Normie roommate goes outside with his friends every night to smoke weed behind the dorm

>normie roommate goes outside with his friends every night to smoke weed behind the dorm
>comes back stinking every single night with bloodshot eyes and stupid
>it fucking stinks
>stoner friends keep coming around
>wait until he leaves for class
>go in his desk and see a bag of marijuana
>call campus security
>he gets kicked out of the dorms (but NOT out of school)
>everyone on the floor is pissed at me, blocked/unfriended me on all social media
>someone wrote "narc" on my the whiteboard on my door

How am I in the wrong? We shared a room and him having pot in there could get ME in trouble. Why should I take that risk just because he wants to get le epic high with his normie friends and roasties all the time? How do I convince people that I'm the good guy here?

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If you werent asocial weirdo, you would hang out with them and broaden your social circle. Instead you managed to get yourself on normies blacklist: nobody likes snitches. Nobody.

what the fuck

because you are an asshole. let the kid be a kid. if you are a stuckup cunt then be it somewhere else. he's not hurting or harming you, he was even decent enough to leave the room to smoke.

>How do I convince people that I'm the good guy here?
you already fucked up you bitch ass snitch. chad should beat your ass

Because you've shown yourself to be a tool of authority instead of a friend of rebellious freedom. You're the nazi sympathizer, the communist secret police informant, the guy who didn't want Johnny Cash on the Grand Ol Opry because his sideburns were too long.

Did you talk to him about how the smell bothers you at any point?
Did you try using incense or air freshener to cover the smell in the room?
The likely hood of him having been "caught" was pretty minimal since a majority of people that enforce the rules don't actually care about weed unless they have too, like when someone makes a report like this.
He is probably out all the money he paid for that dorm and has to pay for another place to live because you didn't like the smell and couldn't be bothered to speak to him about it like a normal human being you autist narc

>I'm supposed to smell that shit and inhale the fumes while they smoke, and get the negative side-affects of weed like onset psychosis.

Imagine fucking up your life over a drug that doesn't even provide a decent high. Fuck off.

He didn't fuck up his life. You did. And everyone knows it.

Consequently, you'll be avoided the rest of your time in the dorms.


dude its like calling the cops on some kids in a dorm because of drinking alcohol....

There is no such thing as a second hand high you brainlet. Have fun being hated in college when you should be making friends. Op is a fag as usual

you deserve what u get. that kid was just getting along like you’re trying to and you fuck him up bc “uhh my nose” jesus fuck

Fucking Snitch

OP is a total piece of shit. They will out you to everyone in school. Right now it's just the dorm room, next week the entire college will know. You ruined your college experience. No friends. No girlfriends. Who would want to be around a snitch? Just quit college and go back to living in your mom's basement. That's all life has left to offer you.

This. Snitches get stitches, nigger. You deserve to be beaten up in an alleyway and taught a real life lesson.

Should have put poison in it or something

Retards itt don't know there are times to snitch else society falls apart as nobody does anything about evil but in this case, you should have tried communicating first and worked something out between you two. And you won't be seen as the good guy.

Snitching faggot get fucked, you're no fun, you deserve what you got and more, fucker.

Hope this is b8, you deserve a nightstick up the rectum

look at all the pot smoking 'i am le rebellion' faggots in this thread.
OP has morally done nothing wrong, but of course the weed smoking sheep have to attack anyone who doesnt get along with their habits, lest they have to admit that they are destructive.

obvious troll thread

You didn't do anything wrong. I know all about the smell, living in a literal ghetto. I would call the cops, but I'm not sure there's a law against Marijuana here anymore. Fuck the people who do it without considering how it affects others. He learned actions have consequences. Boo fucking hoo

You should have tried to talk to him first. Communication is one of the most important life skills.

>talk to a weed breed
I don't think they can hear anything when they're high, which is constantly and so it's useless to talk to them. Coming from experience

You did nothing wrong. He broke the rules and got caught. It's his own damn fault for not knowing his situation. Ethically you should have tried talking to him about it. When he refused then you call security. Dont break the rules and you wont face the consequences.

This, but what ethical theory are you on, my dude? You might be talking more about honor.

kys you bootlicking faggot

>Imagine fucking up your life over a drug that doesn't even provide a decent high. Fuck off.
The only psychosis anyone has is you having paranoia over a herb that has been even grown and consumed by George Washington.

You inhale way more "toxic" fumes when you stand next to a car at a crossroad, use house cleaners like bleach, pour gasoline in your car or make a BBQ, than of a fucking joint you retard mong. How are you even in college, if you aren't even able to comprehend such simply facts.

>Imagine fucking up your life over a drug that doesn't even provide a decent high.
Imagine attempting to ruin someones life because of "stop liking and doing things that i don't like". Man child

This is why tanks are better. None of that awful smell.

While I agree with you, I have to say you took the wrong action. You could have solved this some other way. Now you really fucked up, move schools or deal with being the snitch for the rest of college.

College is for experimentation and learning. You just screwed yourself completely because you called someone out on stuff that was none of your business. If you're too much of a bitch to talk to the person about your insecurities, then should you even be there? Try a Christian school they will treat you better, till you rat them out for something. Or maybe make friends with the criminal justice fags. They are the only people who will give you the positive feedback you were hoping to hear. You will definitely be vilified and looked down on the rest of your time at your current college.

How the fuck do you get to college and not know nobody likes snitches unless someone is literally about to die?

>being subjected to smell of a dying animal isn't any of my business

>all these coping stoners

You did good.

People in college suck. They are in the age that smoking weed is cool and all that. However, because you snitched, almost everyone will hate you, but maybe someone who shares the same thoughts as you may reach you.

My advise would be, make friends outside of college

> Opened roommates drawer

You fucked up and aren’t a good guy. They should hate you.

You have fucked all of the friendships that you may have had there.

Your lifes fucking over, kermit sewercide

nice copypasta
>people unironically falling for this bait

You invaded his privacy and didn't even mention any good reasons to be a cunt in your post. Ya dun goofed, and are probably the least interesting person on campus.

I eagerly look forward to your posts on here in a year or two about how girls always go for douchebags and not "nice guys" like you, when the reality is your self-serving, nosy, and unpleasant.


It's just some weed lmao you sound like an up tight prick

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I've known people like you who go either two ways. They get a little older and life rounds them a bit and they chill the fuck out. They can't believe they used to have such weird thought patterns. Or they move next door to their mother and stay there until they are 40+ and then when their dad dies they move in with their mother and spend most of the weekend getting enraged about people parking outside or shit like trees dropping leaves near their property.

His behaviour bothered you and you didn't talk to him. You could have switched rooms, figured something out, but no. You just snitched on him. People do shit wrong all the fucking time, the best you can do is be courageous enough to confront them and try and put your point of view across. Maybe you win, maybe you lose, maybe you just learn something and change your mind or decide that it doesn't matter as much as you thought. But you have to speak up or else fuck you.

How do they know it was you? Can't you just deny it?

Lol autism ladies and gentlemen. You deserve to be hated you little fucking rat.

You did the right thing. Stoners suck

>buying into Reaganware because thinking for yourself is tough
You got two options no matter what
Either you own it and live with the fact that nobody likes what you did, or you keep bitching and make everything infinitely worse for yourself by being the narc-coward combo.
It does not matter if you like weed because nobody wants to be around you since protocol is more important than practicality for you. They know you'll put procedure and rules above them anytime of the week so they're all pretty done with you.

Like I said live with it or bitch about it, but don't expect the latter to help.

You deserve the hate. I despise normies and everything, but sniching a "friend' its a lower hit.

Let people enjoy whatever shit they like. If they bother you, talk it out like a man instead of telling mommy about it like a whinny faggot.

Your only option is to buy him an oz to make up for it.

Fucking narc

Narc Pussy .. its college, have some fun

Holy fuck look at all the new fags.
This is old as time copy pasta.
Fuck off and leave.

>all these newfags falling for old bait

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Shut up you nigger

Stoners in this thread:

dw op you did the right thing. I used to live with stoners, they are all self serving assholes who don't care about anything except weed

but it's Jow Forums
what the fuck else should we reply to?

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Off yourself maggot

It's over