Be gay boy

>be gay boy
>tell a close friend of mine not to be creeped out, but that I have feelings for him
>he tells me not to worry, that he isn't creeped out at all, that he finds it sweet and very flattering
>I tell him that I'm relieved to hear that
>he goes ":)" and then changes the subject to something else without telling me what his feelings are

I don't know what just happened. Was I subtly turned down?

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It was an obvious rejection, OP
god I can’t wait til it gets banned again

>Was I subtly turned down?

Yes. Move on, he's uncomfortable. Don't keep pushing it

I won't push it... thanks...
... I'm kind of sad now.

Just tell him, if he needs his dick sucked, you'll be there.


Say as long as you have a face he'll have a place to sit. then let it go except when he gets dumped.

He's a good friend to have taken it this way. He may not want his dick sucked, but keep him close. Good friends are rare.

He turned you down. Don't try to date friends; take it from a dipshit whose friend group no longer exists due to all the weird relationship entanglements. You're always better off taking chances on strangers because you won't be losing a friend if the relationship fails.

you got turned down lol, I've been hit on twice and in my life both came out to me. One time I didn't think anything of it the other was concerning since I was the only 7 outta 10 at that school. I gave em the ol "well thats your choice and I'll respect it despite not agreeing with it" routine.

Kys literal faggot op

Are you stupid? Of course he turned you down, he felt uncomfortable but was being polite. Clearly he values your friendship but he's not in to you, probably not gay.

you were turned down.
and hes a good friend.
he dont want you hurt by saying something that turn you down.

Why do gays never get the message when they are rejected? Why do they think they can convert a straight guy into being gay?

OP here. He actually raised the subject again himself (I didn't plan to bring it up again). He said "I'm sorry, Thomas. I'm straight, so I can't feel the same way for you that you feel for me. It sucks. You have a great personality and I'd gladly date you if I swung that way. I hope I don't you too much by saying this. I understand if you ever want to distance yourself from me because of this, but if not, I really enjoy spending time with you and talking to you and am honored to be your friend."

Good, now never attempt it again with him.

What makes you think I would? ._. Everyone has the right to confess their feelings once, but only once. That's how I feel anyway...

How long have you known him?

Op you should be my pretend GF.

No sexual constant just cuddles.

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He's very sweet. And you are lucky to have him as a friend thomas-chan.

You did the right thing user. I'm glad you got your feelings out. Maybe try dating in a good scene? Either online or IRL?

What happened was he's not gay, so it didn't even occur to him that you were fishing for reciprocity.

>Why do they think they can convert a straight guy into being gay?
happened to me kinda :D

Rev up that HRT

>Was I subtly turned down?

It really doesn't work like that. Having your body be something other than you want for one specific person is really uncomfortable.


It was direct. Life isn't a rom com.

Actually a based as fuck friend, keep this motherfucker close because he will be there for you when you need it.

i have a huge fear that my best friend who is bi will say he loves me, because he's been dating this kid who's personality matches the one i had when we first became friends perfectly, it's scary really
if he did i have no idea how i'd continue that relationship, i've brushed off and overlooked a lot of his shit but thinking about that happening makes me sweat

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That’s a ridiculous and unfounded fear, it’s probably just your own ego more than anything

Why do modern fags always post moeshit? Start being manly, for Paul's holiness. I miss guys like Tom of Finland, whose self-confidence shines as brightly as their leather-suits in the sun; instead we have little fags, who spend all their time watching anime, and crying themselves to sleep with a fucking butt-plug plucked into their arse! Village People and Freddie Mercury were dominant Men with a big M. These modern animefags are so pathetically submissive, that even they fantasise of being a girl.

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No, you were obviously turned down.

You need the seering light of god gayboi