30 year male at the end of my rope

30 year old male at the end of my rope. I honestly just wish for my life to end at this point. Everything in my life has gone wrong and not a single good thing has ever happened to me. Studied two university degrees in IT and business and most recently studied a Diploma of Nursing to be a qualified EN.

But of course that diploma seems to have been a waste of time since apparently graduate nurses can't find work and a big part of it is because my Australia's government has imported a horde of foreign nurses from Africa, the Indian subcontinent, and South East Asia. Grads are going to England in a attempt to find work.

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Here's a another thing I absolutely hate nursing when I studied it. On every single practical I went on I was overly stressed and miserable. I only stuck with it due to a hope I would find something I enjoyed about it. That and also I led to believe it was possible to make a reliable career out it.

Another thing I have never had a GF, not once has a woman ever shown any form of interest. I of course have my height to thank for this since my height of 5'3" marks me as a genetic dead end. The only advantage I would have in relationship with a girl at my age with my lack of experience. Is that I would know she is settling and to be not surprised when she cheats and just accept it when it happens.

Of course I had to lose my virginity when I was 22 to a hooker since that was the only option.

As employment desperately trying to find work. But I know at my age and that fact I'm white male it is working against me. Plus there is the halo effect meaning my height means I'm automatically seen as incompetent

Is it possible for my life to improve or am I absolutely buggered? Also Before you ask about my previous job area it was marketing and digital marketing. And I did enjoy that field but work opportunities in my area of Australia, Western Australia is lacking at the moment thanks to the state of the economy.

There is not a single night that goes by that I don't have fleeting thoughts about hanging myself or throwing myself head first off a elevated car park. I'm just so tired.

Once again the question is how fucked am I in regards to improving my life or is it even possible?

I’m not telling you to kill yourself, so don’t do that. But in the unfortunate case that you do please make it known that your heigh had a role in it. Maybe it’ll make moves toward short guys being less fucked in life.

Happy April Fools!!!!!!

>I honestly just wish for my life to end at this point.
>30 years old
Don't worry user, you're almost there

nurse here

we are all trained to assess and evaluate people for medical health....we can tell if youre there for the money

i live in california and putting in an application means getting an interview.

putting in 5 applications neans getting a job and having to ghost 3 employers

But I'm in OZ.

>please make it known that your heigh had a role in it.
Oh trust me I will.

Who the fuck cares if they enjoy it as long as they can do their tasks.

>On every single practical I went on I was overly stressed and miserable.
Why did you do it then?

Desperately want work.

I’d say if you’re going to kill yourself anyway, move out of australia to some place that has more job oppertunities that suit you. I mean, what do you have to lose?

Holy shit Jow Forums is a small place sometimes. 25 here, studying to be an EN in WA too. Why were your pracs bad? Bad facilitator? Height related issues?

And I hate to recommend it but did you look at working as a aged carer first if you're an EN?

Plus if you had two degrees in IT and marketing, maybe you should have taken that over to the eastern states. Or committed to a few years working rural.

Seems like you need to consider going to California then

>you had two degrees in IT and marketing, maybe you should have taken that over to the eastern states
I honestly would if I had the money to do so.

keep on sending applications then hop over if you get a successful interview

But the whole money issue.

>Bad facilitator
Oh yeah real bad absolutely destroyed my confidence. Also just stressful placements in general. Also you know there is no work in nursing right now right?

>And I hate to recommend it but did you look at working as a aged carer first if you're an EN?
Oh god no I couldn't do that.

Join the army


I'm just gonna hope for the best, lecturers love me being a >male nurse, hopefully do well enough a hospital likes me, I know the aged care facility liked me enough they'd give me a job but I'd have to trade away my soul and prematurely empty my give-a-genuine-fuck reserves

depending on how bad your money situation is have you tried going for RN then joining the ADF as a nurse as said? being 5'3 sucks but at the end of the day no ADF nurse is gonna be anywhere near combat

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