration would matter for a ltr

Wow, enlightening.

What benefit is there to dating a virgin? That's right, none.


It can be the opposite of a benefit; now she'll remember you forever and hate you if it doesn't work out, so there's more pressure to make a struggling relationship work when it ought not to.

This. Imagine trying to make relationships work

Just an incel fantasy like usual

OP why the fuck do you care? Are you a sperglord who's never touched another woman so you get jealous at the thought of your gf having ex's?

Personally, if a woman is 25 and has no initmate experience, that's a red flag. You want a sweet spot. Obv if a 20 yr old has fucked 20 guys, that's a massive red flag too. Ideally you'd want a girl who's had some experience being in a relationship and had some experience dating, so that she knows what she wants and what she wants is you.

if a girl has never dated a guy before, she'll never have had a guy tell her to stop doing stupid shit, like demanding you spend all your attention on her all day long every day, and you'll be the first guy telling her that. It will be exhausting.

Most of the motivation for wanting a virgin girl comes off as gross. If you're old and inexperienced, it feels like you're desperately trying to relive a kind of sexual development that you missed the boat on. A lot of people have fucked and dated when they're in their 20s, people will live their lives independent of how you lived your own. Just because you're jealous you didn't get to have that virginal teenage experience doesn't make people feel sympathy for you, it just makes you look sad and not worth the trouble.

Or, it suggests extremely low-self esteem, that the only reason a girl could be with you is if she's never had another guy's dick. It simultaneously lowers yourself and worth while absolving you of the responsibility if a girl ditches you - in other words, if she leaves, it's because her natural inclination to pick a "better" man, as opposed to you owning the fact that maybe you just... suck, and need to work on yourself.

People tend to want matched experiences, but if you're a virgin at 25+ with little or no dating experience, you probably missed that boat. In other words, these "whores" are not the ones that have to settle here, it's probably you.

I think what most guys want is a 19 year old virgin, not a 25 year old cum dump

You're right. But if I'm fine never settling, and am willing to die alone, no one will care, correct?

Nobody shames a guy for wanting and untouched girl. Thats a preference, its not good or bad. However, its none of your business what a woman does and its ridiculous if you try to condemn her for her preference. All you have to do is not choose her, just keep walking, keep searching, no one, especially the woman is twisting your arm to make you do what you do not want to do.

People always care. Society is built on micromanaging and pressuring each other, you can't escape that. You probably won't have the life experience necessary to connect with other human beings in later age groups, either. For example, if you're determined to die alone, you're probably not going to be invited to Bob and Martha's cookout with all the other married couples with kids in your mid-40s. If you're hellbent on dying alone, you're just going to have to accept that people will "care" throughout your literal entire existence.

Ok. So it'll be how it's been. I'm fine with that. I'm used to it and have been molded by it. Thanks, mate

>you are either a virgin or a slut
>virgins are disloyal scum, and sluts aren't worth your time
>n.. not gay btw

Well, nothing stops you from fucking either. There is a major difference between casual sex and meaningful relationships. All women are fine for the former while none are good for the latter


What a sad existence you must live, man. You have my pity.

>but if you're a virgin at 25+ with little or no dating experience, you probably missed that boat. In other words, these "whores" are not the ones that have to settle here, it's probably you.
Imagine believing this.

>if you don't fuck around, you're broken

If you're implying reality is sad, then I tend to agree with you.


Unless you're very religious, virginity has little inherent value today. We can prevent and/or treat most STIs/STDs, we have paternity tests, and we have birth control. There is no incentive for the modern world to hold onto their virginity outside of a strong moral motivation. If your excuse is anything but, "I didn't have sex because I believe sex before marriage is a sin and wrong," you will find little grounds for connecting with others.

Toasty or a cuck, I can't tell👌

>getting married

>wanting to connect with others
I don't want my life partner choice to be influenced by "others" who are retarded drones that go wherever the carrot is held

You’re honestly better off asking questions like this on Jow Forums
There are so many bitter roasters and guys dating whores, most replies are just people trying to make themselves feel better about their life