I’m going through puberty and I’m very self conscious about my breasts.
What cup size would you say is too big? What the ideal?
Please be brutally honest
I’m going through puberty and I’m very self conscious about my breasts.
What cup size would you say is too big? What the ideal?
Please be brutally honest
Intelligent men prefer small breasts, dumb men prefer large ones.
I'm serious, just open your eyes.
If you're only going through puberty I'm gonna assume you're quite young. As a guy, I can't speak from a woman's perspective, but when I was going through puberty I was VERY self conscious, which is the vibe I'm getting from your post. Boobs are fine in all shapes and sizes, as long as they aren't so big that they cause you back pain. Don't worry about this kind of shit, and as hard as it can be, try not to let the perception of others have such a huge influence on your self esteem. My two cents anyway.
Just realised that you literally said in you're post that you're "very self conscious". Jesus I need to go to bed.
This is a 18+ board
Also OP, every breast size is ideal. Guys have different tastes just like women so don't worry about it.
I’m 19
Ok, what cup size on would you consider “big”?
Then stop being immature and still having the same worries you had as a 15yo. No one cares. You still have the same chances of finding real love.
Are you worried that your boobs aren't big enough?
Breasts are breasts, any size is the best!
Flat chests are atractive , big breasts are atractive , anything in between is too, its not like with dicks where the size affects the quality
DD's are where the back problems start.
Lose weight.
Breast size is very low on my list of important physical characteristics in a woman. I like pics and videos of women with big boobs, but in terms of girls I actually want to get with, it's basically inconsequential.
Anything between B - D is fine for most men. But even if you're totally flat there will be plenty of guys who are into that.
Men are easy, don't worry about it.
D is the standard perfect size, but like everything it is subjective. I don't consider my preferences at all the norm, but I actually like B and C the best, and anything over D is gross to me.
OP, your breasts are going to be fine no matter what. But let me tell you, as a femanon, MAKE SURE you find a bra that fits. That will make all the difference, and is often the deciding factor between pain and no pain, hating them and liking them.
If you're still growing, avoid underwire and use bras that don't have cups until the size stabilizes.
Also, remember that cup size is relative. A C and an F can be massively different because it depends on the band size. Pic related is a guide.
And keep these two around for when you need to find a bra that fits.
this thread can't be right.
In every thread men are fretting about their height and dick size but for breasts it's simply "anything is fine"?
Yeah, men got the short end of the stick. More news at 11.
I promise, women care a lot less about dick size than men do. Men are insecure about their dicks, women are insecure about their breasts. And of course there's going to be people who are assholes about someone else's body, but they are not the majority.
90% of the women I know think dick size is unimportant, especially when compared to things like skill with hands and tongue.
>I promise, women care a lot less about dick size than men do
I don't know about that...
yeah ive had a girl literally cry to me, having a crisis about what would happen if she fell in love with a guy with a 6 inch dick. I just dont really believe that
I know you have no reason to believe an user on Jow Forums, but at least among all the women I know, dick size does not matter to the majority. I can think of literally one woman who actually cares about a big dick.
Hell, most of the women I know don't even want a giant dick because it're more likely to hit the cervix and hurt. Average is what is desired.
Womens standards for men are exacting and multifaceted. Men care about 3 things:
>Is she cute?
>Is she fat?
>Is she a bitch?
Never met a man who wouldn't date a girl who he thought was cute, not fat, and not a bitch.
are you a man? i guessing they are trying to be nice to you
But a 6 inch dick is above average wtf
Nope. I'm a femanon.
this thread is about breast size. feel free to talk about dick size somewhere else
I like them small.
I mean i like them all but genuinely i just love me some perky A cups
are D cups too big for most guys?
Even if women don't actually care about dick size, it doesn't mean they won't use it against you. I've heard women mock men for having small dicks. Never heard a man mock a woman for having small tits. Dick size is also private, where as breast size is evident.
That is absolutely fair. Didn't mean to derail the thread.
I dont think so, i mean i would be fine if i had gf with d cups. But like a previous user said as long as you aint fat i would date you.
Thats literally my only physical red line, so is most mens.
No, the fuck? It's the gold standard. There is no such thing as boobs too big unless you have some disgusting amounts of plastic surgery, or if your breast size is due to you being fat. In which case it's not your boobs, it's your body.
your tits are not going to grow when you're 19. might as well work with what you got.
D is already pretty big
then why are you complaining? D's are the holy grail of titties
Size doesn't matter, as long as they have nipples they're fine
>especially when compared to things like skill with hands and tongue
this is true, at least for me i've been in a relationship with someone almost 6" and another 8.5", but i came from oral pretty much. fingering could also just hit the right spots nicer/faster too.
i get insecure because i'm super petite along with a-cups, still have some curve too i mean i guess they fill my bodytype nicely but still. i once caught an ex looking at momokun and it made me feel really bad about myself because i was trying to get intimate with him earlier and he didn't really respond to me until after i caught him.
honestly made me feel so unloved, like wanting to crawl into a little ball and die.
Breasts don't matter as much as ass in 2019
You're my ideal body type so don't worry you're someone's type for sure.
From that description, definitely mine lol..
I Googled momokun and jfc that is disgusting.
D-F is ideal, G is too big, I rarely go for smaller than a C. But that's just my preference, I've been with women with A's and B's that were gorgeous in my eyes.
hey its really simple as long as your stomach isn't bigger than your breast you should be ok
Mine did. Went from an A cup to an 32F cup by 21, but I also didn't have my first period until I was 16 and I think that's why it happened so late.
A nice size to me would be A- lower C anything D+ is a little much for me
men care infinitely more about your partner count than your breast size when it comes to an actual relationship. remember that.
Men generally like them bigger, but the irony of why this type of shit doesn't matter in women like it does in men is because when women are insecure about it, it's cute. When men are insecure it's so bad that it gets blamed when something else is what is actually the turn off. Universally acknowledged, and generally men have a harder time with attracting anyway.
To me a woman is a woman, and a woman has large breasts. Average/small breasts are for loser cuck "men" who can't handle having a genuinely attractive gf
Its personal preference. For me its B>A>C. Everything else is too big and starts to be unattractive.
Is there a version of these meme but for breasts?
Underage b&
>too big
No such thing.
Brutal honesty? There's no point. I'm a B cup, and aside from surgery, that isn't changing, and there was no way to change that outcome. That said, the best you can do is just be healthy. Good diet, exercise, the sort of thing. Those sorts of things will make everything you can change work well.
As far as guys go, I know different fetishs are out there, and most guys will just make do with what they develop feelings for. That said, I'd guess they shoot for a bit above average, with a normal curve after that.
I'm partial to big boobs. My gf wears a 32H bra and her sister barely fits into a 38K, both USA sizes. Neither has back issues because they exercise regularly. If I could put the sister's tits on my gf that would be the perfect woman's physique for me. However, bras in those size ranges are rare, super expensive, and it's nearly impossible to find lingerie or bikinis in stores especially without mixing and matching sizes (like a medium bottom and XXL top). Clothing to the busty is either unintentionally sensual or looks like pajamas.
That said, boobs are boobs- jiggly and warm sacks of fat and breast tissue that are in the way more often than not. Like you're able to tell from this thread there's all sorts of preferences, some even like uneven boobs, so don't be concerned about how big or small or what shape they are and be more concerned with getting a well fitting bra and being comfortable with your body.
Shape and proportion is more important than size.
Breast size doesn't matter to most guys.
What matters is if you are fat or not, intelligent or not, trustworthy or not.
If you want to find out what men find sexually attractive, go to a porn site and look at the young girls on there.
You don't have to watch all the porn, just look at the most popular pornstars and see that all shapes and sizes of boobs are popular with men. Skinny and young is a better description if you look at the most popular ones, but there are some old ones there too, so take that as you want.
I like how this thread essentially became
>we like boobs of sll shapes and sizes
>just be fit, turstworthy, nice to men
I approve this.
>aside from surgery, that isn't changing
find a decent guy, marry him and get pregnant.
That will make em grow.
If you are 19 you finished puberty long ago
There is no such thing as too big, baby girl.
so im fucked if i find cunnilingus absolutely revolting and degrading?
Boobs can slowly continue to grow into the mid 20s and can start again after childbirth (not the usual lactation swell, but an actual growth of breast tissue). The rate typically isn't as fast as during puberty and it doesn't happen to all women, but it does happen. My 24 year old gf went up a cup size over the past 3 years while her band size has stayed the same. No pregnancy and a stable weight the whole time.
Use your hands
If I have to be brutally honest, show us your tits.
Anyway, being honest on the subject, big tits are amazing but only if shaped right. Most really huge tits (and I'd say that is D+ cup size) look legitimately disgusting. Small tits don't.
Doesn't matter because at the end of the day I like having my dick between ugly tits too, but I'm definitely more attracted to tits that look nice.
this. small breasts are better than saggy ones
your friends must be giant nerds then
You sound like a brainlet
Listen to an old man.
Personally, I prefer a pert 34B, but I have encountered everything from totally flat to 44H, and there hasn't been a breast I rejected.
FAR more important than size or shape is sensitivity and the opportunity for me to give you pleasure through them