Should I stop drinking chocolate milk on a regular basis?

Should I stop drinking chocolate milk on a regular basis?

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add cocoa powder and aspartame to non fat yogurt to get your fix.
you can also add aspartame and imitation vanilla extract to skim milk to make it taste great.

That sounds like way too much work

aspartame is terrible for you man

If you fucking like chocolate milk drink that shit , its not causing any of your problems

Balanced diet contains carbs (sugars in your milk), protein (meat basically) and fats (anything like cream, butter, lard, fried stuff).

Actual answer: it depend on how the rest of your diet looks like. Sugar isnt inherently evil unless it is more than 30% of your diet.

>Sugar isnt inherently evil unless it is more than 30% of your diet.

Uh oh. I only eat cereal.

If you're trying to lose weight it could help, choccy milk is pretty calorific. If you keep your whole diet the same and replace your two glasses a day with water you'll start dropping pounds for sure!

Maybe, but it might be difficult because chocolate is a little addicting

Have you hit puberty? Then stop drinking that shit

Why are little kids the only ones allowed to drink chocolate milk?

Because they're too young to know if they're gay.


Just use standard beet sugar, just not much of it.

add Stevia aspartame gives you cancer

You should stop, and start drinking strawberry milk, it's way better in both taste and health (fruit)

iv it instead

You should stop dairy altogether bro. Apart from the moral aspect of animal suffering, milk is linked to a ton of diseases and medical conditions and is now proven to do shit for bone health. There are more and more studies popping up which actually show it's detrimental to bone density + it causes free calcium to float around your blood stream which can clog arteries.

Are you insane? That shit stays in your body forever and nobody has long term studies on it and its suspected to be linked to all kinds of shit. AFAIK it's a derivative of some chemical weapon or fertilizer.

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I'm the same I drink like 2 litres of this chocolate milk everyday.
I'm actually fighting the underweight my imc is 20.

Why not Chocolate whey shake?
Get protein?

Quitting chocolate milk is for the weak and stupid.

why do you need advice about this