One of my bullies from high school wants to be friends. He stalked and tormented me the entire four years...

One of my bullies from high school wants to be friends. He stalked and tormented me the entire four years. Would it be petty to hold a grudge and say I don't want to be friends? We graduated in 2014, so this was the fairly distant past.

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It's ok to forgive, but completely normal not to forget.
I've refused to add or follow my middle school bullies for over 10 years. We've all moved on and made our lives, but I feel I don't owe them shit.
If you haven't seen him since, just reject the invite.

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If all your memories of this person are of them being a wanker then it's perfectly understandable that you don't want to know them. Just tell them.

I just thought that maybe it would be petty to begrudge someone for things they did as a kid. He's 23 now and was 14-18 during the years he bullied me

It's not petty to dislike those that made your school life hell. Just deny the request and move on.

That's a cute Goofy

I don't think it's petty. You can't just make someone's life hell for years on end and then expect them to forget about it.

No, don't invite people into your life that aren't good for you. We have so little time on this earth. Cherish it.

What if the bully in question had bullied OP during preschool and kindergarten? Would he not deserve forgiveness despite being 4-6 years old at the time?

Does it really matter? You don't have to be friends with every person you know, especially not with people you dislike.

I dunno. In my scenario, even if you don't maintain an active friendship, I think it would only be right to forgive the bully and tell him not be hard on himself. The fact that he was around 5 years old should be a mitigating factor. I wouldn't want him to stew in guilt for something he did as a toddler when I could relieve him of that.

You don't have to give people forgiveness or become friends with them You shouldn't if the situation still bothers you. It doesn't make you a bad person or immature.
You can understand that he maybe bullied you at such a young age that he wasn't truly responsible for his actions while still being upset by them and not wanting to go through painful reminders.
Don't live your life based on what you think you need to do or feel. Forgiveness must be genuine. If you feel it great, if you don't then don't fake it because you feel like the circumstances warrant it.

I have the right to feel my own private emotions no matter what, but my sense of justice and right and wrong would make me feel compelled to tell him that I forgive him in order to relieve his burden, even if it's not entirely the truth and I return to licking my wounds during my own private time. I would feel astoundingly petty and selfish to make a grown adult feel guilty about something they did at the age of four or five.

That's your choice user but you're never going to be the friend to him that you would be if you truly forgave him.

lmao, I always knew Jow Forums's philosophy was "never give anyone a second chance and never care about anyone's feelings besides your own," but this takes the cake

I'm not against forgiveness but I'm against faking it.
But you're obviously a moron or you would have understood that from reading my post. Feel free to think whatever you like as you are clearly unreachable.

>second chances after something as deliberately malicious and insidious as bullying
Now that's onions af, beta-boy

"I'm sorry, but my memories of you are all unhappy ones and I do not wish to add to them. Please do not contact me again"

people change over time, he could be a completely different person now. you dont have to be friends but cant hurt in catching up with him even for a one off

Sometimes this does hurt and fucks you up.
But it depends on you, and how bad whatever happened was.

Tell him to fuck off and lick your penis and nutsack

He bullied you to feel superior and now seeks your forgiveness to once again feel better about himself. If something similar happened to me I'd cut him off and ignore him. I don't want the living turd back in my life.

What a weirdo.
Block him

He just wants to send you a cheap apology message to boost his little ego. Why help him with that? Ignore and move on.

go away christcuck